Wednesday, February 21, 2007

MSU Info

We will LEAVE for MSU at 6:30 (be here by 6:20). The drive is a little more than an hour, with registration beginning at 7:45 and draws at 8:30. This tournament will be different than any other because it is being held on a college campus. You will have to lug your jackets, bags, etc. around with you (there is usually a room to put them, but it is wide open to the entire campus, so I advise against it). Rooms will be harder to find because they will be in different buildings. You will need to rely heavily on your map. If all else fails, find me. The reason we're going to this tournament (other than we took 2nd place last year :-)) is because this is my alma mater. I can help you find your rooms :-) Andy and I will both be there judging, however, so we may not always be available.

Their tournament is the same as ours (we stole it from them) where you compete with everyone, but then novii can break into either final. Food will be available (good food, not parent concessions; they usually open the food court...but maybe bring food just in case).

IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER: Storms are predicted for this weekend. I will only cancel our participation in the tournament if the tournament director actually cancels the tournament. If this happens, you will be called by your captain to let you know. This WILL NOT be decided until Saturday morning, so don't 30 people call me Friday night to ask.

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