Monday, May 21, 2007

Random Updates and Requests

1. Don't forget to come to the banquet this THURSDAY night at 5 P.M. You will NOT be giving your speeches, you will just get awards, dinner, and a super fun time. No need to dress up.
2. Bring dessert or beverage, depending on your last name (see previous post).
3. JUNIORS--Only one of you has replied to my email. Come see me ASAP!!!!
4. ALL--Your captains have told me they sent you a note last week. They ask me to remind you to take care of its contents...
5. Abbie Barrett is my hero, because she is going to the speech camp at GAC this summer! I bet she'd love some company!!! See previous post for all the 411.
6. Only 12 days of school left (10 for seniors!)!!! Come by and visit me often, as I will miss you all over the summer :-)


Monday, May 14, 2007

Banquet Invitation

I have sent the following invitation home to your parents, but it would be wise to get it on the calendar and plan now. (It's prettier in invitation-form; this is just a copy and paste of the info :-))

You are cordially invited to
attend the Second Annual
South Speech
End of the Year

Who: All speech team members and their parents
When: Thursday, May 24th from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Where: Lakeville South Commons
Why: To celebrate the many accomplishments of the South Speech team this year
What (should I bring): Because we hosted a tournament this year (who could forget?), we will be catering the dinner. We still need people to bring beverages and tasty desserts, however. Students with last names A-K, please bring beverage. Students with last names L-W, please bring dessert.
Questions? Please contact Emily Waterston. (952) 232-3410 or
We look forward to celebrating with you!!!!!!!

Speech Camp

Please excuse all the carrot-shaped things; I copied this from an email forward. This could be a really fun opportunity.

>>> Gustavus Adolphus College and its nationally recognized speech
>>> team are proud to offer its first Summer Speech Institute for
>>> high school students to be held on the Gustavus campus August
>>> 5-10, 2007. If you want to obtain results in forensics
>>> competition in an environment conducive to learning, then this is
>>> the camp for you!
>>> Goals:
>>> • Interpers will learn to locate and cut material to meet the
>>> allotted time limit.
>>> • Public speakers will learn to locate topics, to research
>>> effectively, and to write speeches with a purpose.
>>> • Limited preparation competitors will learn to research
>>> effectively, prepare files, construct arguments, and utilize
>>> preparation time effectively.
>>> In addition to event preparation, everyone will learn vocal warm-
>>> ups, tournament etiquette, and the confidence necessary to
>>> compete at the highest level.
>>> Each student will work on a primary and secondary event over the
>>> six day, five night intensive camp.
>>> In addition to working with Gustavus Adolphus College coaches,
>>> students will work with and learn from nationally recognized
>>> collegiate competitors and area collegiate and high school
>>> coaches who know the ins and outs of high school speech.
>>> Events Covered:
>>> • Prose
>>> • Humorous
>>> • Dramatic Duo
>>> • Drama
>>> • Poetry
>>> • Storytelling
>>> • Extemp Reading
>>> • Oratory
>>> • Informative
>>> • Great Speeches
>>> • Extemp Speaking
>>> • Impromptu Speaking
>>> Facilities:
>>> The camp offers a carefully supervised introduction to college
>>> life. Students live in college residence halls, eat in the campus-
>>> dining center, and attend sessions in college buildings. Students
>>> will also have access to all recreational facilities. Students
>>> will utilize the Gustavus library, an excellent resource for
>>> researching public address speeches and interpretation events.
>>> The structure, opportunities, and adult supervision available at
>>> Gustavus make it a first choice for concerned parents.
>>> Cost:
>>> June 15th deadline: $390 (Early Registration Special)
>>> July 1st deadline: $425
>>> The camp includes:
>>> • Three meals a day prepared by our nationally recognized dining
>>> services
>>> • Housing at Gustavus Adolphus College
>>> • Photocopying, camp mementoes, t-shirt and evening activities
>>> • Participation in a camp-end tournament culminating in a
>>> festive banquet for parent(s) to
>>> attend
>>> Gustavus Forensics:
>>> Forensics has a long tradition of excellence at Gustavus Adolphus
>>> College. This year the program won numerous individual and team
>>> awards including:
>>> • Top 20 at the 2007 American Forensics Association National
>>> Individual Events
>>> Tournament.
>>> • Second place at the 2007 Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament
>>> and Convention.
>>> • A representative on both the American Forensics Association
>>> National Individual
>>> Events Tournament and Pi Kappa Delta All-
>>> American teams.
>>> • Qualified for the Interstate Oratorical Association National
>>> Contest three
>>> consecutive years.
>>> • 2007 Minnesota Collegiate Forensics Association State
>>> Parliamentary Debate
>>> Champions.
>>> Contact Information:
>>> Kristofer B. Kracht
>>> Co Director of Forensics
>>> 507.933.7486


Friday, May 11, 2007

Still with me?

As the season has ended, I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I should check in.

The banquet will be on Thursday, May 24th at 5 PM, as previously posted. The details are still being determined and will be posted when ready. I am really looking forward to celebrating our amazing season with you all!
