Friday, March 14, 2008

Sections Roster, Version 1.0

Per our handbook, the sections competitors were subject to the following qualifications:

*Positive attitude (a belief that you can and want to do well)
*Willingness to prepare (a commitment in both time and in favorably reacting to coaching)
*Demonstration of skill (both throughout the season and at practice)
*Demonstration of professionalism (you help build LSHS’s positive image)
*On-task, non-distracting practice habits (how well time is used)

Because we have a small team this year, most of you are going, pending you met [most of] these standards. The tentative roster is below. Tentative because you must also be in good standing financially. A few of you (Michelle, Rachel, Shawn) owe your team drop fees. (Others do as well, including people who have quit, and they're grades will be held later in the year if they're not paid up. So, if you see them, remind them.)

With that in mind, here is the roster for sections:
Creative (2)
Evan Jungbauer
Adam Kunkel

Discussion (3)
Michelle Heintze
Ryan Longley
Meron Zeru

Drama (1)
Shawn Nelson


Extemp Reading (2)
Kori Fideler
Rachel Roesner

Extemp Speaking (3)
Michael Berger
Christian Keil
Dylan Slinger

Great Speeches (1)
Sarah Rosenthal

Humorous (3)
Ryan Falk
Emily Schwegman
Jeff Steinkamp

Informative (2)
Julie Schmidt
Lisa Sweere

OO (3)
Abbie Barrett
Joe Shim
Melissa Sweere

Poetry (1)
Taylor Kappenman

Prose (3)
Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Mikaela Schwartz

Storytelling (2)
Ashley Branch
Logan Halliday

See me if you have questions or concerns. Sections are Tuesday, April 8th, and you will miss half a day of school.

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