Monday, February 09, 2009

Lakeville South Results

GREAT JOB TEAM!!! We hosted a very successful tournament, despite the little snafus. I was very impressed with how you all handled yourselves. Well done. Additionally, many of you performed very well, too! Great job to our finalists:

Madeline Gore-Creative Ex-7th Place, Novice
Hannah Heintze-Discussion-6th Place, Novice
Kanchan Hulasare-Discussion-3rd Place, Novice
Melissa McMahon-Drama-6th Place, Novice
Tye Gundel-Drama-5th Place, Novice
Vanessa Johnston-Extemp Speaking-9th Place, Novice
Anselmo Shim-Extemp Speaking-6th Place, Novice
Dylan Slinger-Extemp Speaking-4th Place, Varsity & Impromptu Champion
Sarah Rosenthal-Great Speeches-4th Place, Varsity
Michael Slutsky-Humorous-6th Place, Novice
Leema John-Impromptu-5th Place, Varsity
Emily Healy-Informative-7th Place, Novice
Ruthie Nelson-OO-5th Place, Novice
Taylor Vivant-OO- Novice Champion
Kaya Petersen-Storytelling-8th Place, Novice

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