Friday, February 09, 2007

South Results

SORRY! I've really been slacking this week on the website posts. Here are the FABULOUS results from our very own tournament last weekend:

Adam Kunkel- Champion, Novice Creative
Emily Schwegman- 4th place, Novice Humorous
Abbie Barrett- 3rd place, Novice O.O.
Hope Sabroski- 5th place, Novice Poetry
Lauren Geier- 3rd place, Novice Storytelling
Mike Berger- 6th place, Extemp. Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson- 7th place, Extemp. Speaking & 2nd place, Impromptu
Lizzie Schwegman- Champion, Impromptu
Christian Keil- 6th place, Impromptu

Great job, everyone!!!

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