Monday, February 09, 2009

Apple Valley Tourney Info

The Apple Valley tournament this Saturday runs differently than any other. Varsity and Novice are separate tournaments, and they're even held in separate buildings. EXCEPT, the Extemp Speakers are in the same building because they share files. And Discussion is in the other building to even it out.

So, we will be taking two buses because we have 44 people going. If you are a novice anything but extemp speaking and all discussion, you will get on MY bus, and we'll go to Falcon Ridge Middle School. If you are varsity anything but disco and all extemp speaking, you'll get on Mr. Lawrence's bus. Awards are all held together at the end of the day. Both buses will leave here from the upper parking lot at 7:05. Don't be late!

If you get sick the morning of, remember to call Mrs. Heinis' cell, BUT NOT AFTER 10 PM OR BEFORE 5 AM. The registration is below. Let me know ASAP if you're on it and shouldn't be or vice versa. See you Saturday!

Armstrong, Shannon Duo
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Brundrett, Chelsea Ext. Reading
Cole, Mike Humorous
Ebeling, Brittany Poetry
Egge, Brianna Informative
Garnighian, Raffie Ext. Speaking
Gore, Madeline Creative Expression
Goude, Anna Poetry
Gundel, Tye Drama
Halliday, Logan Storytelling
Heintze, Hannah Discussion
Heintze, Michelle Discussion
Hulasare, Kanchan Discussion
John, Leema Ext. Speaking
Johnson, Dani Storytelling
Johnston, Megan Informative
Johnston, Vanessa Ext. Speaking
Keller, Joan Creative Expression
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Lavallee, Megan Poetry
Longley, Maddy Duo
Longley, Ryan Discussion
McMahon, Melissa Prose
Nelson, Ruthie OO
O'brien, Grace Great Speeches
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Roles, Madison Duo
Roles, Shelby Duo
Rosenthal, Sarah Great Speeches and Poe
Rutan, Hayden Humorous
Schilz, Ashley Storytelling
Schwartz, Mikaela Prose
Shim, Anselmo Ext. Speaking
Shim, Joe OO and Humorous
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Slutsky, Michael Humorous
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion

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