Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Overnight Cancelled

Not enough people signed up and committed to coming to the Marshall tournament, so we will not be going. Those that had paid will have their money returned to them.

Merry Christmas, all!

Friday, December 18, 2009


These people have missing forms:

Info Sheet (green):
Braun, Luke
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Goude, Anna
Halliday, Logan
Halliday, McCall
Heintze, Hannah
Hulasare, Kanchan
Koch, Lauren
Larson, Jeff
Peton, Maddy
Steinkamp, Jeff

Parent Sheet (blue):
Braun, Luke
Cole, Mike
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Dutt, Chris
Goude, Anna
Halliday, Logan
Halliday, McCall
Hulasare, Kanchan
Koch, Lauren
Larson, Jeff
Peton, Maddy
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Lisa

Contract (yellow):
Boutwell, William
Brand, Meredith
Braun, Luke
Carson, Charlie
Cole, Mike
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Dutt, Chris
Goude, Anna
Haakonson, Tess
Halliday, Logan
Halliday, McCall
Hulasare, Kanchan
Koch, Lauren
Lane, Audrey
Larson, Jeff
Peton, Maddy
Steinkamp, Jeff

Additionally, you need to make sure you have turned in your eligibility and paid. You do this in the Activities office. I will be getting a list from Mrs. Rogness next week.

20% Off

Ladies of South Speech-

The Limited has offered all speech team members 20% off their entire purchase in order to buy new suits for the season. If you are interested in this great offer (I LOVE The Limited; I have quite a few articles of clothing from there), stop by my room for a coupon.

AND: Get your forms and $$$ in ASAP!!! I will start personal harassment after break. Trust me, no one wants that...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


1. Everyone needs to continue to get forms turned in and fees paid. Yellow, blue, and green to Heinis; eligibility and $190 to Activities Office.

2. You are expected to be at practice as scheduled unless you have made other arrangements with your coach. Not the best attendance for the first week, people!

3. VETERANS: If you are intending to come to Marshall, I need you $100 BEFORE WINTER BREAK!!! So far, 9 people have money in and are going. If we do NOT reach 15 people in the next 5 days, we will not be going. It will cost toooooo much for fewer people to go (the bus is the most expensive part...).

4. Happy speeching!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Meeting Notes

If you were unable to attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Heinis. I need all forms turned in ASAP. Also, read the powerpoint below to see what was covered.

Monday, November 23, 2009


You should all have received a memo and a handbook. Read it before our meeting on Dec. 1st.

First novice to come see me and mention this post gets a prize. Sorry, veteran speechers, I expect you to be on here regularly already.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Overnight tournament

For those of you who expressed interest in the overnight tournament, please meet in my room after school for a brief meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19th. This tournament is open to 20 veteran speechers only. It would be the FIRST tournament, leaving Friday Jan. 29 and coming home Saturday, Jan. 30 (this replaces Eden Prairie; those not going to Marshall would attend EP). SEE ME if you can't make the meeting.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Extemp Practices

Here is a calendar that lists extemp speaking practices prior to Winter break.

Any questions, contact Andy Charrier.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Camp Info

As I mentioned at the banquet, there are three great possibilities for camp. I have listed them below. Let me know if you want more info.

MSU, Mankato
July 20-24
$425 (before June 15, 450 after)

Gustavus Adolpus College, St. Peter
July 26-Aug. 1
$560 (before June 1, 595 after)

Concordia University, Moorhead
July 26-Aug. 1
$450 (before May 15; 500 after)
http://www4.cord.edu/csta/forensics/csi/fees.htm (this website is outdated, but has the contact info)

I recommend all of these (but especially MSU, as it is my alma mater :-)). Hope you can make it work!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Banquet Info

In case you didn't receive a flyer (or you did and noticed it didn't list a time :-)), the banquet info is below:

Monday, May 4th
5:30-6:30, dinner and social hour in the commons
6:30-8:00, program and awards in the auditorium

Last name A-L: beverages, M-Z: desserts

The team will cover you and two guests (most likely your folks); any guests beyond the three of you will cost $5 (pay Kelly or Sarah)

By Thursday, April 23rd to Kelly (952-892-5233, kmcole1@hotmail.com) or Sarah (952-261-6421, sarose71@gmail.com)

Questions? See Heinis or your captains. See you there!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quick Meeting

Kelly and Sarah would like you to meet them in the hallway right outside my classroom during Cougar Time on Thursday.

Don't forget to sign up with ME if you want to go to state of Friday!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


WE'RE GOING TO STATE! Congratulations to our qualifiers:

Abbie Barrett-3rd place, OO
Logan Halliday- 1st place, Storytelling
Maddy Peton- 3rd place, Drama
Dylan Slinger- 2nd place, Extemp Spkg

Congrats also to our alternates:
Madie Gore-7th place, Creative
Hannah Heintze-6th place, Disco
Adam Kunkel-4th place, Creative
Anselmo Shim- 7th place, Extemp Spkg
Meron Zeru- 5th place, Disco

EVERYONE is invited to accompany the qualifiers to state to watch. We'd love your support! We're taking a bus, so transportation is no issue. You'll be dismissed from class on Friday at 11:00 (so just don't go to 4th hour). We'll leave at 11:15, giving our competitors time to change into their fancy clothes. Before you decide, please note: we will not return to LSHS until after midnight on Friday. BUT, you can sleep in on Saturday :-). State is at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, so it's like a college visit! And it's a beautiful campus. IF YOU WANT TO COME, YOU MUST SIGN UP AND COMMIT IN MY ROOM (A109) BY WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL. You must sign up with me to be excused from school. I will NOT let you on the bus on Friday if you have not signed up. See me with questions. (Adam and Meron, just in case, you should come and even bring clothes...you never know...)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Sections INFO

1. I still need scripts from some of you!!!
2. Team practice is on Wednesday, April 8th at noon. We will have lunch (provided) and then practice our hearts out.
3. The section bus will leave South on Thursday, April 9th at 12:50. We will go to the Northfield Applebee's for lunch (NOT provided: bring your own $$$) and then be at NHS by 2:30. The rounds are at 3:45, 5:00, 6:15. Finals should be about 8; awards about 9:30. Hopefully, we'll be home around 11.

See you on Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


If you are attending sections in Creative Ex, Drama, Duo, Great Speeches, Humorous, Informative, OO, Poetry, or Prose you MUST TURN IN A COMPLETE SCRIPT TO ME ASAP!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sections Update

At today's meeting, we discussed the following:
1. Practice: make sure you are practicing regularly with your coach until spring break. Work extra hard. Be within the time limit (have your coach practice with time cards, since that's what we'll have at sections). No more memory mistakes. Everything should be memorized.
2. Spring Break team practice: Wednesday, April 8th at noon. We'll have pizza and practice our hearts out. Most likely we'll meet in my room, but I have to check on the availability of the building for sure. I'll post a confirmation on this next week.
3. Day of sections: we voted to leave school at 1:00ish so we can go to Applebee's for lunch like the last few years. Official bus leave time will be posted next week as well.
4. ALL CATEGORIES WITH SCRIPTS must have complete, updated scripts to me by Friday, April 3rd. If you don't, you will not be going to sections. Make sure all changes are made, and that your name and school are listed on the top.

Leah, Caitlin, and Anselmo were absent from this meeting, so the three of you need to stop by and see me so I know you have this information.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Pick up ASAP :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Northfield Results, etc.

CONGRATULATIONS to the whole team for taking FIRST PLACE at Northfield! What a great way to end the invitational season. Sections and State don't stand a chance against you :-). To those whose season is over, we'll see you at the banquet on Monday, May 4th in the commons (more info to come). If you're coming to sections, please attend a brief meeting in A109 this Wednesday after school for a quick discussion. 2:45-3. Quick and painless.

Here are our MANY award winners from Northfield:
Adam Kunkel- OO Champion, Creative Champion (woo-hoo!)
Madeline Gore- Creative- 2nd
Abbie Barrett- OO-4th, Prose-4th
Melissa Sweere- OO, 6th
Taylor Vivant- OO, Honorable Mention
Kelly Cole- Prose, Honorable Mention
Jeff Steinkamp- Humor-2nd
Michael Slutsky- Humor-Honorable Mention
Maddy Peton- Drama- Honorable Mention
Logan Halliday- Storytelling Champion
Ashley Schilz- Storytelling- Honorable Mention
Meron Zeru- Disco- Honorable Mention
Kanchan Hulasare- Disco- Honorable Mention
Hannah Heintze- Disco- Honorable Mention
Michelle Heintze- Disco- 3rd
Ashley Branch- Ext. Spk.- 7th
Leema John- Ext. Spk.-6th
Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Spk.- 5th
Anselmo Shim- Ext. Spk.- 4th
Dylan Slinger- Ext. Spk.- 3rd
Caitlin Drogemuller- Info- Honorable Mention
Emily Healy- Info- Honorable Mention
Grace O'Brien- Great Speeches- 4th
Sarah Rosenthal- Poetry- 2nd; Great Speeches- 2nd

Well done, everyone!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The t-shirts and sweatpants are here!!!! Those at practice on Thursday picked them up, so we're going to wear our t-shirts on Friday. So, pick them up in the morning before school on Friday to put them on for the day. The sweatshirts are supposed to be here on Tuesday.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Northfield Info

All but 3 people are coming to this final tournament of the season (except for sections, see previous post). Let's make it a great day! The buses will leave from the upper doors at 7:10 AM. Be on time! The rosters (by bus) are listed below. See me ASAP if there is a mistake. See you at team practice either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday!

MARCH 21, 2009

1. Adam Kunkel
2. Madeline Gore
3. Abbie Barrett
4. Joe Shim
5. Ruthie Nelson
6. Melissa Sweere
7. Taylor Vivant
8. Kelly Cole
9. Jeff Steinkamp
10. Mike Cole
11. Hayden Rutan
12. Michael Slutsky
13. Tye Gundel
14. Maddy Peton
15. Logan Halliday
16. Kaya Petersen
17. Dani Johnson
18. Jeff Larson
19. Ashley Schilz
20. Gap Seniwong
21. Kate Vold
22. Ashley Larson
23. Chelsea Brundrett
24. Shannon Armstrong
25. Maddy Longley
26. Shelby Roles
27. Madison Roles
(27 Students)

Emily Heinis

MARCH 21, 2009

1. Meron Zeru
2. Kallie Radford
3. Ryan Longley
4. Starla Rajavuori
5. Joan Keller
6. Kanchan Hulasare
7. Hannah Heintze
8. Michelle Heintze
9. Ashley Branch
10. Leema John
11. Raffi Garnighian
12. Anselmo Shim
13. Dylan Slinger
14. Caitlin Drogemuller
15. Megan Johnston
16. Emily Healy
17. Lisa Sweere
18. Brianna Egge
19. Grace O’Brien
20. Sarah Rosenthal
21. Megan Lavallee
22. Brittany Ebeling
23. Anna Goude

(23 Students)

Joe Lawrence

Sections 2009

Sections selection was not very difficult for most categories this year, simply because SO many of you are going on Spring Break. Of our 54 team members, only 25 are going to sections. Boo. In the categories that selection WAS necessary, please refer to your handbook for the criteria. If you were not selected, you are more than welcome to come to cheer your teammates on :-). If you are not going to sections, this week is your last week. Again, boo. The season has gone quickly. If you're not going to sections or Northfield this Saturday, then you don't need to practice this week, since you will no longer be competing. See you at the banquet (details on the banquet to be determined...stay tuned).

1. Adam Kunkel
2. Madeline Gore

1. Hannah Heintze
2. Kanchan Hulasare
3. Meron Zeru

1. Maddy Peton

No entries

Ext. Reading
No entries

Ext. Speaking
1. Dylan Slinger
2. Leema John
3. Anselmo Shim

Great Speeches
No entries

1. Hayden Rutan
2. Mike Cole
3. Michael Slutsky

1. Caitlin Drogemuller
2. Megan Johnston
3. Lisa Sweere

1. Abbie Barrett
2. Ruthie Nelson
3. Taylor Vivant

1. Anna Goude

1. Kelly Cole
2. Leah Putz

1. Logan Halliday
2. Jeff Larson
3. Ashley Schilz

NFL and Eagan Results

A very big congratulations to Dylan Slinger, who is headed to the national speech tournament in Birmingham, Alabama this June! Dylan took 2nd place in Domestic Extemp Speaking, and 5th in International.

More congratulations to Ashley Branch and Meron Zeru who were semi-finalists in extemp speaking at the NFL tournament. Great job, girls!

At the Eagan Invitational on Saturday, many more congratulations are in order:

Adam Kunkel-Creative-3rd place; OO-4th place honors
Abbie Barrett-OO-6th place
Jeff Steinkamp-Humor-7th Honors
Kanchan Hulasare-Disco-7th Honors
Leema John-Ext. Spk.-2nd Honors
Anselmo Shim-Ext. Spk.-3rd place
Sarah Rosenthal-Great Speeches-3rd place

Great job, everyone!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Practice Next week (March 16-20)

Next week is the final week of practice for anyone not attending sections. Let's make it a fun week. We'll be having group practices INSTEAD of OR in ADDITION to (depending on your coach's request) regular practices. Everyone is expected to attend one of the three possible days EXCEPT discussion, who have no speeches to present (Disco, you MAY come watch, though, but no need to sign up; we'll practice MONDAY instead of Tuesday next week). You must sign up outside my classroom (A109) for one of the following days:
Tuesday, March 17
Wednesday, March 18
Thursday, March 19

All practices will run 3:00 to 5:30. You must be there the whole time (going first and leaving really isn't fair). Each day can have a possible 16 people. Do NOT add more spaces to the sign-up sheet. Once a day is full, it's full. Sign up early if you have a preference.

See you on Saturday (or Friday, for you NFLers)!!!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Tournaments this week

Yes, tournaments, as in plural. We have a Friday AND Saturday tournament this week. If you are going to Friday's, you have already been notified. If you haven't been notified, you're not going :-). (See Mrs. Heinis if you want to know how selections were made.) The information for both tournaments is listed below. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

National Forensic League National Tournament Qualifier, Friday, March 13th
Centennial High School, Circle Pines, MN

This tournament is usually in Eagan, but this year had to be moved. To get to Circle Pines by 8:00, we need to leave South at 6:15 AM Friday morning. We will be going straight up 35W through rush hour. Awesome. There are only 13 going, but we still need to bus. This tournament will run ALL DAY. Do not expect to be home before 10:30 PM. Make sure you get homework from your teachers BEFORE Friday. They have already been notified of your absence. BRING this homework with you, as the rounds are flighted, meaning you will have an hour between each round. YOU WILL GET BORED WITH NOTHING TO DO.

Barrett, Abbie
Branch, Ashley
Cole, Kelly
Garnighian, Raffi
John, Leema
Kunkel, Adam
Rosenthal, Sarah
Rutan, Hayden
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Slinger, Dylan
Steinkamp, Jeff
Zeru, Meron

Eagan Wildcat Invitational, Saturday, March 14th
Eagan High School

This is a regular invitational, with honors finals and varsity finals. The second half of the NFL Qual tournament will also take place at Eagan on Saturday. If you make semi-finals for NFLs, you will be dropped from the Eagan tournament at no charge to you or the team. Awards for both tournaments will be held together at the end of the day. For Eagan, we will again take two buses. The rosters by bus are listed below. We will leave at 7:00 AM.

A NOTE ABOUT SADIES: Sadies is this day. You are already registered for this tournament. Sadies is NOT an excuse to get out of this tournament. If I find out you didn't attend this tournament, but DID attend Sadies, you will not letter or attend sections. If you ARE going to Sadies, and do NOT make finals, I will allow you to leave early. However, as stated in our handbook, you may ONLY leave with your OWN parent. Notes from parents to leave with someone else will NOT be accepted. The only window during which you might leave is between finals and awards, as I have to talk with your parent before you leave. If you do plan on leaving (only for Sadies, remember; not open to all), you need to let me know in the morning, so I can plan on meeting you by the door AFTER finals. This is non-negotiable. Your date will understand :-).

MAR. 14, 2009

1. Adam Kunkel
2. Madeline Gore
3. Abbie Barrett
4. Joe Shim
5. Ruthie Nelson
6. Melissa Sweere
7. Leah Putz
8. Kelly Cole (NFL only)
9. Hayden Rutan
10. Jeff Steinkamp
11. Tye Gundel
12. Maddy Peton
13. Melissa McMahon
14. Logan Halliday
15. Jeff Larson
16. Kaya Petersen
17. Ashley Schilz
18. Gap Seniwong
19. Ashley Larson
20. Shannon Armstrong
21. Maddy Longley
22. Chelsea Brundrett
23. Lauren Koch
24. Madison Roles
25. Shelby Roles

(25 Students)

Emily Heinis

MAR. 14, 2009

1. Meron Zeru
2. Kallie Radford
3. Michelle Heintze
4. Hannah Heintze
5. Kanchan Hulasare
6. Starla Rajavuori
7. Ryan Longley
8. Ashley Branch
9. Dylan Slinger
10. Leema John
11. Raffi Garnighian
12. Anselmo Shim
13. Caitlin Drogemuller
14. Brianna Egge
15. Emily Healy
16. Lisa Sweere
17. Sarah Rosenthal
18. Grace O’Brien
19. Brittany Ebeling
20. Megan Lavallee

(20 Students)

Emily Shannon


Lakeville North Results

Tough, tough competition this week! We had two students advancing to semi-finals, and only one in finals. Congratulations to:

Kelly Cole, semifinalist in Prose
Dylan Slinger, 6th place in Ext. Speaking

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


You must have your order form and money in to Mrs. Heinis by the end of the day Thursday!!!!!

MSU Results

Last weekend was stellar! Many people received awards, and as a team, we took 2nd place! Well done, team. The following were honored:

Meron Zeru- Discussion Champion
Michelle Heintze- Discussion, 5th place
Kanchan Hulasare- Discussion, Top Novice
Ryan Longley- Discussion, Honors
Ashley Branch- Ext. Speaking, 4th place
Dylan Slinger- Ext. Speaking Champion
Leema John- Ext. Speaking, Honors
Raffi Garnighian-Ext. Speeaking, 2nd place
Anselmo Shim-Ext Speaking, 5th place
Brianna Egge- Informative, 3rd place Novice
Emily Healy- Informative, 2nd place Novice
Sarah Rosenthal- Poetry, 3rd place, Great Speeches Champion
Grace O'Brien- Great Speeches, Top Novice
Anna Goude- Poetry Novice Champion
Megan Lavallee- Poetry, 2nd place Novice
Adam Kunkel- Creative Ex, 2nd place, OO, 3rd place
Abbie Barrett-OO 2nd place, Prose, 5th place
Joe Shim- OO, Honors
Kelly Cole- Prose, Honors
Logan Halliday- Storytelling, 6th place
Chelsea Brundrett- Duo, Top Novice
Lauren Koch- Duo, Top Novice

Congratulations everyone!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Lakeville North Tourney INFO

This weekend's tournament is at North. This means there will be NO BUS. You must be at North by 7:30. Find us in the commons. You absolutely must check in with me. Draws begin at 8. Round One is at 8:30. This tournament has semi-finals, so we'll have the opportunity to have more rounds of competition and more awards. Awards are scheduled to begin at 5:00. I will be taking attendance again AFTER awards. You will not get credit for attending the tournament if you do not stay the entire time (we are a team; you stay to support your teammates). See me with questions.

Because nearly the entire team is attending, it is easier to post a list of the roster NOT going. The only two people NOT going are

Sarah Rosenthal
Melissa Sweere

Let me know if this is incorrect ASAP. Further drops will require payment as of Tuesday. Practice hard! See you Saturday!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two things about MSU

1. Current roster (couple of drops, couple of adds), divided by bus. DUO NOTE: You were bus 2, now you're bus 1.

FEB. 28, 2009

1. Adam Kunkel
2. Abbie Barrett
3. Joe Shim
4. Taylor Vivant
5. Ruthie Nelson
6. Melissa Sweere
7. Leah Putz
8. Kelly Cole
9. Mike Cole
10. Jeff Steinkamp
11. Tye Gundel
12. Maddy Peton
13. Logan Halliday
14. Jeff Larson
15. Kaya Petersen
16. Gap Seniwong
17. Ashley Larson
18. Kate Vold
19. Shannon Armstrong
20. Maddy Longley
21. Chelsea Brundrett
22. Lauren Koch

(22 Students)

Emily Heinis

FEB. 28, 2009

1. Meron Zeru
2. Kallie Radford
3. Michelle Heintze
4. Hannah Heintze
5. Kanchan Hulasare
6. Starla Rajavuori
7. Joan Keller
8. Ryan Longley
9. Ashley Branch
10. Dylan Slinger
11. Leema John
12. Raffi Garnighian
13. Anselmo Shim
14. Caitlin Drogemuller
15. Brianna Egge
16. Emily Healy
17. Megan Johnston
18. Lisa Sweere
19. Sarah Rosenthal
20. Grace O’Brien
21. Anna Goude
22. Megan Lavallee

(22 Students)

Andy Charrier

2. Jeff REALLY wants you to come to his house after the tournament for his party. His address is: 10442 209th St. W Lakeville. Have fun!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Jeff Steinkamp would like to invite all of you to his house following the MSU tournament this Saturday. I assume you'll just go over after we get back. Jeff lives very near the school. He will have more details on Saturday, but put it on your calendar!

Monday, February 23, 2009


This Saturday, Feb. 28th, we'll be competing at the MSU-Mankato High School Tournament. This college speech team (mine :-)) hosts a high school tournament as a fundraiser every year. We go to support my alma mater (without them, you'd never have me), and because it gives you the nice experience of a college campus. That being said, it's important to wear a coat, as you will travel between buildings. Also, you may want to bring comfy shoes to wear between rounds (you might have to walk a couple of blocks). Just make sure you remember to put your dress shoes on before you enter the speaking room! The buses will leave at 6:30 AM on Saturday. We'll go with the same bus assignments as last week, but in case you forgot, they are below. Also, the roster is below. Make sure you're not on it if you're not going, and vice versa. Let me know by WEDNESDAY if there's a mistake. This tournament has its own drop fee in addition to our drop fee, so if you miss this one, you'll have to pay $20 instead of the normal $15.

Armstrong, Shannon Duo
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Brundrett, Chelsea Ext. Reading
Cole, Kelly Prose and Drama
Cole, Mike Humorous
Drogemuller, Caitlin Informative
Egge, Brianna Informative
Garnighian, Raffie Ext. Speaking
Goude, Anna Poetry
Gundel, Tye Drama
Halliday, Logan Storytelling
Healy, Emily Informative
Heintze, Hannah Discussion
Heintze, Michelle Discussion
John, Leema Ext. Speaking
Johnston, Megan Informative
Keller, Joan Discussion
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Lavallee, Megan Poetry
Longley, Maddy Duo
Longley, Ryan Discussion
Nelson, Ruthie OO
O'brien, Grace Great Speeches
Petersen, Kaya Storytelling
Putz, Leah Prose
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Rajavuori, Starla Drama
Roles, Madison Duo
Roles, Shelby Duo
Rosenthal, Sarah Great Speeches and Poe
Rutan, Hayden Humorous
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap) Storytelling
Shim, Anselmo Ext. Speaking
Shim, Joe OO and Humor
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Lisa Informative
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vivant, Taylor OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion

Ex. Reading

Ex. Speaking
Great Speeches

Results: Apple Valley and Mounds View

On Feb. 14, the following students placed at Apple Valley:

Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Speaking, 4th place-Novice
Adam Kunkel- Creative, 7th place; OO, 6th place-Honors
Sarah Rosenthal-Great Speeches, 4th place
Dylan Slinger-Ext. Speaking, 3rd place
Michelle Heintze- Discussion, 3rd place-Honors
Melissa McMahon-Drama-4th place-Novice
Ruthie Nelson-OO, 7th place-Novice
Hayden Rutan-Humor, 4th place-Novice

Well done! That's a hard tournament.

On Feb. 21, the following students place at Mounds View:

Logan Halliday-Storytelling, 7th place
Sarah Rosenthal-Poetry, 3rd place; Great Speeches Champion
Dylan Slinger-Ext. Speaking, 2nd place
Leema John-Ext. Speaking, 7th place
Raffi Garnighian- Ext. Speaking, 8th place
Jeff Steinkamp- Humore, 3rd place
Caitlin Drogmueller- Info, 5th place
Abbie Barrett- OO, 3rd place
Melissa Sweere- OO, 7th place
Taylor Vivant- OO, 4th place
Hannah Heintze-Disco, 7th place

As a team, we took 3rd place. Our first sweeps of the year! Good job everyone!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This just in...

Mounds View emailed me and the basketball tournament taking place in the building WILL have a concessions area, and the speech people ARE welcome to use it. SO, you can EITHER bring your own lunch or money.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Again, we ARE going to a tournament this weekend! See previous post for roster. We will be taking two buses (for real this time), so see below for your bus assignment. It is imperative you ride the correct bus for attendance-taking purposes. Sadly, this is the other tournament of the season (Eden Prairie was the first) that I will not be attending. Joy and Emily are in charge of you all, so be good. Some important info:

1. Bus leave time: 6:45 AM from upper parking lot
2. Approx. return time: 5:15ish (always approx.)
4. Everyone should be off script by now. This will be a small tournament; a good chance to show off your stuff.
5. Bus assignments:

Ex. Reading

Ex. Speaking
Great Speeches


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We ARE going to a tournament this weekend! We were one of many schools without any place to go, so a school (Mounds View in Arden Hills) decide to throw one together and we're going! I will post more details as I get them, but for now, here's the roster. If you're not on it and should be, let me know (and vice versa). They might not allow double entries, because of the sporadic nature. If they don't, double enterers, let me know which one you prefer. STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS.

Armstrong, Shannon Duo
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Cole, Kelly Prose
Cole, Mike Humorous
Drogemuller, Caitlin Informative
Ebeling, Brittany Poetry
Egge, Brianna Informative
Garnighian, Raffie Ext. Speaking
Gore, Madeline Creative Expression
Goude, Anna Poetry
Gundel, Tye Drama
Halliday, Logan Storytelling
Healy, Emily Informative
Heintze, Hannah Discussion
Heintze, Michelle Discussion
Hulasare, Kanchan Discussion
John, Leema Ext. Speaking
Johnston, Megan Informative
Johnston, Vanessa Ext. Speaking
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Lavallee, Megan Poetry
Longley, Maddy Duo
McMahon, Melissa Prose
Nelson, Ruthie OO
Putz, Leah Prose
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Rajavuori, Starla Drama
Roles, Madison Duo
Roles, Shelby Duo
Rosenthal, Sarah Great Speeches and Poe
Rutan, Hayden Humorous
Schilz, Ashley Storytelling
Schwartz, Mikaela Prose
Shim, Anselmo Ext. Speaking
Shim, Joe OO
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Slutsky, Michael Humorous
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Lisa Informative
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vivant, Taylor OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweat Shirts and Pants

Hey everyone!
Okay, so the cost of the sweatpants and sweatshirts depend on the amount we order. So if you are planning on getting a sweatshirt/sweatpants and you are 100% sure that you want one, please go in and tell Mrs. Heinis ASAP that you want one and she will have a sample that you can try on. I know that the sweatshirt will be around $36 with the speech emblem on the upper left hand side, it will cost another $5 if you want your name on the back. The Sweatshirts are deep maroon zip-up hoodies. For the sweatpants they are about $24 with 'south speech' embroidered in gold on the right upper pant leg. The pant color is black.
You don't have to pay Mrs. Heinis when you place your order, but you will have to be prepared to bring in money before we send in our total order.
I know this sounds a little crazy, and if you have any questions please feel free to find me and ask me any questions.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Apple Valley Tourney Info

The Apple Valley tournament this Saturday runs differently than any other. Varsity and Novice are separate tournaments, and they're even held in separate buildings. EXCEPT, the Extemp Speakers are in the same building because they share files. And Discussion is in the other building to even it out.

So, we will be taking two buses because we have 44 people going. If you are a novice anything but extemp speaking and all discussion, you will get on MY bus, and we'll go to Falcon Ridge Middle School. If you are varsity anything but disco and all extemp speaking, you'll get on Mr. Lawrence's bus. Awards are all held together at the end of the day. Both buses will leave here from the upper parking lot at 7:05. Don't be late!

If you get sick the morning of, remember to call Mrs. Heinis' cell, BUT NOT AFTER 10 PM OR BEFORE 5 AM. The registration is below. Let me know ASAP if you're on it and shouldn't be or vice versa. See you Saturday!

Armstrong, Shannon Duo
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Brundrett, Chelsea Ext. Reading
Cole, Mike Humorous
Ebeling, Brittany Poetry
Egge, Brianna Informative
Garnighian, Raffie Ext. Speaking
Gore, Madeline Creative Expression
Goude, Anna Poetry
Gundel, Tye Drama
Halliday, Logan Storytelling
Heintze, Hannah Discussion
Heintze, Michelle Discussion
Hulasare, Kanchan Discussion
John, Leema Ext. Speaking
Johnson, Dani Storytelling
Johnston, Megan Informative
Johnston, Vanessa Ext. Speaking
Keller, Joan Creative Expression
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Lavallee, Megan Poetry
Longley, Maddy Duo
Longley, Ryan Discussion
McMahon, Melissa Prose
Nelson, Ruthie OO
O'brien, Grace Great Speeches
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Roles, Madison Duo
Roles, Shelby Duo
Rosenthal, Sarah Great Speeches and Poe
Rutan, Hayden Humorous
Schilz, Ashley Storytelling
Schwartz, Mikaela Prose
Shim, Anselmo Ext. Speaking
Shim, Joe OO and Humorous
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Slutsky, Michael Humorous
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion

Lakeville South Results

GREAT JOB TEAM!!! We hosted a very successful tournament, despite the little snafus. I was very impressed with how you all handled yourselves. Well done. Additionally, many of you performed very well, too! Great job to our finalists:

Madeline Gore-Creative Ex-7th Place, Novice
Hannah Heintze-Discussion-6th Place, Novice
Kanchan Hulasare-Discussion-3rd Place, Novice
Melissa McMahon-Drama-6th Place, Novice
Tye Gundel-Drama-5th Place, Novice
Vanessa Johnston-Extemp Speaking-9th Place, Novice
Anselmo Shim-Extemp Speaking-6th Place, Novice
Dylan Slinger-Extemp Speaking-4th Place, Varsity & Impromptu Champion
Sarah Rosenthal-Great Speeches-4th Place, Varsity
Michael Slutsky-Humorous-6th Place, Novice
Leema John-Impromptu-5th Place, Varsity
Emily Healy-Informative-7th Place, Novice
Ruthie Nelson-OO-5th Place, Novice
Taylor Vivant-OO- Novice Champion
Kaya Petersen-Storytelling-8th Place, Novice

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Lakeville South Tourney Info

Even though the tourney is here, you still have to be here early to help check rooms and make sure everything is ready. So, be here (in my room, A109) at 7 AM this Saturday, Feb. 7th. Similarly, no one goes home until the building is perfect. This should be by 5. Make sure you have everything you need! See me with questions. The registration list is below. If you aren't on it, but should be (or vice versa), let me know ASAP.

Armstrong, Shannon
Branch, Ashley
Brundrett, Chelsea
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Ebeling, Brittany
Egge, Brianna
Garnighian, Raffie
Gore, Madeline
Goude, Anna
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
Healy, Emily
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Hulasare, Kanchan
John, Leema
Johnson, Dani
Johnston, Megan
Johnston, Vanessa
Keller, Joan
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Larson, Ashley
Larson, Jeff
Lavallee, Megan
Longley, Maddy
Longley, Ryan
Malay, Ashley
McMahon, Melissa
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Putz, Leah
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Rosenthal, Sarah
Rutan, Hayden
Schilz, Ashley
Schwartz, Mikaela
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Shim, Anselmo
Slinger, Dylan
Slutsky, Michael
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Lisa
Vivant, Taylor
Vold, Kate
Zeru, Meron

Monday, February 02, 2009

Two Things: Eden Prairie and Tournament Prep

1. Congratulations on a successful first tournament! The Eden Prairie group did a wonderful job and brought home 4 awards:
Abbie Barrett, 5th Varsity OO
Adam Kunkel, 5th Varsity Creative
Dylan Slinger, 4th Varsity Extemp Speaking
and our novii of the week: Shannon Armstrong and Maddy Longley took 4th in Novice Duo.

2. OUR TOURNAMENT IS THIS WEEK! This is a lot of work. You MUST help your team with this very important event. Please sign up for one (or more) of the three days this week we'll be working. (This is a lettering requirement.) Sign up outside my classroom door (A109) by WEDNESDAY (the first of the three days). The times are Wednesday, 2:45 until done; Thursday, 4:00 until done (you can come sooner and I might have stuff for you, but I need to practice with the poetry group until 4); and Friday, 2:45 until done. SIGN UP ASAP!!!!

This week may end up hectic and crazy, so please be accommodating and helpful. We host an awesome tournament, and I'm sure you all will help us succeed again :-).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Call or email

I'm writing this blog from the comfort of my bed. I use comfort loosely, as I am pretty sick. It is my supreme hope to make it in to work tomorrow, but with the first tournament this weekend, I feel awful having missed practice all week. So, if you have questions or concerns, please email or call me.

Good luck to those of you competing at Eden Prairie on Saturday! Good luck also to those of you competing in Solo/Ensemble!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Eden Prairie Information

There are 28 students (30 entries) going to Eden Prairie this Saturday, Jan. 31 (listed below). Yay for the first tournament! Like many of you, I won't be there, so it's important you are on top of things. Coaches Andy Charrier and Emily Shannon will be in charge. As it is a small group, we will only be taking one bus. We always board the bus in the upper parking lot (teacher's lot). BE THERE AT 6:55 A.M. (And this is a later one...) Remember, you must call if you have a last minute emergency and can't be there. Because I won't be attending this tournament (I will be sadly out of town; trust me, I'd rather be with you all), you will need to call Coach Andy Charrier at 651-387-8305. Don't call after 10 P.M. or before 5 A.M. This is for illness only! You can't just decide you don't want to go and call. The bus will return at about 6 P.M. (but don't set your clock by it, as tournament schedules can easily get behind).


Eden Prairie Final List
Armstrong, Shannon
Barrett, Abbie
Branch, Ashley
Brundrett, Chelsea
Ebeling, Brittany
Egge, Brianna
Gore, Madeline
Gundel, Tye
Healy, Emily
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Keller, Joan
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Larson, Jeff
Longley, Maddy
Longley, Ryan
Malay, Ashley
O'brien, Grace
Putz, Leah
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Slinger, Dylan
Slutsky, Michael
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Melissa
Vivant, Taylor
Vold, Kate
Zeru, Meron

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Extemp Speaking Practice

Details are in your mailbox. But a reminder that we will practice on 3 days this week:

Monday @ 5:30
Thurs @ 5:30
Friday @ 5:30 (mock tournament, ending at 7:30)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eden Prairie Registration

The following people are signed up to compete at Eden Prairie in the following categories. If you are on this list, but cannot go, see me before Thursday to avoid the fee. If you are NOT on this list, but want to go, also see me before Thursday. I am double-entering everyone I know about, so let me know if that is inaccurate as well.

Tournament info will be posted next week before the tournament.

Armstrong, Shannon Duo (w/Maddy)
Barrett, Abbie OO and Prose
Branch, Ashley Ext. Speaking
Brundrett, Chelsea Ext. Reading
Ebeling, Brittany Poetry
Egge, Brianna Informative
Gore, Madeline Creative Expression
Gundel, Tye Drama
Healy, Emily Informative
Keller, Joan Creative Expression
Koch, Lauren Ext. Reading
Kunkel, Adam Creative Expression and OO
Larson, Ashley Ext. Reading
Larson, Jeff Storytelling
Longley, Maddy Duo (w/Shannon)
Longley, Ryan Discussion
Malay, Ashley Drama
O'brien, Grace Great Speeches
Putz, Leah Prose
Radford, Kallie Discussion
Rajavuori, Starla Drama
Slinger, Dylan Ext. Speaking
Slutsky, Michael Humorous
Steinkamp, Jeff Humorous
Sweere, Melissa OO
Vivant, Taylor OO
Vold, Kate Ext. Reading
Zeru, Meron Discussion (no Disco DE)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

List of Glory

Instead of a List of Shame, I am now printing the list of people who have all 5 things taken care of. If you are not on this list, you may potentially be suspended from the activity. EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING.

The people listed below are in the clear. Great job! (Note: There are only 37, which means there are still 26 people on the List of Shame...)

Armstrong, Shannon
Barrett, Abbie
Branch, Ashley
Brundrett, Chelsea
Drogemuller, Caitlin
Ebeling, Brittany
Gore, Madeline
Goude, Anna
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
Healy, Emily
Hulasare, Kanchan
John, Leema
Johnson, Dani
Johnston, Megan
Keller, Joan
Koch, Lauren
Kunkel, Adam
Larson, Ashley
Larson, Jeff
Longley, Maddy
Longley, Ryan
Malay, Ashley
McMahon, Melissa
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Putz, Leah
Roles, Shelby
Rosenthal, Sarah
Schilz, Ashley
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Slinger, Dylan
Slutsky, Michael
Sweere, Lisa
Sweere, Melissa
Vivant, Taylor
Vold, Kate

Monday, January 12, 2009

From Candy Drawer Manager, Jeff Steinkamp

Hey team, its your CDM!

I have a very serious and important matter. THE CANDY DRAWER IS EMPTY! As of January 12th 4:19 p.m. the last piece of candy was eaten. So the only way you get candy is if people bring in candy for the drawer. The 1st person to bring the candy AND talk to me (Jeff) will get a prize. There are about 40 people who eat the candy, but only 3 people have brought it in. Just think if everyone brings in one bag of candy, we'll be set for the rest of the year!

Love your CDM,

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Friday Workshop

Can't wait to see you all at 3 on Friday for the workshop! Some answers to questions people have had:

1. YES! Bring your speech materials. We will be having a practice session, so make sure you are prepared.
2. NO! You don't need any money. The team is paying for dinner.
3. YES! If you have to get up early on Saturday for something important, you may leave early (but you will be missing out on the fun). We may wrap up before 10, too, if the group agrees.
4. IF (and I mean a very strong IF) we have a snow day Friday, the workshop will be rescheduled. Do NOT show up here at 3 if we have a snow day. If we only have a late start, it will go on as normal.

Our schedule will look like this (tentatively):
3:00-3:15 Check-in
3:15-3:30 Schedule review/Questions
3:30-4:15 Category practice
15-minute break
4:30-6:00 Mock tournament (VERY mock)
6:00-7:00 Dinner (pizza and soda)
7:00-7:30 Ice breakers
7:30-end Games

Fun times! See you then!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Jan. 24th

If you want to attend the MSU Winter Warm-up Workshop on Jan. 24th, please see me for registration materials. The deadline to register is Monday, Jan. 12. The following people said they were going on their contracts, so I should see all of these people for sure. Even if you didn't indicate it on your contract, you can still go. Just come see me. This is a GREAT opportunity to work with college-level speakers on improving your piece for the competition season.

Drogemuller, Caitlin
Gore, Madeline
Gundel, Tye
Halliday, Logan
McMahon, Melissa
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Rosenthal, Sarah (already registered)
Schwartz, Mikaela
Slutsky, Michael

UPDATED List of Shame

Come on, team! We need to have all your info! The first tournament is in 3 1/2 weeks! If your name IS on the lists below, you need to get that taken care of ASAP. If your name is NOT on the lists, good job! You have everything in. Please check each list carefully. And remember, even if your parents don't want to volunteer, you still need to turn the sheet in with their contact information.

See you all at the workshop this Friday at 3!

ELIGIBILITY FORM (turn in to Mrs. Rogness in Activities Office)
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Gore, Madeline
Grundstrom, Alex
Gundel, Tye
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Rutan, Hayden
Schwartz, Mikaela
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Slutsky, Michael
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

FEE ($110-turn in to Mrs. Rogness in Activities Office)
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Gore, Madeline
Grundstrom, Alex
Gundel, Tye
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Radford, Kallie
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Rutan, Hayden
Schwartz, Mikaela
Seniwong, Puntharak (Gap)
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

TOURNAMENT CONTRACT (turn in to Mrs. Heinis in A109)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Frandrup, Kayla
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
John, Leema
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Siekinnen, Jade
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

PARENT VOLUNTEER FORM (turn in to Mrs. Heinis even if your parents are not volunteering)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Cole, Kelly
Cole, Mike
Ebeling, Brittany
Egge, Brianna
Frandrup, Kayla
Garnighian, Raffi
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
John, Leema
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Myers, Beth
Nelson, Ruthie
Petersen, Kaya
Rajavuori, Starla
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Shim, Anselmo
Shim, Joe
Siekinnen, Jade
Zeru, Meron

STUDENT INFO SHEET (turn in to Mrs. Heinis)
Brundrett, Chelsea
Frandrup, Kayla
Grundstrom, Alex
Heintze, Hannah
Heintze, Michelle
Henderson, Shelby
Henderson, Sherilyn
Johnston, Vanessa
Keil, Christian
Kraudy, Keely
Larson, Ashley
Lavallee, Megan
Nelson, Ruthie
O'brien, Grace
Petersen, Kaya
Roesner, Rachel
Roles, Madison
Roles, Shelby
Siekinnen, Jade
Steinkamp, Jeff
Sweere, Melissa
Vold, Kate

There are 14 people who are on all 5 lists. Perhaps this means they have decided not to join? Please let me know if you know of someone who has changed their mind about speech. Thanks!

Monday, January 05, 2009


Happy 2009! Now that break is over, we're really getting into it. You need to show your commitment by being responsible and prepared. Some reminders:

1. VERY few people have all obligations met. I have not updated the list of shame, but it has only changed a little. You should know what you've turned in. If you haven't turned in any of the five things (eligibility form, fee of $110, parent volunteer sheet, info sheet, contract) you need to do so ASAP. If I don't have any of the five from you by Friday, I will assume you have quit the team.

2. The all-team workshop is this Friday (Jan. 9th) from 3-10 PM. We will practice, dine, and play many fun games to help us build our team unity. If you haven't turned in your contract yet (30 of you), I have no idea if you are planning on coming. Remember, unless you have a very good reason, you must attend one of the two workshops to letter. This Friday's is free and nearby. The other option (Jan. 24) is $20 and in Mankato. Most everyone who has turned their contracts in plan to be here this Friday. Be here at 3:00!!! We will go over the evening's schedule at that time.

3. As people do turn in their contracts, I notice some of you are not committing to enough tournaments to letter. There are 8 invitationals (1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21) and you must attend 6 to letter. Workshops, NFLs (3/13), and Sections do not count toward lettering. Speech is a lot of work to only plan on attending 3 or 4 tournaments. Let me know if you want to amend your contract.

4. PLEASE use your lettering sheets (found at the end of your handbook). You should be having your coach initial it each time you practice. If you already lost it, you can get another online. See the blog post from Dec. 5th.

5. 26 days until the first tournament! Work hard every day!