Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Apple Valley Info

First and foremost, I need to say this many times: there is NO RETURN BUS this Saturday. One of the budget cuts is one-way bussing for Apple Valley, Eastview, and Eagan. I have zero control over this. You MUST ride the bus to the tournament, and get picked up at Apple Valley High School when we're done. Someone could drop a car off for you, perhaps, or you could carpool, but you MAY NOT DRIVE YOURSELVES THERE. You may not leave until after awards.

The busses will leave at 7:00 AM. DON'T BE LATE. CALL IF YOU ARE NOT COMING. Please note which bus you are on. The list is below. Note: the busses are going two different places, so you MUST be on the correct bus. I will take attendance on both busses, and then follow the bus to FRMS in my car. Joy will meet the AVHS group there.

See me with questions. Remember, NO RETURN BUS!!!

Apple Valley 2010
Feb. 6, 2010
BUS #1
To Apple Valley High School

Varsity and ALL Extemp

Barrett, Abbie-OO
Branch, Ashley- OO
Brundrett, Chelsea- Duo
Ebeling, Brittany- OO and Poe
Garnighian, Raffi-Extemp
Gore, Madeline- Creative
Halliday, Logan- Storytelling
John, Leema- Extemp
Johnston, Megan- Info and Duo
Koch, Lauren- Duo
Kunkel, Adam- OO and Creative
Nelson, Ruthie- OO
Rutan, Hayden- Humor
Ryan, Jack- Extemp
Shim, Anselmo- Extemp
Slinger, Dylan-Extemp
Sweere, Lisa- Info
Vivant, Taylor- OO
Vold, Kate- Drama and Duo

Apple Valley 2010
Feb. 6, 2010
Bus #2
To Falcon Ridge Middle School

Novice and ALL Discussion

Armstrong, Shannon- Disco
Batz, Anna- Prose
Boutwell, William- Storytelling
Braun, Luke- Creative
Carson, Charlie- OO
Doyle, Anna- Drama
England-Sullivan, Christian-Humor
Haakonson, Tess- Info
Halliday, McCall- Creative
Hulasare, Kanchan- Disco
Johnson, Danielle- Storytelling
Jones, Anesha- Humor
Kimmel, Kaitlyn- Great Speeches
Lambrecht, Lauren- Poetry
Lane, Audrey- Info
Longley, Maddy- Disco
Marian, Evan- Great Speeches
Monsalve, Diego- Creative
Petersen, Tijen- Poetry
Pospisil, Jenica- Drama
Roberts, Mallory- Drama
Schrafft, Meagan- Prose
Slinger, Samy-Info
Sperl, Megan- Humor
Stiles, Maggie- Prose
Zeru, Meron- Disco

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