Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our Tournament Prep/Info.

ALL SPEECH TEAM MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO HELP WITH OUR TOURNAMENT!!!! We will be making/hanging signs, stuffing packets, and much more on Thursday, February 1st and Friday, February 2nd. YOU MUST COME TO ONE OF THESE PREP TIMES IN ORDER TO LETTER!!! Additionally, this is a great way to show your team (and me) you care. We will start working on Thursday after school and go until about 6 (most likely). Friday we will start after school and go until we're done!!! This tournament prep takes place of practice for Waterston this week. Other coaches will coach as needed, but our tournament takes priority.

There is a LOT to do. Your team needs your help. This is a big undertaking, and a big fundraiser for our team. Your parents have been working hard, now it's your turn. WE NEED YOU!!!

Even if you are not competing at our tournament on Saturday, we need your help to prepare. If you ARE competing, I am registering this Friday, so if you want to double-enter, let me know. Team members who are competing must be here at school by 7 A.M. the day of the tournament to help with any last minute preparations. We will be grounding our team in my classroom (A109) for the day. This room will not be used for rounds.

Come see me or email me with questions. I'm so excited for our first ever tournament!

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