Friday, May 07, 2010

Thank you!

What a great season we've had! We have broken several of our records, even if it is a short history, it's still impressive. I don't know who all still checks this, but this post is an important one, so I hope a lot. I considered having a meeting to discuss this, but I know everyone is really busy right now.

I am so proud of all the hard work you've done this season and past seasons. Every week you amaze me with your talent and attitude. I am happy to refer to each of you as "my kids".

That being said, I am now moving on. In 7 1/2 months, I'll be having my own kid. Yup. I'm pregnant. And due in January. Thus, I have resigned as your Head Speech Coach. This was a difficult decision, but I know I won't be able to be a good coach and a good mom at the same time. Many coaches are capable of having children and coming right back in a few months or the next season, and I respect them. But I know I will not be able to be one of them.

To answer your question, no, I don't know who will replace me. There will be an interview process soon, I imagine. But, you have amazing captains and assistant coaches. You might not even notice I'm gone.

You've all touched my life in wonderful ways. I'm excited for the great things in your futures. You are a very talented bunch and I know we'll all be hearing great things from the Lakeville South Speech Team!!!!