Friday, April 04, 2008


In case you didn't get the memo from your first hour teacher, here's the sections info again:

Here is all the news that’s fit to print on the situation:

1. You will be dismissed at 12:35 (the end of 4th hour).
2. You may wear your nice clothes to school if you want, but if you would rather wait and change, you will only have 5 minutes to change, as we are leaving at 12:40. If you want, you can leave clothes in my room at the beginning of the day.
3. Registration for the tournament starts at 2:45. Then why are we leaving so early? Lunch! We will be stopping for a sit-down lunch somewhere (probably Applebee’s like last year). So you should bring $$$$.
4. The tournament is three rounds and a final, just like others, but as it doesn’t start until 3, awards aren’t until past 9. So, we will not be home until approximately 10:30 P.M. This is late. You have school on Wednesday. You MUST be in school on Wednesday. No excuses.
5. There are 15 schools in our section, and each school can only bring three in each category. So, at a maximum, there will be 45 people in each event, making this a relatively small tournament. The top three speakers in each category will advance to the state tournament on Saturday, April 19th. (more news to come about that, should the need arise… knock on wood…)
6. There will most likely be concessions for dinner, but you may want to bring something just in case.
7. If parents come to watch you (which I encourage), you may go home with them only with my personal (face-to-face) recognition of that, and you may only leave after awards. You may not leave early. You will have teammates in finals receiving awards. Being there to support them shows team solidarity. We need to have that. You compete individually, but you are a part of a team.
8. Finally, and VERY important, you must have a clean copy of your current script with you. It will be turned in. Anyone without a script will not be able to compete. This includes Creative, Duo, Drama, Humor, Poetry, Prose, Oratory, Great Speeches, and Info. Your script should include your name, grade, and school on the heading. You can give this to me any time before sections and I will keep it safe for you J.
9. I’ll let you know if I think of anything else. Stop by and see me in A109 if you have any questions.
-Your ever-loving coach, Mrs. H.

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