Tuesday, April 10, 2007


1. We will meet immediately after 4th hour outside the front doors (12:20). You can either wear your suit to school or change over your lunch period (NOT at 12:20). If you choose to change, you can leave your suit in my room. I have C lunch.
2. I need titles/authors from the following people ASAP:
John Hilsen
Mick Doyle (and that other GS stuff listed in the last post)
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Alex Kalina
3. I need SCRIPTS from the following people (can be turned in as late as when you get on the bus, but if you don't have it, I WILL SEND YOU TO 5TH HOUR!!!)
John Hilsen
Adam Kunkel
Mick Doyle
Jake Verduzco
Matt Nelson
Dan Bungert
Lizzie Scwegman
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

LET ME KNOW ASAP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS!!!I'm SO excited!!!!!!!! South St. Paul or Bust! (that's where State is being held this year...)

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