Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Cloud Registration

Is due THIS FRIDAY. If you aren't coming and still need to let me know, please do so ASAP. After Friday, you'll have to pay the $20.

Also, if you are interested in doing either of their "extra" categories described below, let me know before Friday. They look both challenging and fun!

Creative DUO and Impromptu

Rationale: 1. Allows students to showcase their talent in a different venue, if they have already competed in post season tournaments.

2. Allows your students the opportunity to double enter at a tournament if they have never done so.

3. Presents Something FUN!!!! …. And NEW!!!!

Format: Each category will have three rounds and a final. The Creative Duo finalists will showcase their pieces in front of the entire audience prior to awards. A panel of three judges will judge the final round. Impromptu finals will occur during the regular final rounds.

Awards: Silver plates will be awarded for each event. These events will be included in Team Award points.

Rules for 1. Each speech can be up to 7 minutes in length.
CREATIVE DUO 2. The speech can be humorous or serious in nature.
3. Same MSHSL rules for Creative apply in regards to percentage of quoted material.
4. Duo partners cannot make eye contact or physically touch.
5. Speech must have an introduction.
6. One chair or stool can be used..
7. Singing is allowed.
8. Performers are allowed free movement.

Rules for 1. Each round will focus on a certain category.
IMPROMPTU Round 1: Quotations/Proverbs
Round 2: Infomercials
Round 3: Once upon a time……
Finals: Imaginary Scenarios

2. In the prelim rounds, students will draw right outside the speaking room, and then have a total of seven minutes of prep time and speaking time. They should try for 2 to 3 minutes of prep time and 3 to 4 minutes of speaking time. The final round will allow a half hour prep time with a seven minute speaking limit. Each draw will consist of three possibilities. Contestants will choose one and put the other two back. Just like MSHSL draw categories, for example, the student will draw three possible quotations and will decide which one he or she will perform and will put the other two back in the envelope.


Round 1: Quotations: These will be a mixture of serious and not-so-serious quotations and proverbs. The students will draw three, and decide which one he or she will use. They cannot have a note card, but they can use the slip of paper with the quotation/proverb on it.
Example: “I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”
–Abraham Lincoln

Round 2: Infomercial: The students will draw an object out of a box, and they will try to “sell” the item as if it is on an infomercial….. “Billy Mays here with the fantastic……”

Round 3: “Once upon a time…”: They will have a phrase which will read… “Once upon a time there was a horse…” Or “Once upon a time I landed on the moon….” Or “Once upon a time I got in trouble for…”

Final Round: Imaginative Scenarios: Speakers will draw from three envelopes. The topics consist of a strange place, object, and catchphrase. Using these three things, they construct a story. An example of these things would be inside 1)Mount Rushmore, 2) a magic cowboy hat, and 3) “I may not be the best-looking guy in here, but I'm the only one that's talking to you." This is a fun, challenge because it requires creativity.

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