Monday, March 05, 2007

Waterston Practice

This week is NFL's, so no Friday practice. Because of snow days last week, we're running short on practices, so here's what I envision:

2:30 Adam
3:00 John
3:30 anybody who reads this post before then and wants to practice :-)

2:30-3:30 Discussion
3:30 Dan
4:00 open for appointment
4:30 open for appointment

2:30 open for appointment (our staff mtg was rescheduled...I should be available as far as I know)

2:30 Jake
3:00-4:30 Storytellers
4:30 open for appointment

Friday Suzanne and I will both be gone for NFL's. However, Suzanne said she may be able to be more available this week, so contact her if you need additional practice.

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