Friday, December 05, 2008

Here we go!

And we're off to a great start! Thank you SO much to all who attended the meeting last night (or to those who came in yesterday to say they couldn't make it, but picked up all the materials). A few things:

1. Go here (linked from my teacher web page) to view an online version of the handbook (if you were to lose your paper copy or something :-)).

2. Go here (MN State High School League speech page) to read ALL THE RULES OF SPEECH AND YOUR CATEGORY SPECIFICALLY. After last year's unfortunate disqualification, there will be no more rule infractions on my watch. You are responsible for reading and know what is and is not allowed. See me or your coach with questions.

3. I have the date of the state tournament wrong in the handbook. It is April 17-18 NOT 24-45. I believe we're on Friday this year, but we'll know for sure closer to that time. State is NOT in the cities this year, so if we qualify, we will need to make a trip out of it. (It is at Gustavus Adolphus in St. Peter.)

4. Remember to turn in your form and fee to Mrs. Rogness in the activities office by BREAK!

5. Turn in your info sheet, contract, and parent volunteer form to ME in A109 ASAP!

6. Leave a comment on this page as proof you have read this. (Click on comments.)

Have a super wonderful weekend. Next week we begin! Looking forward to it :-).


Anonymous said...

Ha, first one to read it/actually have proof of reading it. Go me :)
Taylor Vivant

Unknown said...

I will get my forms to you as soon as possible! :) Everyone should come to the Mankato Workshop!!!


Anonymous said...

I read it and I will get the forms and fee in ASAP!
Meron Zeru

Anonymous said...

Shannon Armstrong, Ryan and Maddy Longley read the post and we will make sure all the forms are turned in and promise to bug each other until we do. GO Speech!

Spyder said...

Dani Johnson read it

Anonymous said...

i read it. :)

Dylan Slinger said...

I read it :D

Anonymous said...

Ok Heinis I read it and posted stuff happy yet... Oh wait your a girl you'll never be happy!

your CDM Jeff

Anonymous said...

comment comment... i read it
Joan Keller

Anonymous said...

um excuse me jeff i will try not to take ur comment seriously considering i am a VERY consistently happy GIRL! lol anyways...Mrs. Heinis I read ur post obviously and i will turn in my forms tomorrow :)

Lakeville South Mock Trial said...

Hey Heinis!
I read the post! I will be getting everything in ASAP!!
wow Jeff way to be mean. I am offended by that...
Abbie Barrett

Anonymous said...

I read it!
- Michael Slutsky

Anonymous said...

Welllllll, im kinda like late in reading this blog, but i still read that's okay right??
nevermind im sure it is..i hope.
whatever, its like fine.
so anywaysss im excited to like be on the speech team cause it seems like a good oppertunitie to talk and stuff and i like love to talk,,but i also like to listen.
my hobbies include talking, reading, laughing, jumping, saphire blue, and some other things toooo.
soooooooooooo yeaaa...
anywaysss i hope everyone is doing well and is good and stuff and im gonna go now but ill like to talk you guys later and yea...bye.

BTW..this is shelly

Unknown said...

i just remembered by bloggy password!
and im gonna turn the fee and paper stuff in tomorrow..
haha, wow Jeff you would :]

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey!! That is a horrible thing to say! Girls can be happy when the feel like it! lol. Mrs. Heinis I have read the post and will get everything turned in on time!

Anonymous said...

That way from Kelly, by the way:)

Anonymous said...

sure i read it.

hahahah jeffrey that was a good one.

Anonymous said...
