Monday, February 23, 2009

Results: Apple Valley and Mounds View

On Feb. 14, the following students placed at Apple Valley:

Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Speaking, 4th place-Novice
Adam Kunkel- Creative, 7th place; OO, 6th place-Honors
Sarah Rosenthal-Great Speeches, 4th place
Dylan Slinger-Ext. Speaking, 3rd place
Michelle Heintze- Discussion, 3rd place-Honors
Melissa McMahon-Drama-4th place-Novice
Ruthie Nelson-OO, 7th place-Novice
Hayden Rutan-Humor, 4th place-Novice

Well done! That's a hard tournament.

On Feb. 21, the following students place at Mounds View:

Logan Halliday-Storytelling, 7th place
Sarah Rosenthal-Poetry, 3rd place; Great Speeches Champion
Dylan Slinger-Ext. Speaking, 2nd place
Leema John-Ext. Speaking, 7th place
Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Speaking, 8th place
Jeff Steinkamp- Humore, 3rd place
Caitlin Drogmueller- Info, 5th place
Abbie Barrett- OO, 3rd place
Melissa Sweere- OO, 7th place
Taylor Vivant- OO, 4th place
Hannah Heintze-Disco, 7th place

As a team, we took 3rd place. Our first sweeps of the year! Good job everyone!

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