Monday, May 21, 2007

Random Updates and Requests

1. Don't forget to come to the banquet this THURSDAY night at 5 P.M. You will NOT be giving your speeches, you will just get awards, dinner, and a super fun time. No need to dress up.
2. Bring dessert or beverage, depending on your last name (see previous post).
3. JUNIORS--Only one of you has replied to my email. Come see me ASAP!!!!
4. ALL--Your captains have told me they sent you a note last week. They ask me to remind you to take care of its contents...
5. Abbie Barrett is my hero, because she is going to the speech camp at GAC this summer! I bet she'd love some company!!! See previous post for all the 411.
6. Only 12 days of school left (10 for seniors!)!!! Come by and visit me often, as I will miss you all over the summer :-)


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