Friday, May 07, 2010

Thank you!

What a great season we've had! We have broken several of our records, even if it is a short history, it's still impressive. I don't know who all still checks this, but this post is an important one, so I hope a lot. I considered having a meeting to discuss this, but I know everyone is really busy right now.

I am so proud of all the hard work you've done this season and past seasons. Every week you amaze me with your talent and attitude. I am happy to refer to each of you as "my kids".

That being said, I am now moving on. In 7 1/2 months, I'll be having my own kid. Yup. I'm pregnant. And due in January. Thus, I have resigned as your Head Speech Coach. This was a difficult decision, but I know I won't be able to be a good coach and a good mom at the same time. Many coaches are capable of having children and coming right back in a few months or the next season, and I respect them. But I know I will not be able to be one of them.

To answer your question, no, I don't know who will replace me. There will be an interview process soon, I imagine. But, you have amazing captains and assistant coaches. You might not even notice I'm gone.

You've all touched my life in wonderful ways. I'm excited for the great things in your futures. You are a very talented bunch and I know we'll all be hearing great things from the Lakeville South Speech Team!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

State Results and Pictures

Wow! If you didn't come to the state tournament, you missed out. We had a great day! The results are as follows:
Dylan Slinger- CHAMPION, Extemp Speaking (the first in South history; congrats, D-Sling!)
Leema John- 8th, Extemp
Jeff Steinkamp- 8th, Storytelling
Adam Kunkel- 7th, Creative
Maddy Peton- 4th, Poetry

5 medals in a single year is amazing! I'm very proud. Enjoy highlight photos below, courtesy of Stacy Gore.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Junior Meeting

The junior speech team members (you know who you are) will be meeting on Tuesday, April 27th during Cougar time outside Heinis' room. Be there.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We need to get banquet invitations mailed out to your parents. Please come after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday to help address envelopes. Your kindness in volunteering will be rewarded...

Monday, April 19, 2010

State Schedule

And here's the schedule, which I found online:

2010 State Speech Contest Schedule

1:00 p.m.----------------------
Draw Supervisors and Readers Report Time
1:00 p.m.-----------------------
Registration Begins
1:00 p.m.-----------------------
Draw Supervisors and Readers Meeting - Tab Headquarters
1:15 p.m.----------------------
Room Managers Report Time
1:20 p.m.-----------------------
Room Managers Meeting
1:45 p.m.----------------------
Judges Report Time
2:00 p.m.-----------------------
Judges Meeting
2:00 p.m.-----------------------
Draws for Round 1 Begin
2:30 p.m.-----------------------
Start of Round 1 for all Events
3:30 p.m.-----------------------
Draws for Round 2 Begin
4:00 p.m.-----------------------
Start of Round 2 for all Events
5:00 p.m.-----------------------
Draws for Round 3 Begin
5:30 p.m.-----------------------
Start of Round 3 for all events
6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Break for Dinner and Postings
7:15 p.m.-----------------------
Draws for Final Round Begin
7:45 p.m.-----------------------
Championship Finals for all Events
9:30 p.m.-----------------------
Awards Presentation


We have 6 competitors going to State on Friday, April 23. If you would like to come along as a spectator, see me by Thursday, so I can get your name on the list. We'll be leaving school at about 10:15, having lunch somewhere, and round one will start at 2:00. I will excuse you from your classes. OR, you can drive down after school. State is at Gustavus in St. Peter.

IF YOU WANT TO RIDE THE BUS WITH US, YOU MUST TELL ME ASAP. We will not be returning until almost midnight, if not later :-).

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sections Results

WOW! I am so proud of you for the best sections performance EVER! We took second place, which is amazing. Our first section trophy. Here are the individual results:

Abbie Barrett-5th place, OO
William Boutwell-7th place, Storytelling
Luke Braun- 4th place, Creative Ex
Anna Doyle-6th place, Drama
Brittany Ebeling-5th place, Poetry
Madie Gore-3rd place, Creative Ex (headed to State)
Leema John-3rd place, Extemp Speaking (headed to State)
Adam Kunkel- 2nd place, Creative Ex (headed to State)
Grace O'Brien-6th place, Great Speeches
Maddy Peton-2nd place, Poetry (headed to State)
Hayden Rutan-4th place, Humorous
Anselmo Shim-5th place, Extemp Speaking
Dylan Slinger-2nd place, Extemp Speaking (headed to State)
Megan Sperl-7th place, Drama
Jeff Steinkamp-Champion, Storytelling (headed to State)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sections Info

Posted only one day prior, because you were supposed to be a group practice to find all of this out. Alas, if you skipped, you still need the info.

1. Either come to school dressed up or change BEFORE we leave.
2. You will be dismissed at 12:00. This is part way through 4th hour. Don't eat lunch (unless you reeeeaaaalllly want to).
3. We're going to lunch at Applebee's, so bring $$$.
4. Bring $$ for dinner also (or pack a dinner; or bring your leftovers from Applebee's)a
5. We will be home past 11 most likely, but...
6. You MUST be in school on Friday morning. You'll live, I promise.

Interp Opportunity

I received the following email today. Looks like it could be pretty fun!

"My name is Laura Johnson and I am a speech coach at LNHS. I was emailing you in regards to a summer performing program I am working with. I was hoping you could let your wonderful speech students know about the audition on MAY 1st.

The Program is called The Peter Pan Project. The Garage youth center in Burnsville is sponsoring it and the performances will be taking place outside in their park this summer.

We will be casting 15 students ages 13-18. Using the classic story of Peter Pan students will work to create an original version of the fairytale.

I believe this will be a wonderful opportunity for speech students who love performing and creating their own work.

Please visit our website,

Thank you for your time,
Laura Johnson"