Monday, February 04, 2008

Apple Valley Info

Apple Valley is the biggest, most competitive tournament we will attend this year. The varsity and novice teams will compete in different buildings even. It is very important you are on time this week (although we had no late-comers when we went to EP). Below is the info and roster.

LEAVE AT 7:10 AM from upper lot. (Their awards ceremony is usually pretty long, so we won't be back until around 6.)

If you are NOT on this list, but would like to compete, let me know ASAP. If you ARE on this list but CAN'T compete, you will have to pay the $15 drop fee.

Anderson, Kayla
Barrett, Abbie
Berger, Mike
Bergeron, Sebastian
Branch, Ashley
Cole, Kelly
Falk, Ryan
Fideler, Kori
Halliday, Logan
Jennings, Tim
Julik, Joe
Kunkel, Adam
Leask, Bronwyn
Longley, Ryan
Nelson, Shawn
Nylund, Kati
Roesner, Rachel
Rosenthal, Sarah
Schmidt, Julie
Schwartz, Mikaela
Schwegman, Emily
Shim, Joe
Slinger, Dylan
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Lisa
Sweere, Melissa
VanSlooten, Carissa
Zeru, Meron

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