Monday, April 23, 2007


It was brought to my attention this morning that there is a band concert on May 7th. Even if this only affects 3 or 4 speechers, there would still be people coming into the commons area on their way to the auditorium, and I don't want to be interrupted like that. So, after looking at literally every day from now until the end of the school year on the events calendar, I have to change our banquet date to THURSDAY, MAY 24TH FROM 5-7 PM. Please make this change and put it on your calendar. This is almost the end of the year, but it's all we can do. Sorry for any problems this may cause. Hope to see you all there!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

State and Banquet

1. State!
I encourage you all to drive the long trek (note the sarcasm) to South St. Paul to watch your teammates (not to mention the best in the state) compete this weekend. Round One is at 8:30. If you ARE going, carpool! And make sure you ask underclassmen who may not have the ability to drive if they want to come with you!!! It should be a great day.
2. Banquet Info
The banquet will be Monday, May 7th from 6-8 PM in the commons. More details will follow, but put it on your calendar now. The date and place won't change.

Go Cougars! (Especially Abbie, Adam, and Mick!!!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

From your captains...

Hey Speechers! It's the end of the season and that means it's time to have a party! Thanks to Julie Schmidt's hospitable parents, we will be doing just that after the State tournament this weekend. Here are the details so you can clear your schedules (which you will obviously want to do):

Saturday, April 21
6:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
20612 Jupiter Path, Lakeville

We are asking that everyone who comes brings something to eat/drink be it chips, cookies, pop, or some other creative concoction. If you have any questions hit me up via email [ ] or talk to me or Dan at school. Be sure to stop by and show your speech love--what a great season!

Also, we hope to thank our coaches at the end of year banquet (details coming later) with gifts from the team. We would really appreciate it if each team member could contribute by giving five dollars. Our coaches do so much for us, and this is our way of saying thanks! If you could bring the money on Saturday, that would be preferable, otherwise feel free to drop it off in Ms. Waterston's room later in the week. Thanks guys!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank You...A Sappy Message from Your Head Coach

What an amazing season. "Really?" you ask, "but, Ms. W., we only got one trophy all year. Last year we got six. Last year we sent three to state, and we did again this year." Yeah, that's all true, but to add to that, we also have two people going to Nationals (yay). And, as you well know, I'm not all about the winning (which may be why we don't win more often...the jury is still out on that). I'm about the experience. And this season was the best. I was pretty depressed earlier this season when so many people quit. We went from 65 to 37 in the course of the three months. I will never know the "real" reasons so many people quit, but I don't really want to know, I guess. Because the 37 of you we ended up with are fantastic. So many of you impressed me in so many ways this year. Your hard work, devotion, and willingness to go out of your way for others (including me at times) is inspiring.

We have six seniors on the team this year, two who just started this year. Last year was easy, because no one was leaving for good. Even the people who left the team were still "around". But now you are going off to college or other endeavors. You will be strongly missed. To counteract that, we have an AMAZING group of novices this year who show a ridiculous amount of promise. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in your years to come.

The season is not over for six of you (yes, you alternates should come to state, because you never know when something could happen and you want to be there just in case). I expect to see you practicing this week. Send me an email to set up a time. And, Abbie G. and Mike, you've got 2 months to prep for the big show. Your successes inspire us all.

So, to wrap this up, I say THANK YOU. Each of you has brought something to my life this season (even if it was frustration :-)). To those of you graduating, keep in touch. To those of you I still get next year, check the web site from time to time over the offseason; you never know when I'll have something to say.

(Information regarding our end of the year banquet will be posted within the next two weeks. Stay tuned.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



We will be having lunch (the tourney doesn't start until 3...we are leaving early to eat lunch together) at a restaurant in Northfield. I have narrowed it down to four. The one with the most votes by WEDNESDAY morning, via email only, is where we will go.

China Buffet
Godfather's Pizza

BRING MONEY!!!! You will need to buy your own lunch! If you don't want to, eat at school and just come sit with us.


1. We will meet immediately after 4th hour outside the front doors (12:20). You can either wear your suit to school or change over your lunch period (NOT at 12:20). If you choose to change, you can leave your suit in my room. I have C lunch.
2. I need titles/authors from the following people ASAP:
John Hilsen
Mick Doyle (and that other GS stuff listed in the last post)
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Alex Kalina
3. I need SCRIPTS from the following people (can be turned in as late as when you get on the bus, but if you don't have it, I WILL SEND YOU TO 5TH HOUR!!!)
John Hilsen
Adam Kunkel
Mick Doyle
Jake Verduzco
Matt Nelson
Dan Bungert
Lizzie Scwegman
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

LET ME KNOW ASAP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS!!!I'm SO excited!!!!!!!! South St. Paul or Bust! (that's where State is being held this year...)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

This week is a doozie folks so here is how we are going to do it.

I want to see all of my students at 2:30 outside Ms. Waterston's classroom. From there we will set up coaching times for the afternoon and strategize. I will see all of you tomorrow and there better not be any rust showing. This is the only time I can see you before Sections. We will work from 2:30 until 7:00 to fit everyone in.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Below I have copied the information from the registration regarding your scripts. If you do not have a script with you the day of sections, you will be disqualified. It needs to be an updated, clean script (not mounted on black paper with notes or anything). Make sure your name and school are on it as well.


I will need the following from each of you (MEANING ME, THE COACH), per MSHSL rules, on the day of the contest:
1. 2006-2007 Community Standard Speech Selection Certification Form (THIS, I TAKE CARE OF).
2. Titles, authors and ISBN (where appropriate) of all selections(EMAIL THIS TO ME AND I WILL MAKE ONE BIG LIST. IF YOU DON'T KNOW, YOUR COACH WILL. JUST ASK.).
3. Copies of scripts for Original Oratory, Creative Expression, Informative, Humorous, Poetry, Prose, Drama, and Duo. For Great Speeches, I need a copy of the script, as well as the speech’s title, author, date, and site of presentation.
Please note that students who do not submit updated scripts will be disqualified.

I am in Arkansas, but have internet access. Please email me any questions you may have. I have also registered officially, so if you back out of sections from this point on, you will have to pay the drop fees. Some of you still owe me drop fees from earlier in the season. You will not letter with outstanding debt to your team.

Enjoy the rest of your break!!!!!!!!