Monday, November 23, 2009


You should all have received a memo and a handbook. Read it before our meeting on Dec. 1st.

First novice to come see me and mention this post gets a prize. Sorry, veteran speechers, I expect you to be on here regularly already.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Overnight tournament

For those of you who expressed interest in the overnight tournament, please meet in my room after school for a brief meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19th. This tournament is open to 20 veteran speechers only. It would be the FIRST tournament, leaving Friday Jan. 29 and coming home Saturday, Jan. 30 (this replaces Eden Prairie; those not going to Marshall would attend EP). SEE ME if you can't make the meeting.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Extemp Practices

Here is a calendar that lists extemp speaking practices prior to Winter break.

Any questions, contact Andy Charrier.