Thursday, January 29, 2009

Call or email

I'm writing this blog from the comfort of my bed. I use comfort loosely, as I am pretty sick. It is my supreme hope to make it in to work tomorrow, but with the first tournament this weekend, I feel awful having missed practice all week. So, if you have questions or concerns, please email or call me.

Good luck to those of you competing at Eden Prairie on Saturday! Good luck also to those of you competing in Solo/Ensemble!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Eden Prairie Information

There are 28 students (30 entries) going to Eden Prairie this Saturday, Jan. 31 (listed below). Yay for the first tournament! Like many of you, I won't be there, so it's important you are on top of things. Coaches Andy Charrier and Emily Shannon will be in charge. As it is a small group, we will only be taking one bus. We always board the bus in the upper parking lot (teacher's lot). BE THERE AT 6:55 A.M. (And this is a later one...) Remember, you must call if you have a last minute emergency and can't be there. Because I won't be attending this tournament (I will be sadly out of town; trust me, I'd rather be with you all), you will need to call Coach Andy Charrier at 651-387-8305. Don't call after 10 P.M. or before 5 A.M. This is for illness only! You can't just decide you don't want to go and call. The bus will return at about 6 P.M. (but don't set your clock by it, as tournament schedules can easily get behind).


Eden Prairie Final List
Armstrong, Shannon
Barrett, Abbie
Branch, Ashley
Brundrett, Chelsea
Ebeling, Brittany
Egge, Brianna
Gore, Madeline
Gundel, Tye
Healy, Emily
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Keller, Joan
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Larson, Jeff
Longley, Maddy
Longley, Ryan
Malay, Ashley
O'brien, Grace
Putz, Leah
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Slinger, Dylan
Slutsky, Michael
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Melissa
Vivant, Taylor
Vold, Kate
Zeru, Meron

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Extemp Speaking Practice

Details are in your mailbox. But a reminder that we will practice on 3 days this week:

Monday @ 5:30
Thurs @ 5:30
Friday @ 5:30 (mock tournament, ending at 7:30)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eden Prairie Registration

The following people are signed up to compete at Eden Prairie in the following categories. If you are on this list, but cannot go, see me before Thursday to avoid the fee. If you are NOT on this list, but want to go, also see me before Thursday. I am double-entering everyone I know about, so let me know if that is inaccurate as well.

Tournament info will be posted next week before the tournament.

Armstrong, Shannon Duo (w/Maddy)
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Brundrett, Chelsea Ext. Reading
Ebeling, Brittany Poetry
Egge, Brianna Informative
Gore, Madeline Creative Expression
Gundel, Tye Drama
Healy, Emily Informative
Keller, Joan Creative Expression
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Ashley Ext. Reading
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Longley, Maddy Duo (w/Shannon)
Longley, Ryan Discussion
Malay, Ashley Drama
O'brien, Grace Great Speeches
Putz, Leah Prose
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Rajavuori, Starla Drama
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Slutsky, Michael Humorous
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vivant, Taylor OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion (no Disco DE)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

List of Glory

Instead of a List of Shame, I am now printing the list of people who have all 5 things taken care of. If you are not on this list, you may potentially be suspended from the activity. EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING.

The people listed below are in the clear. Great job! (Note: There are only 37, which means there are still 26 people on the List of Shame...)

Armstrong, Shannon
Barrett, Abbie
Branch, Ashley
Brundrett, Chelsea
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Ebeling, Brittany
Gore, Madeline
Goude, Anna
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
Healy, Emily
Hulasare, Kanchan
John, Leema
Johnson, Dani
Johnston, Megan
Keller, Joan
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Larson, Ashley
Larson, Jeff
Longley, Maddy
Longley, Ryan
Malay, Ashley
McMahon, Melissa
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Putz, Leah
Roles, Shelby
Rosenthal, Sarah
Schilz, Ashley
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Slinger, Dylan
Slutsky, Michael
Sweere, Lisa
Sweere, Melissa
Vivant, Taylor
Vold, Kate

Monday, January 12, 2009

From Candy Drawer Manager, Jeff Steinkamp

Hey team, its your CDM!

I have a very serious and important matter. THE CANDY DRAWER IS EMPTY! As of January 12th 4:19 p.m. the last piece of candy was eaten. So the only way you get candy is if people bring in candy for the drawer. The 1st person to bring the candy AND talk to me (Jeff) will get a prize. There are about 40 people who eat the candy, but only 3 people have brought it in. Just think if everyone brings in one bag of candy, we'll be set for the rest of the year!

Love your CDM,

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Friday Workshop

Can't wait to see you all at 3 on Friday for the workshop! Some answers to questions people have had:

1. YES! Bring your speech materials. We will be having a practice session, so make sure you are prepared.
2. NO! You don't need any money. The team is paying for dinner.
3. YES! If you have to get up early on Saturday for something important, you may leave early (but you will be missing out on the fun). We may wrap up before 10, too, if the group agrees.
4. IF (and I mean a very strong IF) we have a snow day Friday, the workshop will be rescheduled. Do NOT show up here at 3 if we have a snow day. If we only have a late start, it will go on as normal.

Our schedule will look like this (tentatively):
3:00-3:15 Check-in
3:15-3:30 Schedule review/Questions
3:30-4:15 Category practice
15-minute break
4:30-6:00 Mock tournament (VERY mock)
6:00-7:00 Dinner (pizza and soda)
7:00-7:30 Ice breakers
7:30-end Games

Fun times! See you then!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Jan. 24th

If you want to attend the MSU Winter Warm-up Workshop on Jan. 24th, please see me for registration materials. The deadline to register is Monday, Jan. 12. The following people said they were going on their contracts, so I should see all of these people for sure. Even if you didn't indicate it on your contract, you can still go. Just come see me. This is a GREAT opportunity to work with college-level speakers on improving your piece for the competition season.

Drogemuller, Caitlin
Gore, Madeline
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
McMahon, Melissa
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Rosenthal, Sarah (already registered)
Schwartz, Mikaela
Slutsky, Michael

UPDATED List of Shame

Come on, team! We need to have all your info! The first tournament is in 3 1/2 weeks! If your name IS on the lists below, you need to get that taken care of ASAP. If your name is NOT on the lists, good job! You have everything in. Please check each list carefully. And remember, even if your parents don't want to volunteer, you still need to turn the sheet in with their contact information.

See you all at the workshop this Friday at 3!

ELIGIBILITY FORM (turn in to Mrs. Rogness in Activities Office)
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Gore, Madeline
Grundstrom, Alex
Gundel, Tye
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Rutan, Hayden
Schwartz, Mikaela
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Slutsky, Michael
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

FEE ($110-turn in to Mrs. Rogness in Activities Office)
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Gore, Madeline
Grundstrom, Alex
Gundel, Tye
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Rutan, Hayden
Schwartz, Mikaela
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

TOURNAMENT CONTRACT (turn in to Mrs. Heinis in A109)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Frandrup, Kayla
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
John, Leema
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Siekinnen, Jade
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

PARENT VOLUNTEER FORM (turn in to Mrs. Heinis even if your parents are not volunteering)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Ebeling, Brittany
Egge, Brianna
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
John, Leema
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Zeru, Meron

STUDENT INFO SHEET (turn in to Mrs. Heinis)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Frandrup, Kayla
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Siekinnen, Jade
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

There are 14 people who are on all 5 lists. Perhaps this means they have decided not to join? Please let me know if you know of someone who has changed their mind about speech. Thanks!

Monday, January 05, 2009


Happy 2009! Now that break is over, we're really getting into it. You need to show your commitment by being responsible and prepared. Some reminders:

1. VERY few people have all obligations met. I have not updated the list of shame, but it has only changed a little. You should know what you've turned in. If you haven't turned in any of the five things (eligibility form, fee of $110, parent volunteer sheet, info sheet, contract) you need to do so ASAP. If I don't have any of the five from you by Friday, I will assume you have quit the team.

2. The all-team workshop is this Friday (Jan. 9th) from 3-10 PM. We will practice, dine, and play many fun games to help us build our team unity. If you haven't turned in your contract yet (30 of you), I have no idea if you are planning on coming. Remember, unless you have a very good reason, you must attend one of the two workshops to letter. This Friday's is free and nearby. The other option (Jan. 24) is $20 and in Mankato. Most everyone who has turned their contracts in plan to be here this Friday. Be here at 3:00!!! We will go over the evening's schedule at that time.

3. As people do turn in their contracts, I notice some of you are not committing to enough tournaments to letter. There are 8 invitationals (1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21) and you must attend 6 to letter. Workshops, NFLs (3/13), and Sections do not count toward lettering. Speech is a lot of work to only plan on attending 3 or 4 tournaments. Let me know if you want to amend your contract.

4. PLEASE use your lettering sheets (found at the end of your handbook). You should be having your coach initial it each time you practice. If you already lost it, you can get another online. See the blog post from Dec. 5th.

5. 26 days until the first tournament! Work hard every day!