Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Captains Voting

The ten people who did not come to the Roseville tournament need to either stop by my classroom or email me with their captain votes. You can vote for up to three juniors. Your choices are: Kayla Anderson, Mike Berger, Mick Doyle, Ali Harris, Erin Hunecke, Alex Kalina, and Claire Wardrop.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be holding open practice for anyone who is interest on Tuesday. We have a lot of work to do before sections!

Thursday will be
2:30 Chris
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Sarah

Thursday, March 22, 2007


It's getting the better of me. I am not back at school today like anticipated. I am supposed to coach with Jake at 2:30, Abbie B. at 3, and Emily at 3:30. I have asked Suzanne to hear the three of you speak instead, if she has time. So, if you read this before then, please still go to practice. I am super bummed. And I'm going to still try and come again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Roseville Update

Okay, so I guess when I'm stuck in bed, I think of about a thousand things to post on this site. This is just to let you know that we are now a small school at Roseville, because a few people have decided not to come (and on time!). So, we now have only 34 entries, which is the biggest small school we can be, but oh well.

See you Saturday!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Captains 2008

Crazy, I know. I'm not pushing Abbie and Dan out the door or anything, but as this weekend is our last invitational, I'd like to vote for next year's captains on the bus. (You won't know the results until the banquet, however; I'm mean like that). So, all juniors currently on the team are eligible. There are only 8 of you (you know who you are). If you do NOT want to be considered for captain (but, I think you all should), let me know and I will not put your name on the ballot. When voting on Saturday (due to begging, I will let seniors vote, too), consider responsibility, commitment to team, organization, and all-over speech enthusiasm. With the tournament taking up some good time this year for our two captains, I may choose to have three next year. We'll see how it all plays out after voting.

Anyway, juniors, if I don't hear from you, I'm putting your name on the ballot. Those of you NOT going to Roseville, you can vote via email or by stopping by my room next week. Thanks.

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be in for open practice tomorrow (Tuesday) from 2:30 to 5:00.

I need to see the following people on Thursday,
2:30 Chris
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Shawn

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Waterston Practice Schedule

I will still be out of commission on Mon, Tue, and Wed. So, Adam and John, work together. Discussants, research on your own.

3:00-5:00- Open practice; sign up or show up

2:30-Storytellers draw
2:30- open for someone to speak
3:00-4:00- Storytellers speak
4:00-5:00- Open practice; sign up or show up

You can "sign up" by sending me an email. I'm bored here in bed, so I want you all to email me to tell me about Centennial. Or Sadies. Or whatever. Did I mention I'm bored?


I have spoken with the other coaches, and we have selected the section team. Sections are Thursday, April 12th. You will miss 5th and 6th periods from school. We will leave at 12:20, go to lunch together, and then be in Northfield at 2:30. As per your contracts from earlier this year, you are all available to attend sections. We are only allowed to bring 3 per category, however, and used the criteria listed in your speech team handbook to make the selections for categories that have more than 3 regular competitors. To refresh, the criteria:

∑ Positive attitude (a belief that you can and want to do well)
∑ Willingness to prepare (a commitment in both time and in favorably reacting to coaching)
∑ Demonstration of skill (both throughout the season and at practice)
∑ Demonstration of professionalism (you help build LSHS’s positive image)
∑ On-task, non-distracting practice habits (how well time is used)

If you question the decision made, please come directly to me (Ms. W.) and I will tell you why you weren’t selected. HOWEVER, even if you were not selected to compete on the section team, we still want you with us that day. We sent three people to state last year, and we hope to send more this year. We need you there cheering everyone on. Remember, we are a TEAM, despite our individual efforts. So, for those of you not selected in your category, I give you two options: 1) just come to watch; or 2) compete in a fun, new category just for the heck of it that day. There are spots available in Creative Ex, Drama, Duo, Extemp. Reading, Great Speeches, and Informative. Of those, Drama, Duo, and ER would be the easiest, as they do not actually require the writing of a speech. Let me know if you want to try something new or if you just want to come watch. I’d be sad if you chose not to come at all.

I sincerely hope that you will join us on the 12th, even if you are not on the list below. Again, if you have questions regarding decisions, please talk with me.

Sections Roster

John Hilsen
Adam Kunkel

Michelle Bradley
Ryan Longley
Joe Shim

Chris McNeil
Shawn Nelson

4. DUO

Starla Rajavuori
Mikaela Schwartz

Mike Berger
Abbie Gudmundson
Christian Keil

Mick Doyle
Sarah Rosenthal

Emily Schwegman
Roslyn Udairam
Jake Verduzco

Matt Nelson

Abbie Barrett
Dan Bungert
Lizzie Schwegman

Erin Hunecke
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop

Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

Lauren Geier
Ali Harris
Zach Panzer

Friday, March 16, 2007

Roseville Roster and Info

The roster for our final invitational at Roseville on Saturday, March 24th is posted below. As usual, let me know RIGHT AWAY if you are on here and shouldn't be or vice versa. We will leave for Roseville from the upper doors at 7:00 AM. Roseville has regular and honors finals. Small school entries stop at 35, we have 37, so we will be large :-) It's a huge tournament, but will be fun.

1. Anderson, Kayla (double)
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Berger, Michael
4. Bradley, Michelle
5. Bungert, Dan
6. Cole, Kelly
7. Doyle, Michael
8. Dumonceaux, Danielle
9. Geier, Lauren
10. Gudmundson, Abbie
11. Harris, Ali
12. Hunecke, Erin
13. Jensen, JoVanna
14. Julik, Joe
15. Kalina, Alex
16. Keil, Christian
17. Kunkel, Adam
18. Longley, Ryan
19. McNeil, Chris
20. Nelson, Matt
21. Nelson, Shawn
22. Nylund, Kati
23. Rajavuori, Starla
24. Sabroski, Hope
25. Schmidt, Julie
26. Schwartz, Mikaela
27. Schwegman, Elizabeth (double)
28. Schwegman, Emily
29. Shim, Joe
30. Skluzacek, Simon
31. Sweere, Melissa
32. Udairam, Roslyn
33. Verduzcon, Jake
34. Wardrop, Claire (double)

Notes from Recovery

1. My tonsillectomy went well. I am doing fine, and can't wait to take you all to our final invitational at Roseville on the 24th.

2. I will be posting the Roseville roster on the web site soon.

3. I will also be posting the Section roster soon. Please see me (after the 22nd) with questions. You can email me as well. Don't call, as I currently can't talk (and yes, it's killing me :-)).

4. Some of you know that I promised anyone making it to Nationals that I would take them to a Twins' game to celebrate. You all know that I now have to make good on that promise (Hooray for Abbie and Mike!). I think it would be most fun to plan an entire team outting for this particular celebration (with Abbie and Mike's tix on me). We will still have a team banquet with parents and all, but this would just be a day of fun, nothing speech related except us having fun together. Mr. Douglas says that for safety's sake, it should be an official field trip, and I agree. But there's no way I'm taking you out of school for a ballgame (I do have my limits :-)). But, Sunday, May 6th the Red Sox are coming to town at 1:10. Currently, tickets are available. I would like to generate some buzz: $10 cheap seats or $22 Home Run porch? Just speechies or should everyone be allowed to sign up one non-speech team guest/date? You will be responsible for all costs, and I will have further details on a bus after I talk with Mr. Douglas. If we go cheap seats and at least 30 people come, it probably won't be more than $15 per person. Home Run porch will be more like $27. People will need to commit with money before I buy the tickets, so start thinking about it. If this date doesn't work for many, May 27th is also a Sunday matinee game, but it's just the Blue Jays, not nearly as cool.

5. Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow at Centennial. Someone text me or email me with the results.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Random changes in Ms. Berg's schedule

Because some people needed to be moved around, here is a amended schedule.

2:30 Erin
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Matt
4:30 Sarah? (If someone wants to fight Sarah for this time, let us both know. I can fit more then one person in.)

Sorry for the last min. changes. If anyone on the team checks this during the day, let your teammates know that Suzanne would like to see them this afternoon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Party THIS Friday

The Rosenthals will host a Team get-together on Friday night, March 16th
from 6:00 to 9:00. All are welcome!!!! Team social bonding! Yay!

Theme/Stuff to do: St Patty's day! (Wear something
green) We will have movies to play, a bonfire in the woods with SMORES
and music playing loud enough to irritate all parents. Any other ideas
from Team Members are welcome!!

Food: Parent volunteers will bring dinner and kids can bring a
dessert for everyone if they wish. The Rosenthals will make chili and

Location: Our house is in a rural area west of Chart House and
Judicial Rd. 9895 lower 167th st. east. I will send a map to school
with Sarah and one by Email (scan). Or call for directions!

Thanks, Jeff & Ronda & Sarah

Monday, March 12, 2007

Suzanne Berg's Coaching Schedule this week

On Tuesday starting at 2:00 and ending at 5:00 I will have open coaching. I expect to see all of my students and anyone else interested is invited as well.

On Thursday I am going to hand pick some people I need to see.
2:30 Matt
3:00 Chris
3:30 Erin
4:00 Elishia

Anyone note on that list for Thursday I need to see on Tuesday. So I will see you all.

Centennial Roster

Here is the roster AND info for this Saturday, March 17. Let me know if you are not on it and should be, or vice versa. Also, Andy is your coach for this week's tournament. So, if you are sick Friday night or Saturday, you will call HIM, not me. His cell is 651-387-8305. The bus will leave the upper doors at 6:30 AM. DON'T BE LATE!!!!! (Those of you who were late last Saturday were this close to being left behind.)

This tournament does NOT allow double entering, so if you usually double, I put you in your first category only.

1. Anderson, Kayla
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Beckman, Elishia
4. Berger, Michael
5. Bradley, Michelle
6. Bungert, Dan
7. Doyle, Michael
8. Geier, Lauren
9. Gudmundson, Abbie
10. Harris, Ali
11. Hilsen, John
12. Hunecke, Erin
13. Jensen, JoVanna
14. Julik, Joe
15. Kalina, Alex
16. Keil, Christian
17. Kunkel, Adam
18. Longley, Ryan
19. McNeil, Chris
20. Nelson, Matt
21. Nelson, Shawn
22. Nylund, Kati
23. Panzer, Zach
24. Rajavuori, Starla
25. Rosenthal, Sarah
26. Sabroski, Hope
27. Schwegman, Elizabeth
28. Schwegman, Emily
29. Shim, Joe
30. Sweere, Melissa
31. Udairam, Roslyn
32. Verduzcon, Jake
33. Wardrop, Claire

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Results from this week and last (and before that, too)

I realized I am a total slacker and have been forgetting to post our results as of late. My bad :-)

On Saturday, February 17th, we ventured north to Flake. Results:
Mike Berger: 4th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Dan Bungert: 5th Place, Honors OO
Mick Doyle: 2nd Place, Honors Great Speeches
Abbie Gudmundson: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Saturday, February 24th, we went nowhere, as the storm kicked our behinds before we could even speak.

On Saturday, March 3rd, we traveled ALL the way across town to compete at the Northstar Invitational. Results:
Mike Berger: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson: 8th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Friday, March 9th, we bussed it over to Eagan for the National Forensic League qualifying tournament. Results:
Mike Berger: Champion, Extemp. Speaking (qualifying for Nationals)
Dan Bungert: Semifinalist, OO
Abbie Gudmundson: 3rd Place, Extemp. Speakign (qualifying for Nationals)
Christian Keil: Semifinalist, Extemp. Speaking
Lizzie Schwegman: Semifinalist, OO

Then, on March 10th, we liked Eagan High School SO much, we ventured back a mere 11 hours after we had left for the Wildcat Invitational. Results:
Sarah Rosenthal: 4th Place, Honors Great Speeches
Emily Schwegman: 2nd Place, Honors Humorous
Roslyn Udairam: 4th Place, Honors Humorous

There. I think I'm caught up now.


I will take the time to post all of the weekend's results tomorrow, but congratulations to Abbie and Mike for qualifying for Nats!!!! Yay, Witchita!

ALL NFL results (prelims, sems, finals) are available online at http://www.joyoftournaments.com/nfl/SouthernMN/2007/

Enjoy. Great job, everyone!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Eagan INFO-Mar. 10

The bus for Eagan will leave at 7:15 AM on Saturday, March 10th. Those competing in NFL's on Friday will also compete Saturday unless you advance to semis. This tournament has regular and honors finals. See you Saturday!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be holding open sessions from 2:30-5:00 on Wednesday and Thursday this week. I expect to see all Dramatist, Poets, Great Speakers, and Informers. For those of you who just need more coaching time, show up too. Come when you can and stay for as long as you like.

NFL Information

To all NFL participants: We will leave school at 7:35 from the front doors on Friday. You don't need to go to first hour; you will be excused for the entire day. In order to compete, you MUST:
1. Be memorized; no scripts are allowed
2. Bring a clean, accurate copy of your piece (everyone but extemp speakers) IF YOU DON'T BRING A SCRIPT TO GIVE ME BEFORE YOU GET ON THE BUS, I WILL SEND YOU TO FIRST HOUR, UNABLE TO COMPETE.
3. Sign the green registration form that I have; please stop by my room Wednesday or Thursday to sign this.

See you Friday morning!

Waterston practice update

All slots are now full. Also, there is a change. I had to make an appointment for 5:00 on Thursday, so storytellers, come at 2:30 to draw, then you'll speak from 3-4. John Hilsen, come at 4 instead of 4:30.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Waterston Practice

This week is NFL's, so no Friday practice. Because of snow days last week, we're running short on practices, so here's what I envision:

2:30 Adam
3:00 John
3:30 anybody who reads this post before then and wants to practice :-)

2:30-3:30 Discussion
3:30 Dan
4:00 open for appointment
4:30 open for appointment

2:30 open for appointment (our staff mtg was rescheduled...I should be available as far as I know)

2:30 Jake
3:00-4:30 Storytellers
4:30 open for appointment

Friday Suzanne and I will both be gone for NFL's. However, Suzanne said she may be able to be more available this week, so contact her suzanneberg@northernweb.net if you need additional practice.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sad news...

Eagan changed their mind about offering impromptu. They had it on the postcard they mailed out a month ago, but when I went to register us, it wasn't an option. So, I emailed their head coach to find out, and they decided just not to offer it. So, boo. No impromptu for you. I don't know if any other tournaments are going to have it this year, either. Bummer. Hope you're all enjoying your snow day.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Eagan Roster

Eagan is Saturday, March 10th. If you are going to NFL's and you make semi-finals, you will be dropped from the Saturday tournament to continue competing for NFL's. Let me know before Tuesday if this is in error. Please note the double entries (Yes, Sarah, I put you in impromptu...I think you should do it. If you're really against it, let me know. Then I'll talk you into it :-)). Anyone else want to give impromptu a go? Let me know asap.

1. Anderson, Kayla (double:prose/reading)
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Beckman, Elishia
4. Berger, Michael (double: speaking/impromptu)
5. Bradley, Michelle
6. Bungert, Dan (double: OO/impromptu)
7. Cole, Kelly
8. Doyle, Michael
9. Dumonceaux, Danielle
10. Gudmundson, Abbie (double:speaking/impromptu)
11. Harris, Ali
12. Hilsen, John
13. Julik, Joe
14. Kalina, Alex
15. Keil, Christian (double: speaking/impromptu)
16. Kunkel, Adam
17. Longley, Ryan
18. McNeil, Chris
19. Nelson, Matt
20. Nelson, Shawn
21. Nylund, Kati
22. Panzer, Zach
23. Rajavuori, Starla
24. Rosenthal, Sarah (double: great/impromptu)
25. Sabroski, Hope
26. Schmidt, Julie (double: speaking/impromptu)
27. Schwartz, Mikaela
28. Schwegman, Elizabeth (triple: OO/drama/impromptu)
29. Schwegman, Emily
30. Shim, Joe
31. Sweere, Melissa
32. Udairam, Roslyn
33. Verduzcon, Jake
34. Wardrop, Claire (double: poetry/prose)
35. Willaert, Yevette


All participants of NFL must email me their title/selections (for humorous and DI) or just titles (OO) ASAP!!!!

Practice cancelled

All practices are cancelled for Thursday. If we don't have school Friday, we will still have the tournament Saturday unless you hear from me (not likely, as the storm should be gone by then). So, I will see you on Saturday in the North cafeteria at 7:30.

Discussants: Don't forget to pick up your bins from my classroom!!!