Tuesday, April 17, 2007

From your captains...

Hey Speechers! It's the end of the season and that means it's time to have a party! Thanks to Julie Schmidt's hospitable parents, we will be doing just that after the State tournament this weekend. Here are the details so you can clear your schedules (which you will obviously want to do):

Saturday, April 21
6:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
20612 Jupiter Path, Lakeville

We are asking that everyone who comes brings something to eat/drink be it chips, cookies, pop, or some other creative concoction. If you have any questions hit me up via email [ mailto:acgudmundson@gmail.com ]acgudmundson@gmail.com or talk to me or Dan at school. Be sure to stop by and show your speech love--what a great season!

Also, we hope to thank our coaches at the end of year banquet (details coming later) with gifts from the team. We would really appreciate it if each team member could contribute by giving five dollars. Our coaches do so much for us, and this is our way of saying thanks! If you could bring the money on Saturday, that would be preferable, otherwise feel free to drop it off in Ms. Waterston's room later in the week. Thanks guys!

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