Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Jan. 24th

If you want to attend the MSU Winter Warm-up Workshop on Jan. 24th, please see me for registration materials. The deadline to register is Monday, Jan. 12. The following people said they were going on their contracts, so I should see all of these people for sure. Even if you didn't indicate it on your contract, you can still go. Just come see me. This is a GREAT opportunity to work with college-level speakers on improving your piece for the competition season.

Drogemuller, Caitlin
Gore, Madeline
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
McMahon, Melissa
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Rosenthal, Sarah (already registered)
Schwartz, Mikaela
Slutsky, Michael

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