Wednesday, March 04, 2009

MSU Results

Last weekend was stellar! Many people received awards, and as a team, we took 2nd place! Well done, team. The following were honored:

Meron Zeru- Discussion Champion
Michelle Heintze- Discussion, 5th place
Kanchan Hulasare- Discussion, Top Novice
Ryan Longley- Discussion, Honors
Ashley Branch- Ext. Speaking, 4th place
Dylan Slinger- Ext. Speaking Champion
Leema John- Ext. Speaking, Honors
Raffi Garnighian-Ext. Speeaking, 2nd place
Anselmo Shim-Ext Speaking, 5th place
Brianna Egge- Informative, 3rd place Novice
Emily Healy- Informative, 2nd place Novice
Sarah Rosenthal- Poetry, 3rd place, Great Speeches Champion
Grace O'Brien- Great Speeches, Top Novice
Anna Goude- Poetry Novice Champion
Megan Lavallee- Poetry, 2nd place Novice
Adam Kunkel- Creative Ex, 2nd place, OO, 3rd place
Abbie Barrett-OO 2nd place, Prose, 5th place
Joe Shim- OO, Honors
Kelly Cole- Prose, Honors
Logan Halliday- Storytelling, 6th place
Chelsea Brundrett- Duo, Top Novice
Lauren Koch- Duo, Top Novice

Congratulations everyone!

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