Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank You...A Sappy Message from Your Head Coach

What an amazing season. "Really?" you ask, "but, Ms. W., we only got one trophy all year. Last year we got six. Last year we sent three to state, and we did again this year." Yeah, that's all true, but to add to that, we also have two people going to Nationals (yay). And, as you well know, I'm not all about the winning (which may be why we don't win more often...the jury is still out on that). I'm about the experience. And this season was the best. I was pretty depressed earlier this season when so many people quit. We went from 65 to 37 in the course of the three months. I will never know the "real" reasons so many people quit, but I don't really want to know, I guess. Because the 37 of you we ended up with are fantastic. So many of you impressed me in so many ways this year. Your hard work, devotion, and willingness to go out of your way for others (including me at times) is inspiring.

We have six seniors on the team this year, two who just started this year. Last year was easy, because no one was leaving for good. Even the people who left the team were still "around". But now you are going off to college or other endeavors. You will be strongly missed. To counteract that, we have an AMAZING group of novices this year who show a ridiculous amount of promise. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in your years to come.

The season is not over for six of you (yes, you alternates should come to state, because you never know when something could happen and you want to be there just in case). I expect to see you practicing this week. Send me an email to set up a time. And, Abbie G. and Mike, you've got 2 months to prep for the big show. Your successes inspire us all.

So, to wrap this up, I say THANK YOU. Each of you has brought something to my life this season (even if it was frustration :-)). To those of you graduating, keep in touch. To those of you I still get next year, check the web site from time to time over the offseason; you never know when I'll have something to say.

(Information regarding our end of the year banquet will be posted within the next two weeks. Stay tuned.)

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