Tuesday, March 25, 2008

St. Cloud Apollo Info

Sad that not many of you signed up for this extra tournament, but here it is.

The bus will leave at 6:30 AM from the upper doors THIS Saturday, March 29th. Andy will be taking you to this added tourney. Remember to practice hard as we approach sections. Drop fees need to be paid!! Don't rack up new ones this weekend. FYI, sections registration is twice as high, so drop fees are considerable for sections, but if you skip sections, you've got bigger issues than the money.

Anyway, here's the roster for this weekend.

1. Kayla Anderson, Prose
2. Abbie Barrett, OO and Prose
3. Michael Berger, Speaking
4. Kelly Cole, Prose
5. Ryan Falk, Humor
6. Michelle Heintze, Disco
7. Christian Keil, Speaking
8. Adam Kunkel, Creative
9. Sarah Rosenthal, Great and Poetry
10. Joe Shim, OO
11. Dylan Slinger, Speaking
12. Meron Zeru, Disco

Have fun!

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