Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy 5 weeks until school!

Okay, so that's not a nice thing to remind you. A few things for those loyal readers who may actually read this over the summer as instructed:

1. Next week Abbie and Emily leave for speech camp. I'm sure they will have much fun and lots to share in the fall. Wish them luck and fun, even if only through your minds.
2. About 5 of you have been in contact with me this summer about next season. Some of you have already started writing! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your devotion. You guys rock!
3. The South Activities Fair is Thursday, August 9th at 6:30. Your captains (Mike and Kayla, in case you've forgotten) will be there with me, promoting the speech team and all its glory. Stop by if you're around that night. (I have also taken on the Lit Mag in Ms. Sutton's absence, so I will be splitting my time between the two booths.)
4. I'm officially an old married lady now. I am now Mrs. Heinis (pronounced high-niss). You can call me Mrs. H. if you want, but good riddance to "Dubs".

Hope to see you on the 9th!
Mrs. H.