Monday, February 01, 2010

Eden Prairie Results

Congratulations on a great first tournament! We took 7th place (out of 24)! Well done. Ten people made finals, and we had three champions! Again, great job :-)

Abbie Barrett- 4th place, Honors OO
Luke Braun- Champion, Novice Creative Ex
Christian England-Sullivan- 2nd place, Novice Humorous
Hannah Heintze- 6th place, Honors Discussion
Leema John- 7th place, Extemp Speaking
Joan Keller-7th place, Honors Discussion
Adam Kunkel- Champion, Creative Ex
Maddy Peton- 3rd place, Poetry
Jack Ryan- 3rd place, Novice Extemp Speaking
Dylan Slinger- Champion, Extemp Speaking

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