Monday, March 01, 2010

North Information

Hooray! Another tournament we don't need a bus for :-). Our tournament this weekend is at North. Round One starts at 8:30 (draws at 8:00), so you need to meet me in the North cafeteria at 7:20 to check in and get your info. Like the last 2 tournaments, they are site-scheduling. So, if you're late, I'll drop you from the tournament and you'll have to pay the $20 AND stay and watch. BE ON TIME!

This tournament is different than others. Instead of honors finals and varsity finals, they do semi-finals and finals. Three prelims as regular, then top 12 go into semis and top 6 advance to finals. This means there are 5 rounds instead of 4. This means awards START at 5, instead of end at 5. BUT, there's no bus ride, so it all evens out to being done by 6ish. Speaking of being done, you NEED to have a ride arranged. Last week, awards were over at 5, but I didn't get to leave until 5:45 while waiting for parents to come get you. Call BEFORE awards to give your ride an estimated time. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL AWARDS ARE OVER TO CALL. If it runs 10 minutes behind, and your ride has to wait, it's not the end of the world.

Barrett, Abbie
Batz, Anna
Boutwell, William
Branch, Ashley
Brand, Meredith
Braun, Luke
Brundrett, Chelsea
Cole, Mike
Doyle, Anna
Ebeling, Brittany
England-Sullivan, Christian
Ferrell, Kaitlin
Garnighian, Raffi
Gore, Madeline
Haakonson, Tess
Halliday, Logan
Halliday, McCall
Heintze, Hannah
Hulasare, Kanchan
John, Leema
Johnston, Megan
Jones, Anesha
Keller, Joan
Kimmel, Kaitlyn
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Lambrecht, Lauren
Lane, Audrey
Marian, Evan
Monsalve, Diego
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Petersen, Tijen
Peton, Maddy
Pospisil, Jenica
Roberts, Mallory
Rutan, Hayden
Ryan, Jack
Shim, Anselmo
Slinger, Dylan
Slinger, Samy
Sperl, Megan
Stiles, Maggie
Sweere, Lisa
Vivant, Taylor
Zeru, Meron

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