Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Extemp Readers, Humorous and Prose

Just a few things...
Next week (28January-3February) is my Interim break here at school. I will be in Wisconsin during this time, thus we will not be having practice. If you feel the need to practice, you can contact any of the other coaches to see if they have any open time slots to hear your piece.
Starting 5February, practices will be a little bit different.
My classes won't be out until 3pm, which means I'll be able to be in Lakeville and starting practices by 3:30.
Something new: We no longer are having time slot scheduling. We will be meeting as a group from 3:30-5 on your categories assigned day.
Humor: Monday from 3:30-5
Extemp Reading: 3:30-5
Prose 3:30-5
You NEED to be there the entire time unless previously cleared by me. I will catch on if you seem to have a hair cut every week.
If you have any questions, please email me: nelsonkl@stolaf.edu

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