Friday, January 25, 2008

Tournament Prep

ALL MEMBERS OF THE TEAM are expected to help with prep for our tournament on either (or both, if you're so inclined :-)) Thursday, January 31 or Friday, February 1. On Thursday, we will be making posters and envelopes from 3-5. On Friday, we will be hanging posters and stuffing envelopes from 3-5. Sign up outside my room (A109) for which day. There are 34 of you, so I put 17 slots on each day, but you can add more if you're willing to come both days. It's generally pretty fun working together and getting pumped for our big day.

CONGRATS to our one-act folks, who WON subsections on Thursday, so sadly won't be at our tourney on Saturday, but will be dazzling the section judges.

Good luck to the 16 competitors who will be starting the season tomorrow at Eden Prairie.

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