Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Practice this week and next...

Hello, team!

Practice is a little weird this week and next due to yesterday's cancellations and next week's lack of school. SO, make sure you are communicating with your coaches about when to practice. If you are cancelling practice, please CALL your coach, don't just email, because they may not check email before making the drive over. Please read all notes below in case they pertain to you:
1. Discussion- SO sorry about being sick. Then Suzanne was going to take care of you, but then she couldn't make it either. We will make this practice discussion up THIS Friday right after school. Please let me know if you can't make it, but please make every effort to be here. Next week, we don't have school on Monday or Friday, so we will practice on Wednesday at 3:30. Again, make every effort to be here on this off-the-regular-schedule-day.
2. Angie's Students (drama/duo)- Angie is ONLY available on Mondays, and since we don't have school next Monday, you will all need to sign up for a time to practice with me. Times go quickly, so please see me soon.
3. Suzanne's Students (OO, Info, GS)- If you were supposed to be here yesterday, Suzanne will contact you to arrange a new time. She will be here Thursday for sure, so stop by then if you're unsure.
4. Joy and Amanda's Students (prose, ext. rdg, humor)- Always keep in contact. Their schedules should remain the same, but just make sure you're communicating.

EVERYONE: If you want extra practice time, please come see me, and I will schedule you. This does NOT take the place of meeting with your regular coach unless prearranged. I have time open on Thursday and Friday.

The first tournament is less than 2 weeks away. Only 16 of you are signed up, but all should be working hard. See me with ANY questions about ANYTHING. Go Cougars!

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