Saturday, March 10, 2007

Results from this week and last (and before that, too)

I realized I am a total slacker and have been forgetting to post our results as of late. My bad :-)

On Saturday, February 17th, we ventured north to Flake. Results:
Mike Berger: 4th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Dan Bungert: 5th Place, Honors OO
Mick Doyle: 2nd Place, Honors Great Speeches
Abbie Gudmundson: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Saturday, February 24th, we went nowhere, as the storm kicked our behinds before we could even speak.

On Saturday, March 3rd, we traveled ALL the way across town to compete at the Northstar Invitational. Results:
Mike Berger: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson: 8th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Friday, March 9th, we bussed it over to Eagan for the National Forensic League qualifying tournament. Results:
Mike Berger: Champion, Extemp. Speaking (qualifying for Nationals)
Dan Bungert: Semifinalist, OO
Abbie Gudmundson: 3rd Place, Extemp. Speakign (qualifying for Nationals)
Christian Keil: Semifinalist, Extemp. Speaking
Lizzie Schwegman: Semifinalist, OO

Then, on March 10th, we liked Eagan High School SO much, we ventured back a mere 11 hours after we had left for the Wildcat Invitational. Results:
Sarah Rosenthal: 4th Place, Honors Great Speeches
Emily Schwegman: 2nd Place, Honors Humorous
Roslyn Udairam: 4th Place, Honors Humorous

There. I think I'm caught up now.

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