Thursday, February 15, 2007

Forest Lake Info

We will be leaving at 6:20 A.M. Saturday, as Forest Lake is north of the cities and draws are at 8 (instead of the usual 8:30), with rounds beginning at 8:30. Plus, this is historically a very large tournament, and we want to have a place to sit down. SO DON'T BE LATE or we may leave you behind.

Forest Lake does NOT have novice division, so you're all in this one together. They do have honor finals, however, so more people can win awards.

Also, if you ARE sick and can't make it, please call me either before 10 P.M. on Friday or after 5:30 A.M. on Saturday. Don't call at 12:30. Don't call at 4:30. Waterston needs her sleep :-)

See you Saturday, Speechers!!!

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