Saturday, January 26, 2008

Eden Prairie Results

WOW!!! What an amazing first tournament! Though our showing was not impressive to many standards (15th out of 22 schools), I think we are a very promising small team. Our novii are an incredible group well on their way to owning this team. I am very excited for this season! Although everyone had some impressive moments, here are the highlights of this first tournament:

-Michael Berger, senior captain and generally awesome guy: 2nd place in varsity Extemp. Speaking
-Ryan Falk, freshman rockstar and always smiling: 6th place in novice Humorous
-Joe Julik, junior and luckiest guy at the tournament: winner of the Wii (EP was sponsored by Rasmussen College, who held a drawing for a Wii if you filled out their information card and our very own J.J. cool is that?)

I am VERY looking forward to our "home court advantage" (as quoted by Ryan Falk) next week. Make sure you all sign up to help with tournament prep on either Thursday or Friday. Watch the site later this week for all the details of our very own tourney.

Go Cougars!

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