Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Eden Prairie Results and South Roster

I got so caught up in prepping for our tournament this weekend, that I forgot to honor our successes at Eden Prairie and give you the South roster. So, below, you will find both.

Michael Berger- 2nd Place, Extemp Speaking
Dan Bungert- 6th Place, O.O.
Adam Kunkel- Novice Champion, Creative Expression
Sarah Rosenthal- 5th Place, Great Speeches
Julie Schmidt- 6th Place, Impromptu; 7th Place, Extemp Speaking
Emily Schwegman- 4th Place, Novice Humorous
Simon Skluzacek- Novice Champion, O.O.

As a team, with ONLY 21 entries, we took 8th out of 29 schools. I think that's pretty darn good!


South Roster:
These people are registered to compete this weekend at OUR tournament. Be here at 7 A.M. in my classroom (A109) for last minute prepping and breakfast. Tourney info will be given at that time.

1.Kayla Anderson
2.Abbie Barrett
3.Mike Berger (double entry)
4.Michelle Bradley
5.Dan Bungert (triple entry)
6.Mick Doyle
7.Danielle Dumonceaux
8.Kori Fideler
9.Lauren Geier
10.Abbie Gudmundson (double entry)
11.Ali Harris
12.John Hilsen
13.Erin Hunecke
14.Joe Julik
15.Alex Kalina
16.Christian Keil (double entry)
17.Adam Kunkel
18.Ryan Longley
19.Chris McNeil
20.Matt Nelson
21.Kati Nylund
22.Zach Panzer
23.Rachel Peterson
24.Starla Rajavuori
25.Sarah Rosenthal
26.Hope Sabroski
27.Julie Schmidt (double entry)
28.Mikaela Schwartz
29.Emily Schwegman
30.Lizzie Schwegman (double (triple?) entry)
31.Joe Shim
32.Simon Skluzacek
33.Melissa Sweere
34.Roslyn Udairam
35.Jillian Vanderveld
36.Jake Verduzco
37.Claire Wardrop
38.Yevette Willaert

If you want to double enter (try impromptu) for this tournament, let me know ASAP, as I can still add you since this is OUR tournament and I'M in charge :-). We'll be running the schedule on Thursday, so any changes would need to be made by then. Let me know.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Extemp and OO -- Week of 29 Jan

Debate is now over and it's time to fire up the Speech machine. Results in extemp and OO have been excellent so far! We have our own invitational this weekend and then we can get into a normal practice pattern.

Monday -- no practice

Tuesday -- Extemp at 5:30-6:30 in IMC. Extempers should re-do a speech from EP. I'd like to hear all of you give a practice speech, so be ready to speak starting at 5:30. Carissa, Christian and Abbie -- your question will be, "What does the future hold for Lebanon?"

Wednesday -- Oratory group meeting at 5:30-6:30 by the IMC. (There is a class in the IMC on Wednesday nights, so we'll meet by the doors and then find a place to do some work.) Abbie and Christian, you guys will give practice speeches at 5PM -- you need to dust off the rust. Your question will be, "Why is the United States losing influence in Latin America?" Other extempers can work on files if they like.

Thursday -- no practice, making tournament schedule

Friday -- tournament setup night

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ms. Berg Coaching for next week.

Sarah and Elishia-I need you both to pick an open time. Drop me an email, first come first serve.

I expect memorization from everyone this week. I saw some good starts on memorization this week durning practice, but I want so much more

2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Dan Bungert
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Mick Doyle
4:30 Sarah Rosenthal

2:30 Claire
3:00 Erin
3:30 Hope
4:00 Elishia
4:30 Shawn
5:00 Matt

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our Tournament Prep/Info.

ALL SPEECH TEAM MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO HELP WITH OUR TOURNAMENT!!!! We will be making/hanging signs, stuffing packets, and much more on Thursday, February 1st and Friday, February 2nd. YOU MUST COME TO ONE OF THESE PREP TIMES IN ORDER TO LETTER!!! Additionally, this is a great way to show your team (and me) you care. We will start working on Thursday after school and go until about 6 (most likely). Friday we will start after school and go until we're done!!! This tournament prep takes place of practice for Waterston this week. Other coaches will coach as needed, but our tournament takes priority.

There is a LOT to do. Your team needs your help. This is a big undertaking, and a big fundraiser for our team. Your parents have been working hard, now it's your turn. WE NEED YOU!!!

Even if you are not competing at our tournament on Saturday, we need your help to prepare. If you ARE competing, I am registering this Friday, so if you want to double-enter, let me know. Team members who are competing must be here at school by 7 A.M. the day of the tournament to help with any last minute preparations. We will be grounding our team in my classroom (A109) for the day. This room will not be used for rounds.

Come see me or email me with questions. I'm so excited for our first ever tournament!

Eden Prairie Information

We will leave for Eden Prairie at 7:10 A.M. this Saturday, January 27th. We don't have school Friday, but we DO have speech Saturday! Don't forget! The bus will again leave from the upper doors. Bring food or money.

This tournament has novice separate from varsity. You are novice if this is your first year in speech, regardless of whether or not you are in a new category. This tournament also has finals (unlike last week, all tournaments from now on will), which will make the day longer. Awards are tentatively scheduled for 4:30, so we will be home at about 5:30, if the tournament runs on time.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Extemp Readers, Humorous and Prose

Just a few things...
Next week (28January-3February) is my Interim break here at school. I will be in Wisconsin during this time, thus we will not be having practice. If you feel the need to practice, you can contact any of the other coaches to see if they have any open time slots to hear your piece.
Starting 5February, practices will be a little bit different.
My classes won't be out until 3pm, which means I'll be able to be in Lakeville and starting practices by 3:30.
Something new: We no longer are having time slot scheduling. We will be meeting as a group from 3:30-5 on your categories assigned day.
Humor: Monday from 3:30-5
Extemp Reading: 3:30-5
Prose 3:30-5
You NEED to be there the entire time unless previously cleared by me. I will catch on if you seem to have a hair cut every week.
If you have any questions, please email me: nelsonkl@stolaf.edu

Monday, January 22, 2007

GS, Info, Drama, and Poetry

This week's schedule looks a lot like last week's schedule. If you have questions let me know.

Tuesday Jan. 23
2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Claire Wardrop
3:30 Mick Doyle
4:30 Shawn Nelson

Thursday Jan. 25
2:00 Elisha Beckman
2:30 Erin Hunecke
3:00 Dan Bungurt
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Sarah Rosenthal
4:30 Hope Salbroski
5:00 Matt Nelson

Dassel-Cokato Results

After the most winding bus ride in history, we made it to Cokato, MN at 7:55 A.M. on Saturday, January 20 with 26 competitors. After a few learning experiences (no critique sheets, "What do you mean you don't have any black paper?"), we enjoyed a great day of competition, the first for several. Our veterans showed us how it was done with the following results:
Michael Berger-2nd, Extemp. Speaking
Mick Doyle- 4th, Great Speeches
Sarah Rosenthal-Champion, Great Speeches
Lizzie Schwegman-4th, O.O.
Claire Wardrop-Honorable Mention, Poetry

There were no team results tallied, but I'm sure we measured up well. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL NOVICES FOR SURVIVING YOUR FIRST TOURNAMENT!!!! IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE :-)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Eden Prairie Roster

These 29 people are registered for Eden Prairie. This is a small group due to solo-ensemble that same day. GOOD LUCK SINGERS! If you are on this list and do not come, you owe your team $15. Please remember to let me know BEFORE I register if you will be unable to attend a tournament you contracted for.

Tournament information will be posted on the web by Thursday of next week. Keep checking the web often for important updates.

Jan. 27, 2007

1. Elishia Beckman
2. Michael Berger
3. Michelle Bradley
4. Dan Bungert
5. Kelly Cole
6. Amanda Esades
7. Erin Hunecke
8. Emily Julik
9. Joe Julik
10. Alya Jurewicz
11. Alex Kalina
12. Adam Kunkel
13. Ryan Longley
14. Chris McNeil
15. Matt Nelson
16. Zach Panzer
17. Rachel Peterson
18. Sarah Rosenthal
19. Hope Sabroski
20. Julie Schmidt
21. Lizzie Schwegman
22. Emily Schwegman
23. Tiegan Shreve
24. Simon Skluzacek
25. Melissa Sweere
26. Roslyn Udairam
27. Jillian Vanderveld
28. Jake Verduzco
29. Claire Wardrop

Thursday, January 18, 2007


As of 1/19/07, these people are still missing the following. You will not be registered for any tournaments until these obligations are taken care of. Eden Prairie(Jan. 27) registration is going in at 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. If you don’t have these things taken care of, you will not be going. This will continue until all obligations are fulfilled.

Contracts (Gold, turn in to Waterston in A109)
Kailey Benson
Tyler Davis
Mo Gaitan
JoVanna Jensen
Ashley Koch
Carissa VanSlooten

FEE ($90, turn in to Mrs. Christoffer)
Kailey Benson
Sebastian Bergeron
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Ashley Koch
Kati Nylund

Forms (Eligibility and emergency, turn in to Mrs. C.)
Danielle Dumonceaux
Ashley Koch
Hope Sabroski
***Even if you’ve filled these out for another activity, go in and verify that with Mrs. C.!***

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dassel-Cokato Information

We are down to 27 competitors this Saturday, but that’s FINE!!! We will still have tons of fun. Dassel is far, so we are leaving at 6 A.M. SHARP! (We WILL leave without you!!!) Be dressed for success and ready to dazzle. The bus will pick us up at the upper parking lot doors (this is different from last year). The building will be closed, however, so make sure you have everything you need.

There are no finals at this tourney, so we should be home around 3:30. Bring lunch or money for concessions. Call my cell (952) 451-7976 if you are sick or have questions Friday night/Saturday morning.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waterston's Open Practice

In preparing for our first tournament, I will be holding an open practice session on Thursday, Jan. 18th at 3:30 for anyone in any category to come practice with me and their peers. This session is for people competing at Dassel only. Those people are listed on a previous post. ANY category, even if I'm not your regular coach.

Tournament Calendar

I have had some requests for a tournament calendar (even though you were told to copy your contracts for your records before turning it in...) Below is the still tentative schedule. It is tentative because neither of the St. Cloud tournaments are set in stone (meaning they don't even yet know if they're hosting them). Regardless of location, there WILL be tournaments on all of these dates. Print this and put it on your fridge for quick reference :-)

Sat. Jan. 20- Dassel Cokato (registration closed)
Sat. Jan. 27- Eden Prairie (registration closes this Friday)
Sat. Feb. 3- LAKEVILLE SOUTH (home tournament...even if not competing you must help out to letter)
Sat. Feb. 10- St. Cloud? Apple Valley? TBD
Sat. Feb. 17- Forest Lake
Sat. Feb. 24- MSU-Mankato
Sat. Mar. 3- Lakeville North
Fri. Mar. 9- NFL at Eagan (limited events, by selection only)
Sat. Mar. 10- Eagan (separate tournament from Friday's; open to all)
Sat. Mar. 17- Centennial (Circle Pines)
Sat. Mar. 24- St. Cloud? TBD
Thur. Apr. 12- Sections at Northfield (by selection only; you WILL miss school if selected)
Sat. Apr. 21- State at South St. Paul (1st, 2nd, 3rd place at sections competes at State)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Dassel Roster

These 30 people are the people who ARE going to Dassel on Saturday. Tournament details will be posted on the website by Thursday of this week. If you had turned in a contract indicating your availability for Dassel, and you are NOT on this list, you failed to turn in either your eligibility form or your fee. Make sure you get these in in time for the next tournament.

January 20, 2007

Anderson, Kayla
Beckman, Elishia
Berger, Michael
Bradley, Michelle
Cole, Kelly
Doyle, Mick
Fideler, Kori
Harris, Ali
Hunecke, Erin
Julik, Joe
Kalina, Alex
Keil, Christian
Kunkel, Adam
Longley, Ryan
McNeil, Chris
Nelson, Matt
Nelson, Shawn
Panzer, Zach
Rosenthal, Sarah
Schmidt, Julie
Schwartz, Mikaela
Schwegman, Lizzie
Schwegman, Emily
Skaggs, Sam
Skluzacek, Simon
Udairam, Roslyn
Vanderveld, Jillian
Verduzco, Jake
Wardrop, Claire
Yevette Willaert

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg Jan. 16th and 18th

Practice this week will be all about delivery. Interpers-Mount scripts on black paper, ask Ms. Waterston. I expect a performance, NOT A DRY READ.

PA'ers-Mount scripts, I expect to see new drafts of the scripts by Sunday night.

I will be sending more scripts back to you with new arrangements and first drafts of intro.

Tuesday Jan. 16
2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Claire Wardrop
3:30 Mick Doyle
4:30 Shawn Nelson

Thursday Jan. 18
2:30 Erin Hunecke
3:00 Dan Bungurt
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Sarah Rosenthal
4:30 Hope Salbroski
5:00 Matt Nelson

Friday, January 12, 2007


If you ordered apparel (tees, sweatshirts, sweatpants) you can pick it up in Waterston's classroom any time after Friday noon. Everyone should plan on wearing their shirts, pants, etc. on Friday, Jan. 19.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dassel Registration

Currently, the following people are the only ones going to Dassel on Jan. 20. If you’d like this to change, then you need to bring me your contract, or bring your fee and forms to Mrs. Christoffer by then end of Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

Michelle Bradley
Mick Doyle
Kori Fideler
Erin Hunecke
Alex Kalina
Christian Keil
Adam Kunkel
Ryan Longley
Chris McNeil
Shawn Nelson
Zach Panzer
Sarah Rosenthal
Julie Schmidt
Sam Skaggs
Simon Skluzacek
Roslyn Udairam
Jake Verduzco
Claire Wardrop
Yevette Willaert

See the list below for details of what you are missing if you are not on this list.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Okay folks, the first tournament registration is due Friday at 4:00. Anyone who has not turned in contracts to me, or money and forms to the activity office will NOT attend the tournament, either as a spectator or a competitor. This could affect your lettering progress. I cannot stress this enough: GET THESE THINGS IN NOW!!! You are NOT an official member of the team until these things are in. Read the lists below even if you THINK you’ve paid, turned things in, etc. You may be wrong, or we may have a technical error of some sort. List updated 1/11/07.

Contracts (gold sheet, return to Waterston in A109)

Kayla Anderson
Kailey Benson
Sebastian Bergeron
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Marcela (Mo) Gaitan
Ali Harris
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Emily Julik
Ashley Koch
Rachel Peterson
Lizzie Schwegman
Melissa Sweere
Carissa Van Slooten

Payment ($90, due to activity office)
Kayla Anderson
Elishia Beckman
Kailey Benson
Michael Berger
Sebastian Bergeron
Kelly Cole
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Lauren Geier
Abbie Gudmundson
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Emily Julik
Joe Julik
Alya Jurewicz
Ashley Koch
Matt Nelson
Kati Nylund
Rachel Peterson
Starla Rajavuori
Mikaela Schwartz
Lizzie Schwegman
Emily Schwegman
Joe Shim
Melissa Sweere
Jillian Vanderveld

Eligibility and Emergency Forms (due to activity office)

Kayla Anderson
Elishia Beckman
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Kori Fideler
Alya Jurewicz
Ashley Koch
Matt Nelson
Rachel Peterson
Hope Sabroski (eligibility only)
Emily Schwegman
Joe Shim (eligibility only)
Jillian Vanderveld

Monday, January 08, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg this week

Please bring all of your research if you are an informer or a GS'er
Please bring the script of your performance if you are an DI'er or a Poet.

I need typed written hard copies or your practice time will be spent typing them.

I have not heard from one of my Drama kids in two weeks, you know who you are.

January 9, 2007
2:00 Elishia
2:30 Shawn
3:00 Claire
4:00 Hope
5:00 Mick
6:00 Dan

January 11, 2007
2:30 Dan
3:00 Erin
3:30 Shawn
4:00 Emilia
4:30 Sarah
5:00 Matt

Waterston's Practice Schedule and DUO

I believe we now have a set schedule for all events:
Monday-Creative Ex.
Tuesday- Disco
*All practices begin at 2:30 and finish when we are done. (Usually about 4-4:30)

For ANYONE interested in doing a DUO this year, please read the following:

1. In order to do a duo, you must have a completed first event, as duo is ONLY for double-entering.
2. Come to my room this THURSDAY, Jan. 11th to meet about starting practice.
3. Even if you don't have a partner lined up, come if you are interested.
4. Bring any pieces you are considering.
5. Thursdays will be DUO days, so plan that into your schedule.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Attention: Extemp Readers, Humor and Prose

I need to permanently move our Thursday practices to Tuesdays. If you would like to/are able to practice on Tuesdays please let me know!
Yes, we will still be doing our regular Monday and Wednesday practies.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Judges Training Session

If your parents have volunteered to judge tournaments this year, please remind them of the training session on Tuesday, January 9th in the lecture hall. Training will begin at 5 PM and should take 1-2 hours.

Wednesday Practice

Come at 2:30 today instead, as my faculty meeting was cancelled.

OO and Extemp

Jan 3, 4, 5
You will file and do more practice speeches at 5PM in the IMC of South. On the 3rd, we'll be in the lab across the hallway from the IMC. I also sent you an email with more detailed instructions.

Jan 5
Simon, Lizzie, Abbie, and Sarah -- You 4 should plan to meet with me at 4PM in the IMC of South for an hour.

Dan, Emily, and Andrew -- Once debate sections are over, we can meet some more.

Poetry, Info, GS, and DI Practice Thursday!

I will be on campus from 2:30-5:00 on Thursday and I expect to see all of you throughout the afternoon. Here is the plan...

We will be meeting in the Media Center. During this time you will type your script and start rough drafts. By the end of Thursday we should have tangible performance to start polishing.

A permanent practice schedule will be arranged tomorrow afternoon. If you feel like you are freaking out because you do not have a firm idea, don't worry, I will have one for you.

If you have questions, suzanneberg@northernweb.net is the place to ask them.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just Kidding!

As it turns out, I am completely off my rocker and am supposed to be in Rochester tomorrow afternoon, but I WILL be around Thursday for ANYONE who wants some speech time.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Just wanted to remind everyone that we WILL be having practice on Wednesday. This is the schedule I have so far: 2:30 Sam S.
3:00 Mikaela S
3:30 Kayla
I will stick around for a while, so if anyone wants some speech time, be there.
For the 3 who are on this list, if you can't make it for any reason PLEASE let me know or you owe me gas money :)
See you Wednesday!

Waterston's Practice Schedule

Due to a family emergency, I am unable to practice on Thursday. Instead, I'm going to be available at the following times:

Open practice for duo and creative expression

Storytelling (be prepared to tell a story)

Discussion (meet in my room, I will open up a lab for research)

Open practice for duo and creative expression