Monday, March 23, 2009

Northfield Results, etc.

CONGRATULATIONS to the whole team for taking FIRST PLACE at Northfield! What a great way to end the invitational season. Sections and State don't stand a chance against you :-). To those whose season is over, we'll see you at the banquet on Monday, May 4th in the commons (more info to come). If you're coming to sections, please attend a brief meeting in A109 this Wednesday after school for a quick discussion. 2:45-3. Quick and painless.

Here are our MANY award winners from Northfield:
Adam Kunkel- OO Champion, Creative Champion (woo-hoo!)
Madeline Gore- Creative- 2nd
Abbie Barrett- OO-4th, Prose-4th
Melissa Sweere- OO, 6th
Taylor Vivant- OO, Honorable Mention
Kelly Cole- Prose, Honorable Mention
Jeff Steinkamp- Humor-2nd
Michael Slutsky- Humor-Honorable Mention
Maddy Peton- Drama- Honorable Mention
Logan Halliday- Storytelling Champion
Ashley Schilz- Storytelling- Honorable Mention
Meron Zeru- Disco- Honorable Mention
Kanchan Hulasare- Disco- Honorable Mention
Hannah Heintze- Disco- Honorable Mention
Michelle Heintze- Disco- 3rd
Ashley Branch- Ext. Spk.- 7th
Leema John- Ext. Spk.-6th
Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Spk.- 5th
Anselmo Shim- Ext. Spk.- 4th
Dylan Slinger- Ext. Spk.- 3rd
Caitlin Drogemuller- Info- Honorable Mention
Emily Healy- Info- Honorable Mention
Grace O'Brien- Great Speeches- 4th
Sarah Rosenthal- Poetry- 2nd; Great Speeches- 2nd

Well done, everyone!

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