Monday, March 02, 2009

Lakeville North Tourney INFO

This weekend's tournament is at North. This means there will be NO BUS. You must be at North by 7:30. Find us in the commons. You absolutely must check in with me. Draws begin at 8. Round One is at 8:30. This tournament has semi-finals, so we'll have the opportunity to have more rounds of competition and more awards. Awards are scheduled to begin at 5:00. I will be taking attendance again AFTER awards. You will not get credit for attending the tournament if you do not stay the entire time (we are a team; you stay to support your teammates). See me with questions.

Because nearly the entire team is attending, it is easier to post a list of the roster NOT going. The only two people NOT going are

Sarah Rosenthal
Melissa Sweere

Let me know if this is incorrect ASAP. Further drops will require payment as of Tuesday. Practice hard! See you Saturday!

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