Monday, March 10, 2008


We will leave for Northfield on Saturday, March 15th at 7:15 AM (no oversleeping :-)). Suzanne is taking you to this tourney, not me, so be good.

Roster is below. Drops are $15, as usual. MANY people owe drop money!!!! Get this in or you won't letter.

Anderson, Kayla-Prose
Cole, Kelly- Prose, Info
Davis, Tyler-Humor
Falk, Ryan-Humor
Fideler, Kori- Reading
Halliday, Logan-Story
Heintze, Michelle-Disco
Jungbauer, Evan-Creative
Kunkel, Adam-Creative
Nelson, Shawn-Drama
Roesner, Rachel-Reading
Rosenthal, Sarah-GS, Poetry
Schmidt, Julie-Info
Schwartz, Mikaela-Prose
Shim, Joe-OO
Steinkamp, Jeff-Humor
Zeru, Meron-Disco

Let me know ASAP if you can't make it, but you will owe the fee.

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