Friday, December 22, 2006

OO and Extemp Upcoming Practices

I know that we have a couple people heading off with the band and that others may have a vacation planned over break -- that's all fine. (This is a difficult time of year for me to coach as we're not only trying to get speech started, but I'm also getting the debate team ready for Sections too.) Here is the plan for the next couple weeks:

Everybody I Coach:
January 12th we will do a tournament run-through at 5PM. Speeches will need to be done for both 1st and 2nd events. First event speeches will need to be memorized; second event speechs will need to be memorized by Tuesday, Jan 16th.

Dec 27, 28, 29
Come over to the IMC of North each day and do some practice speeches -- you can't go hog wild with printing and filing, but you can surely come down and give speeches to Hannah. We will be there at 9AM for debate. Whatever Hannah says, you'll do. :)

Jan 3, 4, 5
You will file and do more practice speeches at 5PM in the IMC of South. On the 3rd, we'll be in the lab across the hallway from the IMC.

Dec 28 at 11AM come to the IMC of North and we'll get together to get you guys going on your OO topics. We met this summer and so my guess is that you've already done some research on those (or will have by the time we meet) so we can get started.

Dec 29 at 11AM come to the IMC of North and we'll get all returning OO people going on your second event speeches. I have a pile of Great Speech ideas and maybe an info idea or two.

I think after this we'll just have to see how things line up with debate. You should plan that we'll meet again during that week of Jan 3rd, but I need to see how the debate stuff is going. We can exchange drafts of speeches via email, so we should be OK for making some progress.

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