Monday, January 05, 2009


Happy 2009! Now that break is over, we're really getting into it. You need to show your commitment by being responsible and prepared. Some reminders:

1. VERY few people have all obligations met. I have not updated the list of shame, but it has only changed a little. You should know what you've turned in. If you haven't turned in any of the five things (eligibility form, fee of $110, parent volunteer sheet, info sheet, contract) you need to do so ASAP. If I don't have any of the five from you by Friday, I will assume you have quit the team.

2. The all-team workshop is this Friday (Jan. 9th) from 3-10 PM. We will practice, dine, and play many fun games to help us build our team unity. If you haven't turned in your contract yet (30 of you), I have no idea if you are planning on coming. Remember, unless you have a very good reason, you must attend one of the two workshops to letter. This Friday's is free and nearby. The other option (Jan. 24) is $20 and in Mankato. Most everyone who has turned their contracts in plan to be here this Friday. Be here at 3:00!!! We will go over the evening's schedule at that time.

3. As people do turn in their contracts, I notice some of you are not committing to enough tournaments to letter. There are 8 invitationals (1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21) and you must attend 6 to letter. Workshops, NFLs (3/13), and Sections do not count toward lettering. Speech is a lot of work to only plan on attending 3 or 4 tournaments. Let me know if you want to amend your contract.

4. PLEASE use your lettering sheets (found at the end of your handbook). You should be having your coach initial it each time you practice. If you already lost it, you can get another online. See the blog post from Dec. 5th.

5. 26 days until the first tournament! Work hard every day!

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