Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Practice Schedule

I have set my regular practice times, which should accomodate the folks who are double-entered. These days/times are for the entire season, unless I contact you to change it for that week. If you can't make it on a day, just let me know and we'll reschedule. ALSO, EVERYONE, no matter who your "regular" coach is, is welcome to come to my open practice sessions on Thursdays. This can be for make up for your coaching sessions or just for extra practice.

Monday: Discussion 2:45-4:00
Tuesday: Storytelling 2:45-4:00
Wednesday: Creative-- Adam 2:45-3:15; Evan 3:15-3:45 (negotiable)
Thursday: Poetry--Taylor 2:45-3:15
OPEN PRACTICE FOR ALL 3:15-whenever; sign up (email me or stop by) or just show up
Friday: In emergencies, available for schedule

Keep in close and current contact with your regular coaches for schedule information. As of now, the schedules are as follows:
Monday: Drama and Duo with Angie 3:00
OO, GS, and Infor with Suzanne 2:45
Tuesday: Prose and Extemp reading with Joy 3:30 (except for this Thursday, 12/13)
Humorous with Amanda 3:30
Thursday: OO, GS, and Info with Suzanne 2:45

Extemp Speaking is kind of on its own until debate is over :-). Research, research, research!!!

Stay connected. Communicate often. Go Cougars!

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