Friday, March 16, 2007

Notes from Recovery

1. My tonsillectomy went well. I am doing fine, and can't wait to take you all to our final invitational at Roseville on the 24th.

2. I will be posting the Roseville roster on the web site soon.

3. I will also be posting the Section roster soon. Please see me (after the 22nd) with questions. You can email me as well. Don't call, as I currently can't talk (and yes, it's killing me :-)).

4. Some of you know that I promised anyone making it to Nationals that I would take them to a Twins' game to celebrate. You all know that I now have to make good on that promise (Hooray for Abbie and Mike!). I think it would be most fun to plan an entire team outting for this particular celebration (with Abbie and Mike's tix on me). We will still have a team banquet with parents and all, but this would just be a day of fun, nothing speech related except us having fun together. Mr. Douglas says that for safety's sake, it should be an official field trip, and I agree. But there's no way I'm taking you out of school for a ballgame (I do have my limits :-)). But, Sunday, May 6th the Red Sox are coming to town at 1:10. Currently, tickets are available. I would like to generate some buzz: $10 cheap seats or $22 Home Run porch? Just speechies or should everyone be allowed to sign up one non-speech team guest/date? You will be responsible for all costs, and I will have further details on a bus after I talk with Mr. Douglas. If we go cheap seats and at least 30 people come, it probably won't be more than $15 per person. Home Run porch will be more like $27. People will need to commit with money before I buy the tickets, so start thinking about it. If this date doesn't work for many, May 27th is also a Sunday matinee game, but it's just the Blue Jays, not nearly as cool.

5. Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow at Centennial. Someone text me or email me with the results.

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