Monday, March 16, 2009

Sections 2009

Sections selection was not very difficult for most categories this year, simply because SO many of you are going on Spring Break. Of our 54 team members, only 25 are going to sections. Boo. In the categories that selection WAS necessary, please refer to your handbook for the criteria. If you were not selected, you are more than welcome to come to cheer your teammates on :-). If you are not going to sections, this week is your last week. Again, boo. The season has gone quickly. If you're not going to sections or Northfield this Saturday, then you don't need to practice this week, since you will no longer be competing. See you at the banquet (details on the banquet to be determined...stay tuned).

1. Adam Kunkel
2. Madeline Gore

1. Hannah Heintze
2. Kanchan Hulasare
3. Meron Zeru

1. Maddy Peton

No entries

Ext. Reading
No entries

Ext. Speaking
1. Dylan Slinger
2. Leema John
3. Anselmo Shim

Great Speeches
No entries

1. Hayden Rutan
2. Mike Cole
3. Michael Slutsky

1. Caitlin Drogemuller
2. Megan Johnston
3. Lisa Sweere

1. Abbie Barrett
2. Ruthie Nelson
3. Taylor Vivant

1. Anna Goude

1. Kelly Cole
2. Leah Putz

1. Logan Halliday
2. Jeff Larson
3. Ashley Schilz

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