Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eden Prairie, Jan. 30

Roster of students attending:
Barrett, Abbie –OO only
Batz, Anna- Prose
Branch, Ashley- OO
Braun, Luke- Creative
Carson, Charlie- OO
Cole, Mike- Info
England-Sullivan, Christian- Humor
Heintze, Hannah- Disco
John, Leema- Extemp
Jones, Anesha- Humor
Keller, Joan- Disco
Kimmel, Kaitlyn- Great speech
Kunkel, Adam- Creative and OO
Lane, Audrey- Info
Marian, Evan- Great speeches
Monsalve, Diego- Creative
O'brien, Grace- Great speeches
Peton, Maddy- Poetry and Drama
Pospisil, Jenica- Drama
Roberts, Mallory- Drama
Ryan, Jack- Extemp
Schilz, Ashley- OO
Schrafft, Meagan- Prose
Slinger, Dylan- Extemp
Slinger, Samy- Infor
Steinkamp, Jeff- Storytelling
Sweere, Lisa- Info
Zeru, Meron- Disco

Leave time: 7:05
Draw time: 8:15

Awards are scheduled to start at 4:30, so we'll be headed back on the bus at about 5:15 (if all runs on time).

SEE YOU THEN! (See me with questions.)

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