Monday, January 28, 2008

Lakeville South INFO

This week is our only HOME tournament. There is MUCH to do. Please, if you haven't yet, sign up for a day (Thursday or Friday) to help out. This is a lettering requirement.

Info for competing at our tournament:
This is the first tournament for half of you, so this may be a little repetitive, but make sure you have done two things:
1. PAID and TURNED IN ALL FORMS: If you still have an outstanding status, you will NOT be allowed to compete, and you will owe a $15 drop fee.
2. READ! If you are a novice, make sure you have read "Tournament Procedures" from your handbook, so you have a good idea of what to expect.

Everyone, make sure you are dressed professionally and have everything ready. If you are using a script, make sure it has been mounted on black paper. See me if you need this.

Below is the meet time and roster (no bus, obviously :-)). If you are on this roster, but will not be coming, you owe your team a $15 drop fee. Let me know ASAP if this is the case. If you get sick Saturday morning, you MUST call my cell (in the handbook) to let me know.

MEET IN MY ROOM (A109) at 7:15 (Draws start at 8). We will have breakfast available.

1. Abbie Barrett, OO
2. Mike Berger, ES and Imp
3. Michelle Bradley, OO
4. Ashley Branch, Story
5. Kelly Cole, Info and Prose
6. Maurita Denley, Disco
7. Ryan Falk, Humor
8. Logan Halliday, Story
9. Michelle Heintze, Disco
10. Joe Julik, OO and Duo
11. Evan Jungbauer, CE
12. Taylor Kappenman, Poe
13. Christian Keil, ES and Imp
14. Adam Kunkel, CE
15. Bronwyn Leask, GS
16. Ryan Longley, Disco
17. Kati Nylund, Humor
18. Rachel Roesner, ER
19. Sarah Rosenthal, GS and Poe
20. Julie Schmidt, Info and Imp
21. Mikaela Schwartz, Prose
22. Joe Shim, OO and Duo
23. Dylan Slinger, ES
24. Jeff Steinkamp, Humor
25. Lisa Sweere, Info
26. Melissa Sweere, OO
27. Carissa VanSlooten, Info

COME SEE ME WITH QUESTIONS!!! I will see you all either Thursday or Friday.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Extemp - Week of Jan 28

The debate season ended about 5:30PM on a cold Saturday night in now it's time to rev up the extemp engine.

We will practice from 5:30 to 7:30PM on Monday and Friday nights up in the IMC. You should probably plan on taking a couple hours a week to print some stuff for the files and read independently as well. We want to use practice time to either give speeches or study topics that you'll speak on.

I know we have our own tournament this weekend, but we'll still do practice on Friday night.

Be sure to offer to help with setting up and cleaning.

If you need to reach me, my cell phone is 651.387.8305 you can either call or text me.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Eden Prairie Results

WOW!!! What an amazing first tournament! Though our showing was not impressive to many standards (15th out of 22 schools), I think we are a very promising small team. Our novii are an incredible group well on their way to owning this team. I am very excited for this season! Although everyone had some impressive moments, here are the highlights of this first tournament:

-Michael Berger, senior captain and generally awesome guy: 2nd place in varsity Extemp. Speaking
-Ryan Falk, freshman rockstar and always smiling: 6th place in novice Humorous
-Joe Julik, junior and luckiest guy at the tournament: winner of the Wii (EP was sponsored by Rasmussen College, who held a drawing for a Wii if you filled out their information card and our very own J.J. cool is that?)

I am VERY looking forward to our "home court advantage" (as quoted by Ryan Falk) next week. Make sure you all sign up to help with tournament prep on either Thursday or Friday. Watch the site later this week for all the details of our very own tourney.

Go Cougars!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tournament Prep

ALL MEMBERS OF THE TEAM are expected to help with prep for our tournament on either (or both, if you're so inclined :-)) Thursday, January 31 or Friday, February 1. On Thursday, we will be making posters and envelopes from 3-5. On Friday, we will be hanging posters and stuffing envelopes from 3-5. Sign up outside my room (A109) for which day. There are 34 of you, so I put 17 slots on each day, but you can add more if you're willing to come both days. It's generally pretty fun working together and getting pumped for our big day.

CONGRATS to our one-act folks, who WON subsections on Thursday, so sadly won't be at our tourney on Saturday, but will be dazzling the section judges.

Good luck to the 16 competitors who will be starting the season tomorrow at Eden Prairie.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It is time for our very first tournament of 2008! I know I'm excited, and I hope you are, too! Make sure you always check the website for tournament information the week of the tournament. For this first tournament, make sure you have done two things:
1. PAID and TURNED IN ALL FORMS: If you still have an outstanding status, you will NOT be allowed to compete, and you will owe a $15 drop fee.
2. READ! If you are a novice, make sure you have read "Tournament Procedures" from your handbook, so you have a good idea of what to expect.

Everyone, make sure you are dressed professionally and have everything ready. If you are using a script, make sure it has been mounted on black paper. See me if you need this.

Below is the leave time and roster. If you are on this roster, but will not be coming, you owe your team a $15 drop fee. Let me know ASAP if this is the case. If you get sick Saturday morning, you MUST call my cell (in the handbook) to let me know. If you are late, we will leave without you.



1. Michael Berger, Ext. Speaking
2. Ashley Branch, Storytelling
3. Kelly Cole, Prose and Info
4. Ryan Falk, Humor
5. Kori Fideler, Ext. Reading
6. Logan Halliday, Storytelling
7. Michelle Heintze, Disco
8. Joe Julik, OO
9. Evan Jungbauer, Creative
10. Taylor Kappenman, Poetry
11. Adam Kunkel, Creative and Duo
12. Bronwyn Leask, Great Sp
13. Ryan Longley, Disco
14. Julie Schmidt, Info
15. Emily Schwegman, Humor and Duo
16. Jeff Steinkamp, Humor

This is our smallest group all year for a variety of reasons, but we have an exact even number of veterans and novices, so pair up to make sure you have a guide for the day.

Email me with questions. I also still have practice spots available. Come see me to sign up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Practice this week and next...

Hello, team!

Practice is a little weird this week and next due to yesterday's cancellations and next week's lack of school. SO, make sure you are communicating with your coaches about when to practice. If you are cancelling practice, please CALL your coach, don't just email, because they may not check email before making the drive over. Please read all notes below in case they pertain to you:
1. Discussion- SO sorry about being sick. Then Suzanne was going to take care of you, but then she couldn't make it either. We will make this practice discussion up THIS Friday right after school. Please let me know if you can't make it, but please make every effort to be here. Next week, we don't have school on Monday or Friday, so we will practice on Wednesday at 3:30. Again, make every effort to be here on this off-the-regular-schedule-day.
2. Angie's Students (drama/duo)- Angie is ONLY available on Mondays, and since we don't have school next Monday, you will all need to sign up for a time to practice with me. Times go quickly, so please see me soon.
3. Suzanne's Students (OO, Info, GS)- If you were supposed to be here yesterday, Suzanne will contact you to arrange a new time. She will be here Thursday for sure, so stop by then if you're unsure.
4. Joy and Amanda's Students (prose, ext. rdg, humor)- Always keep in contact. Their schedules should remain the same, but just make sure you're communicating.

EVERYONE: If you want extra practice time, please come see me, and I will schedule you. This does NOT take the place of meeting with your regular coach unless prearranged. I have time open on Thursday and Friday.

The first tournament is less than 2 weeks away. Only 16 of you are signed up, but all should be working hard. See me with ANY questions about ANYTHING. Go Cougars!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Some reminders as we head into the competition part of the season:

1. Some of you STILL have missing forms/obligations. You MUST get these taken care of. No excuses.
2. You must be practicing weekly. More if you are double-entered. You need to communicate with your coaches to ensure they know if you can't make it.
3. The first tournament is Jan. 26, which a lot of people can't come to due to solo/ensemble, which is fine. However, the second tournament is our home tournament on Feb. 2nd. Even if you are not able to compete that day (one-act folks), you still must plan on being here after school on either Thursday, January 31st or Friday, February 1st to help with tournament prep. It is required for lettering.
4. Your captains are working on designing t-shirts and sweatshirts. If you have ideas for either, talk to Kayla ( or Mike ( T-shirts will be $10 and sweatshirts will be about $60. Start thinking about ordering, and watch the site for info.

Finally, I am SO impressed with what I've been seeing from you in practice in the last month. Some of you are literally dazzling me with your talent. I'm SO excited for the competition to get underway.

Cheers, Mrs. H.