Wednesday, December 19, 2007

NO Open Practice on Dec. 20th

Mrs. Heinis will NOT be holding open practice this Thursday (tomorrow, aka, Dec. 20) due to the staff holiday party. She might be willing to stay after school on Friday to help you out if you need something. Stop in to schedule.

If you're scheduled to practice with Suzanne, you're still on :-).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Yearbook Photo

Yearbook photo in the auditorium at 12:55 (during 5th hour) on Wednesday, December 19th. Be there or be not pictured...yeah, that didn't rhyme, but you get the idea.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Practice Time Change

I edited the schedule below. Please look at again. Thanks.

Callin' you out!

I am sick of waiting! If you are on this list, get these things taken care of ASAP. If you are NOT on this list, you are my current favorite speechers :-). Also, if your friend is on this list, harass them until they are up-to-date.

NEED TO PAY AND SIGN FORMS (Activities Office)
Mike Berger
Sebastian Bergeron
Michelle Bradley
Kelly Cole
Tyler Davis
Kori Fideler
Logan Halliday
Michelle Heintze
Joe Julik
Evan JungBauer
Adam Kunkel
Bronwyn Leask
Cody Lowe
Chris McNeil
Kati Nylund
Zach Panzer
Starla Rajavuori
Rachel Roesner
Hope Sabroski (still haven't hear from her, may not be joining this year...anyone?)
Mikaela Schwartz
Joe Shim
Dylan Slinger
Jeff Steinkamp
Jake Verduzco (same...haven't heard from him...)

Mike Berger
Tyler Davis
Michelle Heintze
Joe Julik
Taylor Kappenman (contract only)
Christian Keil
Bronwyn Leask (contract only)
Cody Lowe
Chris McNeil
Kati Nylund
Zach Panzer
Starla Rajavuori
Rachel Roesner
Hope Sabroski
Joe Shim
Dylan Slinger (contract and parent volunteer forms)
Jeff Steinkamp
Jake Verduzco
Meron Zeru


Have a good weekend :-).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Practice Schedule

I have set my regular practice times, which should accomodate the folks who are double-entered. These days/times are for the entire season, unless I contact you to change it for that week. If you can't make it on a day, just let me know and we'll reschedule. ALSO, EVERYONE, no matter who your "regular" coach is, is welcome to come to my open practice sessions on Thursdays. This can be for make up for your coaching sessions or just for extra practice.

Monday: Discussion 2:45-4:00
Tuesday: Storytelling 2:45-4:00
Wednesday: Creative-- Adam 2:45-3:15; Evan 3:15-3:45 (negotiable)
Thursday: Poetry--Taylor 2:45-3:15
OPEN PRACTICE FOR ALL 3:15-whenever; sign up (email me or stop by) or just show up
Friday: In emergencies, available for schedule

Keep in close and current contact with your regular coaches for schedule information. As of now, the schedules are as follows:
Monday: Drama and Duo with Angie 3:00
OO, GS, and Infor with Suzanne 2:45
Tuesday: Prose and Extemp reading with Joy 3:30 (except for this Thursday, 12/13)
Humorous with Amanda 3:30
Thursday: OO, GS, and Info with Suzanne 2:45

Extemp Speaking is kind of on its own until debate is over :-). Research, research, research!!!

Stay connected. Communicate often. Go Cougars!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Exciting Opportunity!!!

I was forwarded this information today regarding a fun way to start the season at MSU, Mankato, my alma mater :-). We won't take a bus, but if several are interested, you could carpool.

New Year’s Speech Lock-In

A night of fun, food, & forensics.
Cost = $20.00
Start the speech season a step ahead with the help of Minnesota State Mankato coaches and students.
-Get help writing speeches
-Polish interp. pieces
-Develop research skills
December 31st— 4:00 p.m. Check-In at Gym in Highland Center North on the MSU Campus
Fun, Coaching, Movies, Research ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
Bring comfy clothing, a blanket or two and pillow to camp out on in the gym, and your speech work!
January 1st
10:00 A.M. Showcase (parents welcome)
11:30-12:00 Check-Out

To Register Contact: or call 507-389-5534
Registration Deadline: Friday December 28th

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Speech 2007-2008

The season has begun! Our first meeting was last night, and we had a pretty good turnout. If you were not there, you need to stop by my room A109 ASAP to pick up your handbook.

REMEMBER: You have money and a form in the Activities Office that need to be taken care of, and you have 3 forms to return to me ASAP.

Coach Amanda Thompson's information should be added to your handbook: Phone: Home-651-330-9160 and work number is 866-417-6787 ext 75160. Email:

Very excited to begin practicing. MY categories are Storytelling, Creative, Discussion, and Poetry. Here is a schedule for next week:
Storytelling--Monday right after school
Discussion--Tuesday right after school
Creative and Poetry--Wednesday right after school
**This first practice will be less than an hour. It is just to "get started".

Other coaches/categories:
OO, Info, Great Speeches (Suzanne)--Monday right after school
Drama, Duo (Angie)--Monday right after school
Prose, Ext. Reading (Joy)--Thursday at 3:30
Ext. Speaking (Andy)-- email him at for details
Humorous (Amanda)--Tuesday at 3:30


Thursday, November 01, 2007

2008 [tentative] Tournament Calendar

Last year, we went to ten invitationals. I burned out, and I know many of you did as well. This year, we're going to eight. It will only take six to letter this year, instead of seven. Below are the dates and most likely tournaments we'll be attending. NFL is not on here, as I am not 100% sure we'll go this year. Only a handful will if we do go at all. So, put these on your calendar. Also, our first all-team meeting will be Tuesday, December 4th in the evening some time. (Auditions will be Nov. 27 and 29, so start recruiting your friends today!)

Saturday, Jan. 26- Eden Prairie
Saturday, Feb. 9- Apple Valley
Saturday, Feb. 16- Forest Lake
Saturday, Feb. 23- MSU, Mankato
Saturday, Mar. 1- Lakeville North (no bus provided)
Saturday, Mar. 8- Eagan
Saturday, Mar. 15- Northfield (possibly Roseville again, but I thought a new tourney would be fun)

Sections are Tuesday, April 8, during the school day. Only three per category can go, remember, so put it on your calendar in case you are selected.

Go Cougars!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


If you stop by my room this week, I will give you candy. (This proves you check the blog periodically out of season...)

Mrs. Heinis

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy 5 weeks until school!

Okay, so that's not a nice thing to remind you. A few things for those loyal readers who may actually read this over the summer as instructed:

1. Next week Abbie and Emily leave for speech camp. I'm sure they will have much fun and lots to share in the fall. Wish them luck and fun, even if only through your minds.
2. About 5 of you have been in contact with me this summer about next season. Some of you have already started writing! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your devotion. You guys rock!
3. The South Activities Fair is Thursday, August 9th at 6:30. Your captains (Mike and Kayla, in case you've forgotten) will be there with me, promoting the speech team and all its glory. Stop by if you're around that night. (I have also taken on the Lit Mag in Ms. Sutton's absence, so I will be splitting my time between the two booths.)
4. I'm officially an old married lady now. I am now Mrs. Heinis (pronounced high-niss). You can call me Mrs. H. if you want, but good riddance to "Dubs".

Hope to see you on the 9th!
Mrs. H.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Good luck and question...

Good luck on your finals and have a great summer!!!! (Emily Schwegman will be spending part of her summer at speech camp with Abbie Barrett...yay Em!!!)

The library tells me I have a book checked out called Small Wonder by Barbara Kingsolver. I remember checking this out to look for prose pieces, but I no longer have it. Did I loan it to one of you to read from? Please let me know ASAP, or else I owe the library $23.95. Thanks!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Random Updates and Requests

1. Don't forget to come to the banquet this THURSDAY night at 5 P.M. You will NOT be giving your speeches, you will just get awards, dinner, and a super fun time. No need to dress up.
2. Bring dessert or beverage, depending on your last name (see previous post).
3. JUNIORS--Only one of you has replied to my email. Come see me ASAP!!!!
4. ALL--Your captains have told me they sent you a note last week. They ask me to remind you to take care of its contents...
5. Abbie Barrett is my hero, because she is going to the speech camp at GAC this summer! I bet she'd love some company!!! See previous post for all the 411.
6. Only 12 days of school left (10 for seniors!)!!! Come by and visit me often, as I will miss you all over the summer :-)


Monday, May 14, 2007

Banquet Invitation

I have sent the following invitation home to your parents, but it would be wise to get it on the calendar and plan now. (It's prettier in invitation-form; this is just a copy and paste of the info :-))

You are cordially invited to
attend the Second Annual
South Speech
End of the Year

Who: All speech team members and their parents
When: Thursday, May 24th from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Where: Lakeville South Commons
Why: To celebrate the many accomplishments of the South Speech team this year
What (should I bring): Because we hosted a tournament this year (who could forget?), we will be catering the dinner. We still need people to bring beverages and tasty desserts, however. Students with last names A-K, please bring beverage. Students with last names L-W, please bring dessert.
Questions? Please contact Emily Waterston. (952) 232-3410 or
We look forward to celebrating with you!!!!!!!

Speech Camp

Please excuse all the carrot-shaped things; I copied this from an email forward. This could be a really fun opportunity.

>>> Gustavus Adolphus College and its nationally recognized speech
>>> team are proud to offer its first Summer Speech Institute for
>>> high school students to be held on the Gustavus campus August
>>> 5-10, 2007. If you want to obtain results in forensics
>>> competition in an environment conducive to learning, then this is
>>> the camp for you!
>>> Goals:
>>> • Interpers will learn to locate and cut material to meet the
>>> allotted time limit.
>>> • Public speakers will learn to locate topics, to research
>>> effectively, and to write speeches with a purpose.
>>> • Limited preparation competitors will learn to research
>>> effectively, prepare files, construct arguments, and utilize
>>> preparation time effectively.
>>> In addition to event preparation, everyone will learn vocal warm-
>>> ups, tournament etiquette, and the confidence necessary to
>>> compete at the highest level.
>>> Each student will work on a primary and secondary event over the
>>> six day, five night intensive camp.
>>> In addition to working with Gustavus Adolphus College coaches,
>>> students will work with and learn from nationally recognized
>>> collegiate competitors and area collegiate and high school
>>> coaches who know the ins and outs of high school speech.
>>> Events Covered:
>>> • Prose
>>> • Humorous
>>> • Dramatic Duo
>>> • Drama
>>> • Poetry
>>> • Storytelling
>>> • Extemp Reading
>>> • Oratory
>>> • Informative
>>> • Great Speeches
>>> • Extemp Speaking
>>> • Impromptu Speaking
>>> Facilities:
>>> The camp offers a carefully supervised introduction to college
>>> life. Students live in college residence halls, eat in the campus-
>>> dining center, and attend sessions in college buildings. Students
>>> will also have access to all recreational facilities. Students
>>> will utilize the Gustavus library, an excellent resource for
>>> researching public address speeches and interpretation events.
>>> The structure, opportunities, and adult supervision available at
>>> Gustavus make it a first choice for concerned parents.
>>> Cost:
>>> June 15th deadline: $390 (Early Registration Special)
>>> July 1st deadline: $425
>>> The camp includes:
>>> • Three meals a day prepared by our nationally recognized dining
>>> services
>>> • Housing at Gustavus Adolphus College
>>> • Photocopying, camp mementoes, t-shirt and evening activities
>>> • Participation in a camp-end tournament culminating in a
>>> festive banquet for parent(s) to
>>> attend
>>> Gustavus Forensics:
>>> Forensics has a long tradition of excellence at Gustavus Adolphus
>>> College. This year the program won numerous individual and team
>>> awards including:
>>> • Top 20 at the 2007 American Forensics Association National
>>> Individual Events
>>> Tournament.
>>> • Second place at the 2007 Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament
>>> and Convention.
>>> • A representative on both the American Forensics Association
>>> National Individual
>>> Events Tournament and Pi Kappa Delta All-
>>> American teams.
>>> • Qualified for the Interstate Oratorical Association National
>>> Contest three
>>> consecutive years.
>>> • 2007 Minnesota Collegiate Forensics Association State
>>> Parliamentary Debate
>>> Champions.
>>> Contact Information:
>>> Kristofer B. Kracht
>>> Co Director of Forensics
>>> 507.933.7486


Friday, May 11, 2007

Still with me?

As the season has ended, I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I should check in.

The banquet will be on Thursday, May 24th at 5 PM, as previously posted. The details are still being determined and will be posted when ready. I am really looking forward to celebrating our amazing season with you all!


Monday, April 23, 2007


It was brought to my attention this morning that there is a band concert on May 7th. Even if this only affects 3 or 4 speechers, there would still be people coming into the commons area on their way to the auditorium, and I don't want to be interrupted like that. So, after looking at literally every day from now until the end of the school year on the events calendar, I have to change our banquet date to THURSDAY, MAY 24TH FROM 5-7 PM. Please make this change and put it on your calendar. This is almost the end of the year, but it's all we can do. Sorry for any problems this may cause. Hope to see you all there!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

State and Banquet

1. State!
I encourage you all to drive the long trek (note the sarcasm) to South St. Paul to watch your teammates (not to mention the best in the state) compete this weekend. Round One is at 8:30. If you ARE going, carpool! And make sure you ask underclassmen who may not have the ability to drive if they want to come with you!!! It should be a great day.
2. Banquet Info
The banquet will be Monday, May 7th from 6-8 PM in the commons. More details will follow, but put it on your calendar now. The date and place won't change.

Go Cougars! (Especially Abbie, Adam, and Mick!!!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

From your captains...

Hey Speechers! It's the end of the season and that means it's time to have a party! Thanks to Julie Schmidt's hospitable parents, we will be doing just that after the State tournament this weekend. Here are the details so you can clear your schedules (which you will obviously want to do):

Saturday, April 21
6:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
20612 Jupiter Path, Lakeville

We are asking that everyone who comes brings something to eat/drink be it chips, cookies, pop, or some other creative concoction. If you have any questions hit me up via email [ ] or talk to me or Dan at school. Be sure to stop by and show your speech love--what a great season!

Also, we hope to thank our coaches at the end of year banquet (details coming later) with gifts from the team. We would really appreciate it if each team member could contribute by giving five dollars. Our coaches do so much for us, and this is our way of saying thanks! If you could bring the money on Saturday, that would be preferable, otherwise feel free to drop it off in Ms. Waterston's room later in the week. Thanks guys!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank You...A Sappy Message from Your Head Coach

What an amazing season. "Really?" you ask, "but, Ms. W., we only got one trophy all year. Last year we got six. Last year we sent three to state, and we did again this year." Yeah, that's all true, but to add to that, we also have two people going to Nationals (yay). And, as you well know, I'm not all about the winning (which may be why we don't win more often...the jury is still out on that). I'm about the experience. And this season was the best. I was pretty depressed earlier this season when so many people quit. We went from 65 to 37 in the course of the three months. I will never know the "real" reasons so many people quit, but I don't really want to know, I guess. Because the 37 of you we ended up with are fantastic. So many of you impressed me in so many ways this year. Your hard work, devotion, and willingness to go out of your way for others (including me at times) is inspiring.

We have six seniors on the team this year, two who just started this year. Last year was easy, because no one was leaving for good. Even the people who left the team were still "around". But now you are going off to college or other endeavors. You will be strongly missed. To counteract that, we have an AMAZING group of novices this year who show a ridiculous amount of promise. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in your years to come.

The season is not over for six of you (yes, you alternates should come to state, because you never know when something could happen and you want to be there just in case). I expect to see you practicing this week. Send me an email to set up a time. And, Abbie G. and Mike, you've got 2 months to prep for the big show. Your successes inspire us all.

So, to wrap this up, I say THANK YOU. Each of you has brought something to my life this season (even if it was frustration :-)). To those of you graduating, keep in touch. To those of you I still get next year, check the web site from time to time over the offseason; you never know when I'll have something to say.

(Information regarding our end of the year banquet will be posted within the next two weeks. Stay tuned.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



We will be having lunch (the tourney doesn't start until 3...we are leaving early to eat lunch together) at a restaurant in Northfield. I have narrowed it down to four. The one with the most votes by WEDNESDAY morning, via email only, is where we will go.

China Buffet
Godfather's Pizza

BRING MONEY!!!! You will need to buy your own lunch! If you don't want to, eat at school and just come sit with us.


1. We will meet immediately after 4th hour outside the front doors (12:20). You can either wear your suit to school or change over your lunch period (NOT at 12:20). If you choose to change, you can leave your suit in my room. I have C lunch.
2. I need titles/authors from the following people ASAP:
John Hilsen
Mick Doyle (and that other GS stuff listed in the last post)
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Alex Kalina
3. I need SCRIPTS from the following people (can be turned in as late as when you get on the bus, but if you don't have it, I WILL SEND YOU TO 5TH HOUR!!!)
John Hilsen
Adam Kunkel
Mick Doyle
Jake Verduzco
Matt Nelson
Dan Bungert
Lizzie Scwegman
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop
Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

LET ME KNOW ASAP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS!!!I'm SO excited!!!!!!!! South St. Paul or Bust! (that's where State is being held this year...)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

This week is a doozie folks so here is how we are going to do it.

I want to see all of my students at 2:30 outside Ms. Waterston's classroom. From there we will set up coaching times for the afternoon and strategize. I will see all of you tomorrow and there better not be any rust showing. This is the only time I can see you before Sections. We will work from 2:30 until 7:00 to fit everyone in.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Below I have copied the information from the registration regarding your scripts. If you do not have a script with you the day of sections, you will be disqualified. It needs to be an updated, clean script (not mounted on black paper with notes or anything). Make sure your name and school are on it as well.


I will need the following from each of you (MEANING ME, THE COACH), per MSHSL rules, on the day of the contest:
1. 2006-2007 Community Standard Speech Selection Certification Form (THIS, I TAKE CARE OF).
2. Titles, authors and ISBN (where appropriate) of all selections(EMAIL THIS TO ME AND I WILL MAKE ONE BIG LIST. IF YOU DON'T KNOW, YOUR COACH WILL. JUST ASK.).
3. Copies of scripts for Original Oratory, Creative Expression, Informative, Humorous, Poetry, Prose, Drama, and Duo. For Great Speeches, I need a copy of the script, as well as the speech’s title, author, date, and site of presentation.
Please note that students who do not submit updated scripts will be disqualified.

I am in Arkansas, but have internet access. Please email me any questions you may have. I have also registered officially, so if you back out of sections from this point on, you will have to pay the drop fees. Some of you still owe me drop fees from earlier in the season. You will not letter with outstanding debt to your team.

Enjoy the rest of your break!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Captains Voting

The ten people who did not come to the Roseville tournament need to either stop by my classroom or email me with their captain votes. You can vote for up to three juniors. Your choices are: Kayla Anderson, Mike Berger, Mick Doyle, Ali Harris, Erin Hunecke, Alex Kalina, and Claire Wardrop.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be holding open practice for anyone who is interest on Tuesday. We have a lot of work to do before sections!

Thursday will be
2:30 Chris
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Sarah

Thursday, March 22, 2007


It's getting the better of me. I am not back at school today like anticipated. I am supposed to coach with Jake at 2:30, Abbie B. at 3, and Emily at 3:30. I have asked Suzanne to hear the three of you speak instead, if she has time. So, if you read this before then, please still go to practice. I am super bummed. And I'm going to still try and come again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Roseville Update

Okay, so I guess when I'm stuck in bed, I think of about a thousand things to post on this site. This is just to let you know that we are now a small school at Roseville, because a few people have decided not to come (and on time!). So, we now have only 34 entries, which is the biggest small school we can be, but oh well.

See you Saturday!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Captains 2008

Crazy, I know. I'm not pushing Abbie and Dan out the door or anything, but as this weekend is our last invitational, I'd like to vote for next year's captains on the bus. (You won't know the results until the banquet, however; I'm mean like that). So, all juniors currently on the team are eligible. There are only 8 of you (you know who you are). If you do NOT want to be considered for captain (but, I think you all should), let me know and I will not put your name on the ballot. When voting on Saturday (due to begging, I will let seniors vote, too), consider responsibility, commitment to team, organization, and all-over speech enthusiasm. With the tournament taking up some good time this year for our two captains, I may choose to have three next year. We'll see how it all plays out after voting.

Anyway, juniors, if I don't hear from you, I'm putting your name on the ballot. Those of you NOT going to Roseville, you can vote via email or by stopping by my room next week. Thanks.

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be in for open practice tomorrow (Tuesday) from 2:30 to 5:00.

I need to see the following people on Thursday,
2:30 Chris
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Shawn

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Waterston Practice Schedule

I will still be out of commission on Mon, Tue, and Wed. So, Adam and John, work together. Discussants, research on your own.

3:00-5:00- Open practice; sign up or show up

2:30-Storytellers draw
2:30- open for someone to speak
3:00-4:00- Storytellers speak
4:00-5:00- Open practice; sign up or show up

You can "sign up" by sending me an email. I'm bored here in bed, so I want you all to email me to tell me about Centennial. Or Sadies. Or whatever. Did I mention I'm bored?


I have spoken with the other coaches, and we have selected the section team. Sections are Thursday, April 12th. You will miss 5th and 6th periods from school. We will leave at 12:20, go to lunch together, and then be in Northfield at 2:30. As per your contracts from earlier this year, you are all available to attend sections. We are only allowed to bring 3 per category, however, and used the criteria listed in your speech team handbook to make the selections for categories that have more than 3 regular competitors. To refresh, the criteria:

∑ Positive attitude (a belief that you can and want to do well)
∑ Willingness to prepare (a commitment in both time and in favorably reacting to coaching)
∑ Demonstration of skill (both throughout the season and at practice)
∑ Demonstration of professionalism (you help build LSHS’s positive image)
∑ On-task, non-distracting practice habits (how well time is used)

If you question the decision made, please come directly to me (Ms. W.) and I will tell you why you weren’t selected. HOWEVER, even if you were not selected to compete on the section team, we still want you with us that day. We sent three people to state last year, and we hope to send more this year. We need you there cheering everyone on. Remember, we are a TEAM, despite our individual efforts. So, for those of you not selected in your category, I give you two options: 1) just come to watch; or 2) compete in a fun, new category just for the heck of it that day. There are spots available in Creative Ex, Drama, Duo, Extemp. Reading, Great Speeches, and Informative. Of those, Drama, Duo, and ER would be the easiest, as they do not actually require the writing of a speech. Let me know if you want to try something new or if you just want to come watch. I’d be sad if you chose not to come at all.

I sincerely hope that you will join us on the 12th, even if you are not on the list below. Again, if you have questions regarding decisions, please talk with me.

Sections Roster

John Hilsen
Adam Kunkel

Michelle Bradley
Ryan Longley
Joe Shim

Chris McNeil
Shawn Nelson

4. DUO

Starla Rajavuori
Mikaela Schwartz

Mike Berger
Abbie Gudmundson
Christian Keil

Mick Doyle
Sarah Rosenthal

Emily Schwegman
Roslyn Udairam
Jake Verduzco

Matt Nelson

Abbie Barrett
Dan Bungert
Lizzie Schwegman

Erin Hunecke
Hope Sabroski
Claire Wardrop

Kayla Anderson
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

Lauren Geier
Ali Harris
Zach Panzer

Friday, March 16, 2007

Roseville Roster and Info

The roster for our final invitational at Roseville on Saturday, March 24th is posted below. As usual, let me know RIGHT AWAY if you are on here and shouldn't be or vice versa. We will leave for Roseville from the upper doors at 7:00 AM. Roseville has regular and honors finals. Small school entries stop at 35, we have 37, so we will be large :-) It's a huge tournament, but will be fun.

1. Anderson, Kayla (double)
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Berger, Michael
4. Bradley, Michelle
5. Bungert, Dan
6. Cole, Kelly
7. Doyle, Michael
8. Dumonceaux, Danielle
9. Geier, Lauren
10. Gudmundson, Abbie
11. Harris, Ali
12. Hunecke, Erin
13. Jensen, JoVanna
14. Julik, Joe
15. Kalina, Alex
16. Keil, Christian
17. Kunkel, Adam
18. Longley, Ryan
19. McNeil, Chris
20. Nelson, Matt
21. Nelson, Shawn
22. Nylund, Kati
23. Rajavuori, Starla
24. Sabroski, Hope
25. Schmidt, Julie
26. Schwartz, Mikaela
27. Schwegman, Elizabeth (double)
28. Schwegman, Emily
29. Shim, Joe
30. Skluzacek, Simon
31. Sweere, Melissa
32. Udairam, Roslyn
33. Verduzcon, Jake
34. Wardrop, Claire (double)

Notes from Recovery

1. My tonsillectomy went well. I am doing fine, and can't wait to take you all to our final invitational at Roseville on the 24th.

2. I will be posting the Roseville roster on the web site soon.

3. I will also be posting the Section roster soon. Please see me (after the 22nd) with questions. You can email me as well. Don't call, as I currently can't talk (and yes, it's killing me :-)).

4. Some of you know that I promised anyone making it to Nationals that I would take them to a Twins' game to celebrate. You all know that I now have to make good on that promise (Hooray for Abbie and Mike!). I think it would be most fun to plan an entire team outting for this particular celebration (with Abbie and Mike's tix on me). We will still have a team banquet with parents and all, but this would just be a day of fun, nothing speech related except us having fun together. Mr. Douglas says that for safety's sake, it should be an official field trip, and I agree. But there's no way I'm taking you out of school for a ballgame (I do have my limits :-)). But, Sunday, May 6th the Red Sox are coming to town at 1:10. Currently, tickets are available. I would like to generate some buzz: $10 cheap seats or $22 Home Run porch? Just speechies or should everyone be allowed to sign up one non-speech team guest/date? You will be responsible for all costs, and I will have further details on a bus after I talk with Mr. Douglas. If we go cheap seats and at least 30 people come, it probably won't be more than $15 per person. Home Run porch will be more like $27. People will need to commit with money before I buy the tickets, so start thinking about it. If this date doesn't work for many, May 27th is also a Sunday matinee game, but it's just the Blue Jays, not nearly as cool.

5. Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow at Centennial. Someone text me or email me with the results.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Random changes in Ms. Berg's schedule

Because some people needed to be moved around, here is a amended schedule.

2:30 Erin
3:00 Claire
3:30 Mick
4:00 Matt
4:30 Sarah? (If someone wants to fight Sarah for this time, let us both know. I can fit more then one person in.)

Sorry for the last min. changes. If anyone on the team checks this during the day, let your teammates know that Suzanne would like to see them this afternoon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Party THIS Friday

The Rosenthals will host a Team get-together on Friday night, March 16th
from 6:00 to 9:00. All are welcome!!!! Team social bonding! Yay!

Theme/Stuff to do: St Patty's day! (Wear something
green) We will have movies to play, a bonfire in the woods with SMORES
and music playing loud enough to irritate all parents. Any other ideas
from Team Members are welcome!!

Food: Parent volunteers will bring dinner and kids can bring a
dessert for everyone if they wish. The Rosenthals will make chili and

Location: Our house is in a rural area west of Chart House and
Judicial Rd. 9895 lower 167th st. east. I will send a map to school
with Sarah and one by Email (scan). Or call for directions!

Thanks, Jeff & Ronda & Sarah

Monday, March 12, 2007

Suzanne Berg's Coaching Schedule this week

On Tuesday starting at 2:00 and ending at 5:00 I will have open coaching. I expect to see all of my students and anyone else interested is invited as well.

On Thursday I am going to hand pick some people I need to see.
2:30 Matt
3:00 Chris
3:30 Erin
4:00 Elishia

Anyone note on that list for Thursday I need to see on Tuesday. So I will see you all.

Centennial Roster

Here is the roster AND info for this Saturday, March 17. Let me know if you are not on it and should be, or vice versa. Also, Andy is your coach for this week's tournament. So, if you are sick Friday night or Saturday, you will call HIM, not me. His cell is 651-387-8305. The bus will leave the upper doors at 6:30 AM. DON'T BE LATE!!!!! (Those of you who were late last Saturday were this close to being left behind.)

This tournament does NOT allow double entering, so if you usually double, I put you in your first category only.

1. Anderson, Kayla
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Beckman, Elishia
4. Berger, Michael
5. Bradley, Michelle
6. Bungert, Dan
7. Doyle, Michael
8. Geier, Lauren
9. Gudmundson, Abbie
10. Harris, Ali
11. Hilsen, John
12. Hunecke, Erin
13. Jensen, JoVanna
14. Julik, Joe
15. Kalina, Alex
16. Keil, Christian
17. Kunkel, Adam
18. Longley, Ryan
19. McNeil, Chris
20. Nelson, Matt
21. Nelson, Shawn
22. Nylund, Kati
23. Panzer, Zach
24. Rajavuori, Starla
25. Rosenthal, Sarah
26. Sabroski, Hope
27. Schwegman, Elizabeth
28. Schwegman, Emily
29. Shim, Joe
30. Sweere, Melissa
31. Udairam, Roslyn
32. Verduzcon, Jake
33. Wardrop, Claire

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Results from this week and last (and before that, too)

I realized I am a total slacker and have been forgetting to post our results as of late. My bad :-)

On Saturday, February 17th, we ventured north to Flake. Results:
Mike Berger: 4th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Dan Bungert: 5th Place, Honors OO
Mick Doyle: 2nd Place, Honors Great Speeches
Abbie Gudmundson: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Saturday, February 24th, we went nowhere, as the storm kicked our behinds before we could even speak.

On Saturday, March 3rd, we traveled ALL the way across town to compete at the Northstar Invitational. Results:
Mike Berger: 5th Place, Extemp. Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson: 8th Place, Extemp. Speaking

On Friday, March 9th, we bussed it over to Eagan for the National Forensic League qualifying tournament. Results:
Mike Berger: Champion, Extemp. Speaking (qualifying for Nationals)
Dan Bungert: Semifinalist, OO
Abbie Gudmundson: 3rd Place, Extemp. Speakign (qualifying for Nationals)
Christian Keil: Semifinalist, Extemp. Speaking
Lizzie Schwegman: Semifinalist, OO

Then, on March 10th, we liked Eagan High School SO much, we ventured back a mere 11 hours after we had left for the Wildcat Invitational. Results:
Sarah Rosenthal: 4th Place, Honors Great Speeches
Emily Schwegman: 2nd Place, Honors Humorous
Roslyn Udairam: 4th Place, Honors Humorous

There. I think I'm caught up now.


I will take the time to post all of the weekend's results tomorrow, but congratulations to Abbie and Mike for qualifying for Nats!!!! Yay, Witchita!

ALL NFL results (prelims, sems, finals) are available online at

Enjoy. Great job, everyone!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Eagan INFO-Mar. 10

The bus for Eagan will leave at 7:15 AM on Saturday, March 10th. Those competing in NFL's on Friday will also compete Saturday unless you advance to semis. This tournament has regular and honors finals. See you Saturday!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

I will be holding open sessions from 2:30-5:00 on Wednesday and Thursday this week. I expect to see all Dramatist, Poets, Great Speakers, and Informers. For those of you who just need more coaching time, show up too. Come when you can and stay for as long as you like.

NFL Information

To all NFL participants: We will leave school at 7:35 from the front doors on Friday. You don't need to go to first hour; you will be excused for the entire day. In order to compete, you MUST:
1. Be memorized; no scripts are allowed
2. Bring a clean, accurate copy of your piece (everyone but extemp speakers) IF YOU DON'T BRING A SCRIPT TO GIVE ME BEFORE YOU GET ON THE BUS, I WILL SEND YOU TO FIRST HOUR, UNABLE TO COMPETE.
3. Sign the green registration form that I have; please stop by my room Wednesday or Thursday to sign this.

See you Friday morning!

Waterston practice update

All slots are now full. Also, there is a change. I had to make an appointment for 5:00 on Thursday, so storytellers, come at 2:30 to draw, then you'll speak from 3-4. John Hilsen, come at 4 instead of 4:30.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Waterston Practice

This week is NFL's, so no Friday practice. Because of snow days last week, we're running short on practices, so here's what I envision:

2:30 Adam
3:00 John
3:30 anybody who reads this post before then and wants to practice :-)

2:30-3:30 Discussion
3:30 Dan
4:00 open for appointment
4:30 open for appointment

2:30 open for appointment (our staff mtg was rescheduled...I should be available as far as I know)

2:30 Jake
3:00-4:30 Storytellers
4:30 open for appointment

Friday Suzanne and I will both be gone for NFL's. However, Suzanne said she may be able to be more available this week, so contact her if you need additional practice.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sad news...

Eagan changed their mind about offering impromptu. They had it on the postcard they mailed out a month ago, but when I went to register us, it wasn't an option. So, I emailed their head coach to find out, and they decided just not to offer it. So, boo. No impromptu for you. I don't know if any other tournaments are going to have it this year, either. Bummer. Hope you're all enjoying your snow day.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Eagan Roster

Eagan is Saturday, March 10th. If you are going to NFL's and you make semi-finals, you will be dropped from the Saturday tournament to continue competing for NFL's. Let me know before Tuesday if this is in error. Please note the double entries (Yes, Sarah, I put you in impromptu...I think you should do it. If you're really against it, let me know. Then I'll talk you into it :-)). Anyone else want to give impromptu a go? Let me know asap.

1. Anderson, Kayla (double:prose/reading)
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Beckman, Elishia
4. Berger, Michael (double: speaking/impromptu)
5. Bradley, Michelle
6. Bungert, Dan (double: OO/impromptu)
7. Cole, Kelly
8. Doyle, Michael
9. Dumonceaux, Danielle
10. Gudmundson, Abbie (double:speaking/impromptu)
11. Harris, Ali
12. Hilsen, John
13. Julik, Joe
14. Kalina, Alex
15. Keil, Christian (double: speaking/impromptu)
16. Kunkel, Adam
17. Longley, Ryan
18. McNeil, Chris
19. Nelson, Matt
20. Nelson, Shawn
21. Nylund, Kati
22. Panzer, Zach
23. Rajavuori, Starla
24. Rosenthal, Sarah (double: great/impromptu)
25. Sabroski, Hope
26. Schmidt, Julie (double: speaking/impromptu)
27. Schwartz, Mikaela
28. Schwegman, Elizabeth (triple: OO/drama/impromptu)
29. Schwegman, Emily
30. Shim, Joe
31. Sweere, Melissa
32. Udairam, Roslyn
33. Verduzcon, Jake
34. Wardrop, Claire (double: poetry/prose)
35. Willaert, Yevette


All participants of NFL must email me their title/selections (for humorous and DI) or just titles (OO) ASAP!!!!

Practice cancelled

All practices are cancelled for Thursday. If we don't have school Friday, we will still have the tournament Saturday unless you hear from me (not likely, as the storm should be gone by then). So, I will see you on Saturday in the North cafeteria at 7:30.

Discussants: Don't forget to pick up your bins from my classroom!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Practice with Ms. Berg

I am going on vacation this week, so we will only be meeting Tuesday. I will see the Interpers from 3:00-4:00 and from 4:00-5:00 I will see PA'ers. If one time works better for you then others, (Shawn I know you mentioned later might be better), then come at that time.

North INFO-Mar. 3

Can you believe it's almost March!?!?!

Our first tournament in March is across town, so THERE WILL BE NO BUS! You must find me in the North cafeteria at 7:30 on Saturday. I think they will be passing out critiques and posting the schedule, so you don't necessarily NEED me, but I need you. I need to take attendance, of sorts. Please do not be late.

I mentioned on the roster (see below), but will mention again, this tournament is unlike any other we've gone to this year, because they are breaking into semi-finals. This means more rounds to watch (or participate in) and basically, a longer tournament. Awards are scheduled for 5. But North has a history of a super fun tournament with raffled off prizes (cool things like gift certificates and stuff).

See you Saturday!!!

NFL Roster

For NFL's, I have decided to select a team based on seniority. Only students in their second year (or more) of speech will be going to NFL's this year. In addition, NFL's ONLY has Extemp Speaking, Oratory, Humorous, Dramatic Interp (which includes poetry, prose, and drama), and duo. So, you can only attend if you are in one of these categories. (You also would have needed to indicate your availability on your contracts...) With that said, the following people will be heading to Eagan High School on FRIDAY MARCH 9th. You will be out of school the ENTIRE day, so if you have a test or something that you can't miss, let me know ASAP, so I can take you off the roster. Also, if you feel you should be on the list based on the above criteria, but I left you off because I make mistakes, then please let me know. THE EAGAN INVITATIONAL ON SATURDAY IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TOURNAMENT THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE IN THE SAME LOCATION. FURTHER INFORMATION/ROSTER ON THAT WILL FOLLOW.

NFL Roster
March 9-10, 2007

Extemp Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson
Mike Berger
Julie Schmidt
Christian Keil

Dan Bungert
Lizzie Schwegman

Roslyn Udairam
Jake Verduzco
Yevette Willaert

Dramatic Interpretation (prose, poetry, or drama)
Claire Wardrop
Kayla Anderson
Elishia Beckman
Kelly Cole
Alex Kalina

Discussion Practice THURSDAY

Hey, Discussants! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 2:30, so we will practice on Thursday at 3 instead.


Extemp and OO -- week of 26 Feb

Plan for this week:

5:30PM Extemp practice speeches on topic #1, check your Sunday email for details on the speech.

5:30 Lizzie *
6:00 Dan *
6:30 Abbie G and Mike practice speeches -- I will send you question for Tues

* Lizzie and Dan -- If you have conflicts, let me know and we can find some other times.

Wednesday -- off

5:30 Simon
6:00 Abbie B (try to schedule a time with Ms. Waterston too)
6:30 Abbie G and Mike practice speeches -- I will send you question for Thurs

5:30 Extemp practice speeches on topic #2 from your Sunday email

Friday, February 23, 2007


MSU has had to cancel their tournament due to over half the schools calling to say they weren't coming (chickens). So, enjoy sleeping in. I am also calling all of you, but some of you I am only able to leave messages for, so I hope you all get the info.

North Roster - Mar. 3

Here is the roster for next week's tournament. As usual, let me know if you should be added or dropped before Tuesday and you won't owe a fee. North is doing semifinals this year, so this will be an especially long tournament. On the other hand, they give out cool prizes at awards (not just trophies, prizes for anyone...a raffle of sorts).

1. Anderson, Kayla (double)
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Berger, Michael
4. Bradley, Michelle
5. Bungert, Dan
6. Cole, Kelly
7. Doyle, Michael
8. Dumonceaux, Danielle
9. Gudmundson, Abbie
10. Harris, Ali
11. Hilsen, John
12. Hunecke, Erin
13. Julik, Joe
14. Kalina, Alex
15. Keil, Christian
16. Kunkel, Adam
17. McNeil, Chris
18. Nelson, Matt
19. Nelson, Shawn
20. Panzer, Zach
21. Rajavuori, Starla
22. Rosenthal, Sarah
23. Sabroski, Hope
24. Schmidt, Julie
25. Schwartz, Mikaela
26. Schwegman, Elizabeth (double)
27. Schwegman, Emily
28. Sweere, Melissa
29. Udairam, Roslyn
30. Wardrop, Claire (double)
31. Willaert, Yevette

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

MSU Info

We will LEAVE for MSU at 6:30 (be here by 6:20). The drive is a little more than an hour, with registration beginning at 7:45 and draws at 8:30. This tournament will be different than any other because it is being held on a college campus. You will have to lug your jackets, bags, etc. around with you (there is usually a room to put them, but it is wide open to the entire campus, so I advise against it). Rooms will be harder to find because they will be in different buildings. You will need to rely heavily on your map. If all else fails, find me. The reason we're going to this tournament (other than we took 2nd place last year :-)) is because this is my alma mater. I can help you find your rooms :-) Andy and I will both be there judging, however, so we may not always be available.

Their tournament is the same as ours (we stole it from them) where you compete with everyone, but then novii can break into either final. Food will be available (good food, not parent concessions; they usually open the food court...but maybe bring food just in case).

IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER: Storms are predicted for this weekend. I will only cancel our participation in the tournament if the tournament director actually cancels the tournament. If this happens, you will be called by your captain to let you know. This WILL NOT be decided until Saturday morning, so don't 30 people call me Friday night to ask.

Waterston Practice update

Friday's Open Practice is no longer "open". People have signed up for all of my available times.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Waterston Practice

Okay. So, as we didn't have school Monday, then I had to cancel Tuesday due to illness, and I am unavailable for practice Wednesday (as I am every week), I now have to squeeze all of you in on Thursday and Friday. So, here's a breakdown of how this should work:
2:30 Disco kids just for research. I will open the lab for you.
2:35 Jake
3:00 Adam
3:30 John
4:00 Claire (if you still want to work with me)

2:30 Storytellers as usual
4:00 Open practice for anyone needing extra help. I will only stay until 4:15 unless people either sign up or show up.

Extemp and OO -- week of 20 Feb

A short but busy week. We're hosting the extemp/impromptu Round Robin
on Friday night and then off to the booming metropolis of Mankato the
next morning. Yay for us!

Practice this week:

Mike, Abbie, Christian, and Julie @ 5:30

Lizzie -- come when/if you can and we'll work on your new OO. I can
work around the extemp to fit you in.

Extemp @ 5:30
Dan -- Come when/if you can and we'll work on your new OO. I can work
around the extemp to fit you in. Would like to work with you 2 times
this week just to work on your delivery and memorization. I might be
able to get a round off on Friday and can listen to you during
tournament too.

Extemp @ 5:30
Simon @ 5:30
Abbie B @ 6:00 *

Abbie B -- You need work on your delivery and presentation, I think
your speech is pretty good. See if Ms. Waterston has 30 minutes open
some day this week too. So ideally you'd practice 1 day with me and
another with her, assuming she has time available.

Extemp and Impromptu Round Robin @ South

MSU Tournament @ Mankato

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tuesdays and Thursdays with Ms. Berg

2:30 Dan
3:00 Lizzie
3:30 Chris
4:00 Claire
4:30 Shawn
5:00 Mick

2:30 Matt
3:00 Elishia
3:30 Sarah
4:00 Erin
4:30 Hope

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Forest Lake Info

We will be leaving at 6:20 A.M. Saturday, as Forest Lake is north of the cities and draws are at 8 (instead of the usual 8:30), with rounds beginning at 8:30. Plus, this is historically a very large tournament, and we want to have a place to sit down. SO DON'T BE LATE or we may leave you behind.

Forest Lake does NOT have novice division, so you're all in this one together. They do have honor finals, however, so more people can win awards.

Also, if you ARE sick and can't make it, please call me either before 10 P.M. on Friday or after 5:30 A.M. on Saturday. Don't call at 12:30. Don't call at 4:30. Waterston needs her sleep :-)

See you Saturday, Speechers!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MSU roster-February 24th

I am posting the roster for the MSU tournament early because they are charging an extra $5 as a drop fee (regardless of reason). So, if anyone drops after Tuesday the 20th (even for illness) it will cost us an extra $5. This will make your fee go up to $20 for dropping/not showing up. SO, IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T MAKE IT ON THE 24TH FOR ANY REASON, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! Also, we currently have 39 team members coming to this tournament, our largest entry yet. There are only 4 team members not coming to this tournament (unless they change their minds by Tuesday...hint, hint...). It would be nice to get a group picture of us all dressed up pretty. (We'll PhotoShop in the missing ones :-)).

1. Anderson, Kayla
2. Barrett, Abbie
3. Beckman, Elishia
4. Berger, Michael
5. Bradley, Michelle
6. Bungert, Dan
7. Cole, Kelly
8. Doyle, Michael
9. Dumonceaux, Danielle
10. Fideler, Kori
11. Geier, Lauren
12. Gudmundson, Abbie
13. Hilsen, John
14. Hunecke, Erin
15. JoVanna Jensen
16. Julik, Joe
17. Jurewicz, Alya
18. Kalina, Alex
19. Keil, Christian
20. Kunkel, Adam
21. Longley, Ryan
22. McNeil, Chris
23. Nelson, Matt
24. Nelson, Shawn
25. Nylund, Kati
26. Panzer, Zach
27. Rajavuori, Starla
28. Rosenthal, Sarah
29. Schmidt, Julie
30. Schwartz, Mikaela
31. Schwegman, Elizabeth
32. Schwegman, Emily
33. Shim, Joe
34. Skluzacek, Simon
35. Sweere, Melissa
36. Udairam, Roslyn
37. Verduzcon, Jake
38. Wardrop, Claire
39. Willaert, Yevette

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ms. Berg Coaching for next week.

2:30 Matt
3:00 Dan
3:30 Elishia
4:00 Lizzie

2:30 Sarah
3:00 Claire
3:30 Erin
4:00 Hope
4:30 Shawn
5:00 Mick
5:30 Chris

If you show up to practice with a script this week I will send you home. There are two exceptions, and you know who you are.

Claire, stop by Ms. Waterston's room on Tuesday after school for your prose piece. I will expect it to be typed and mounted by Thursday.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Extemp and OO -- week of 11 Feb

A short week of practice due to annual family trip to Disney...Last year, one of my Disney highlights was getting a call with results from Abbie while I was being loaded into the Tower of Terror. :)

OO people -- I want to hear your speeches, so be mentally prepared to give them. You can switch times around with each other if you like. If you want to speak later in the day, just let me know and we can work around extemp time.

5:00 Simon
5:30 Lizzie
6:00 Abbie G. and Mike practice speeches (extempers are welcome to come early to print/file)
6:30 Julie and Christian meet to talk through speeches from AV

5:00 Dan
5:30 Abbie B
6:00 Julie, Christian, and Melissa give speeches
6:30 Abbie and Mike speeches

Wed, Thurs, and Friday I'm out of town.

Extemp Round Robin on 2/23

On Friday, February 23rd we're hosting a Round Robin for Extemp Speaking and Impromptu. Here is the schedule:

3:00 Round 1 will be Impromptu

3:30 Round 2 will be Extemp Speaking
Instructions for Round 2 – Write your own question and have your speech prepped before you arrive. You are required to use an article from the February 7, 2007 edition of the Washington Post as the foundation for your question and must cite that edition of the Washington Post twice in your speech.

4:30 Round 3 Draw for Extemp Speaking
We will use topics inspired by the following:
International: Any Thomas L. Friedman column published in the NYT in January 2007 (there are 9 in this date range for Friedman)
Domestic: Any Paul Krugman op-ed published in the NYT in January 2007 (there are 9 in this date range for Krugman op-eds)

Round 3 instructions – You will draw a question for the person who speaks after you; last speaker draws for the first speaker.

5:00 Round 3 will be Extemp Speaking

6:00 Dinner break
Presentation by guest speakers.

6:30 Round 4 will be Impromptu

7:00 Round 5 Draw for Extemp
International: Jan/Feb 2007 Foreign Affairs
Domestic: Jan 29 2007 Time

Round 5 instructions – Round 5 features CX of the speaker who follows you.

7:30 Round 5 will be Extemp Speaking

8:30 “Awards”

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Apple Valley Results

We had a fun day today at Apple Valley High School and Falcon Ridge Middle School. The results were as follows:

Lauren Geier- 7th Place Novice Storytelling
Simon Skluzacek- 2nd Place Novice Oratory
Sarah Rosenthal- 1st Place Honors Great Speeches
and winning a coveted red marble apple--
Mick Doyle-3rd Place Varsity Great Speeches

With only 30 competitors, we took 11th out of 36 schools. That's AWESOME!

Great job today, everyone!

Friday, February 09, 2007

South Results

SORRY! I've really been slacking this week on the website posts. Here are the FABULOUS results from our very own tournament last weekend:

Adam Kunkel- Champion, Novice Creative
Emily Schwegman- 4th place, Novice Humorous
Abbie Barrett- 3rd place, Novice O.O.
Hope Sabroski- 5th place, Novice Poetry
Lauren Geier- 3rd place, Novice Storytelling
Mike Berger- 6th place, Extemp. Speaking
Abbie Gudmundson- 7th place, Extemp. Speaking & 2nd place, Impromptu
Lizzie Schwegman- Champion, Impromptu
Christian Keil- 6th place, Impromptu

Great job, everyone!!!

Forest Lake Roster

Here is the current roster for Sat. Feb. 17 at Forest Lake. They are allowing double entries in all categories except discussion. If you are not on this list, but want to come, let me know. If you are ON this list, but can't go, you have until Monday to let me know. All registration closes on Tuesday, so if you want to double-enter, but I don't have you listed as doing so, LET ME KNOW!!!

FEBRUARY 17, 2007

1. Kayla Anderson (double)
2. Abbie Barrett
3. Elishia Beckman
4. Michael Berger
5. Michelle Bradley
6. Kelly Cole
7. Mick Doyle
8. Danielle Dumonceaux
9. Kori Fideler
10. Lauren Geier
11. Abbie Gudmundson
12. Ali Harris
13. John Hilsen
14. Erin Hunecke
15. Joe Julik
16. Alex Kalina
17. Adam Kunkel
18. Ryan Longley
19. Shawn Nelson
20. Kati Nylund
21. Starla Rajavuori
22. Sarah Rosenthal
23. Hope Sabroski
24. Julie Schmidt
25. Mikaela Schwartz
26. Lizzie Schwegman (double)
27. Emily Schwegman
28. Joe Shim
29. Simon Skluzacek
30. Melissa Sweere
31. Roslyn Udairam
32. Jake Verduzco
33. Claire Wardrop
34. Yevette Willaert

(I don't know why this is suddenly underlining everything :-))

Apple Valley Info

SORRY! I forgot to post this earlier in the week. We will leave at 7:10 from the upper lot. We will go to the high school in AV and drop off the varsity and extemp speakers. Then we will go to the middle school where novice and discussion will compete. We will not see each other again until awards at 4:30.

We should be home around 5:45. See you in the morning!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Practice, etc.

A lot of complaints have come in about lack of practice time. I know this is in part due to scheduling conflicts with your individual coaches. However, it is important that you communicate, check the website, and know that you must accomodate and be flexible at times as well.

Since auditions in November, we have gone from having 65 members on this team to 45. This is due to a variety of reasons, I'm sure, but it really saddens me as your head coach. Please know that I don't want to lose any more of you. And those of you who are devoted and spirited make me smile just thinking about you.

Today and Thursday I will be holding open practices for ANY person in ANY category who would like some help. Tuesday will be from 3:30-5:00, and Thursday will be from 3:00-5:00. (If no one is here by 4:30, I won't hang around, so don't come at 4:55 and be mad that I'm gone :-))

This team is important to me, and I know it's important to many of you as well. We have just come off of a VERY successful tournament that couldn't have happened without all of your help and support. Be assured, every team that left here on Saturday was impressed with the Lakeville South Speech Team---that's you.

Please feel free to stop by ANY time to talk with me about your concerns, no matter what they're about. I want being a part of South Speech to be nothing but a positive experience for every last one of you, and I will go out of my way to ensure that is true.

Go Cougars!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg

We are going to everthing on Thursday this week. Here are some quick personal notes.

Matt-I can't wait to see the new script later tonight.
Lizzie-I am going to cut the script tomorrow, so we will be good to go for this weekend.
Elishia-I am looking and we will have something cool and meaningful. I hope by tomorrow.
Claire-I am still searching for one more.
Hope-Congradulations on your first break! I am proud of your work.

We are going to do group coaching again. The PA'ers get to go first this week, because they always get the times which are late in the day. If you have a MAJOR conflict and cannot make the practice time I assigned, let me know and we can arrange to have you show up earlier. Also a MAJOR conflict is related to things which are well beyond your control. Not wanting to come back to school after 4:30 is not a major conflict.

2:30-3:30 Sarah, Mick, and Matt
3:30-4:30 All Drama Folks
4:30-5:30 All Poets

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Extemp and OO -- week of 5 Feb

I've emailed all of the practice details.

Great job at our own tournament this weekend. Your help really made things turn out well.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Apple Valley Roster

Although our tournament is our focus, I did remember to register for the next tournament :-) We will be going to Apple Valley on February 10th. (Originally, we were going to go to St. Cloud, but they cancelled their tournament.)

Apple Valley runs two completely separate tournaments: novice and varsity. This tournament is so huge, however, that they are even in separate buildings (except extemp speaking since they share files). Please let me know ASAP if you can't come on the 10th. At Eden Prairie last week we had 8 people drop. Not only is that expensive for us, but it is also embarrassing for me when we register. Please plan ahead and only drop if you REALLY need to. Right now only 2 people are double-entering. If you want to pick up a second event, please come see me.

1. Kayla Anderson
2. Abbie Barrett
3. Elishia Beckman
4. Michelle Bradley
5. Dan Bungert (double)
6. Kelly Cole
7. Mick Doyle
8. Danielle Dumonceaux
9. Kori Fideler
10. Lauren Geier
11. Ali Harris
12. John Hilsen
13. Joe Julik
14. Alex Kalina
15. Christian Keil
16. Adam Kunkel
17. Ryan Longley
18. Chris McNeil
19. Matt Nelson
20. Shawn Nelson
21. Zach Panzer
22. Starla Rajavuori
23. Sarah Rosenthal
24. Hope Sabroski
25. Julie Schmidt
26. Mikaela Schwartz
27. Lizzie Schwegman (double)
28. Emily Schwegman
29. Joe Shim
30. Simon Skluzacek
31. Roslyn Udairam
32. Jake Verduzco
33. Yevette Willaert

Tournament details will be published here by Thursday of next week.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Eden Prairie Results and South Roster

I got so caught up in prepping for our tournament this weekend, that I forgot to honor our successes at Eden Prairie and give you the South roster. So, below, you will find both.

Michael Berger- 2nd Place, Extemp Speaking
Dan Bungert- 6th Place, O.O.
Adam Kunkel- Novice Champion, Creative Expression
Sarah Rosenthal- 5th Place, Great Speeches
Julie Schmidt- 6th Place, Impromptu; 7th Place, Extemp Speaking
Emily Schwegman- 4th Place, Novice Humorous
Simon Skluzacek- Novice Champion, O.O.

As a team, with ONLY 21 entries, we took 8th out of 29 schools. I think that's pretty darn good!


South Roster:
These people are registered to compete this weekend at OUR tournament. Be here at 7 A.M. in my classroom (A109) for last minute prepping and breakfast. Tourney info will be given at that time.

1.Kayla Anderson
2.Abbie Barrett
3.Mike Berger (double entry)
4.Michelle Bradley
5.Dan Bungert (triple entry)
6.Mick Doyle
7.Danielle Dumonceaux
8.Kori Fideler
9.Lauren Geier
10.Abbie Gudmundson (double entry)
11.Ali Harris
12.John Hilsen
13.Erin Hunecke
14.Joe Julik
15.Alex Kalina
16.Christian Keil (double entry)
17.Adam Kunkel
18.Ryan Longley
19.Chris McNeil
20.Matt Nelson
21.Kati Nylund
22.Zach Panzer
23.Rachel Peterson
24.Starla Rajavuori
25.Sarah Rosenthal
26.Hope Sabroski
27.Julie Schmidt (double entry)
28.Mikaela Schwartz
29.Emily Schwegman
30.Lizzie Schwegman (double (triple?) entry)
31.Joe Shim
32.Simon Skluzacek
33.Melissa Sweere
34.Roslyn Udairam
35.Jillian Vanderveld
36.Jake Verduzco
37.Claire Wardrop
38.Yevette Willaert

If you want to double enter (try impromptu) for this tournament, let me know ASAP, as I can still add you since this is OUR tournament and I'M in charge :-). We'll be running the schedule on Thursday, so any changes would need to be made by then. Let me know.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Extemp and OO -- Week of 29 Jan

Debate is now over and it's time to fire up the Speech machine. Results in extemp and OO have been excellent so far! We have our own invitational this weekend and then we can get into a normal practice pattern.

Monday -- no practice

Tuesday -- Extemp at 5:30-6:30 in IMC. Extempers should re-do a speech from EP. I'd like to hear all of you give a practice speech, so be ready to speak starting at 5:30. Carissa, Christian and Abbie -- your question will be, "What does the future hold for Lebanon?"

Wednesday -- Oratory group meeting at 5:30-6:30 by the IMC. (There is a class in the IMC on Wednesday nights, so we'll meet by the doors and then find a place to do some work.) Abbie and Christian, you guys will give practice speeches at 5PM -- you need to dust off the rust. Your question will be, "Why is the United States losing influence in Latin America?" Other extempers can work on files if they like.

Thursday -- no practice, making tournament schedule

Friday -- tournament setup night

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ms. Berg Coaching for next week.

Sarah and Elishia-I need you both to pick an open time. Drop me an email, first come first serve.

I expect memorization from everyone this week. I saw some good starts on memorization this week durning practice, but I want so much more

2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Dan Bungert
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Mick Doyle
4:30 Sarah Rosenthal

2:30 Claire
3:00 Erin
3:30 Hope
4:00 Elishia
4:30 Shawn
5:00 Matt

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our Tournament Prep/Info.

ALL SPEECH TEAM MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO HELP WITH OUR TOURNAMENT!!!! We will be making/hanging signs, stuffing packets, and much more on Thursday, February 1st and Friday, February 2nd. YOU MUST COME TO ONE OF THESE PREP TIMES IN ORDER TO LETTER!!! Additionally, this is a great way to show your team (and me) you care. We will start working on Thursday after school and go until about 6 (most likely). Friday we will start after school and go until we're done!!! This tournament prep takes place of practice for Waterston this week. Other coaches will coach as needed, but our tournament takes priority.

There is a LOT to do. Your team needs your help. This is a big undertaking, and a big fundraiser for our team. Your parents have been working hard, now it's your turn. WE NEED YOU!!!

Even if you are not competing at our tournament on Saturday, we need your help to prepare. If you ARE competing, I am registering this Friday, so if you want to double-enter, let me know. Team members who are competing must be here at school by 7 A.M. the day of the tournament to help with any last minute preparations. We will be grounding our team in my classroom (A109) for the day. This room will not be used for rounds.

Come see me or email me with questions. I'm so excited for our first ever tournament!

Eden Prairie Information

We will leave for Eden Prairie at 7:10 A.M. this Saturday, January 27th. We don't have school Friday, but we DO have speech Saturday! Don't forget! The bus will again leave from the upper doors. Bring food or money.

This tournament has novice separate from varsity. You are novice if this is your first year in speech, regardless of whether or not you are in a new category. This tournament also has finals (unlike last week, all tournaments from now on will), which will make the day longer. Awards are tentatively scheduled for 4:30, so we will be home at about 5:30, if the tournament runs on time.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Extemp Readers, Humorous and Prose

Just a few things...
Next week (28January-3February) is my Interim break here at school. I will be in Wisconsin during this time, thus we will not be having practice. If you feel the need to practice, you can contact any of the other coaches to see if they have any open time slots to hear your piece.
Starting 5February, practices will be a little bit different.
My classes won't be out until 3pm, which means I'll be able to be in Lakeville and starting practices by 3:30.
Something new: We no longer are having time slot scheduling. We will be meeting as a group from 3:30-5 on your categories assigned day.
Humor: Monday from 3:30-5
Extemp Reading: 3:30-5
Prose 3:30-5
You NEED to be there the entire time unless previously cleared by me. I will catch on if you seem to have a hair cut every week.
If you have any questions, please email me:

Monday, January 22, 2007

GS, Info, Drama, and Poetry

This week's schedule looks a lot like last week's schedule. If you have questions let me know.

Tuesday Jan. 23
2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Claire Wardrop
3:30 Mick Doyle
4:30 Shawn Nelson

Thursday Jan. 25
2:00 Elisha Beckman
2:30 Erin Hunecke
3:00 Dan Bungurt
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Sarah Rosenthal
4:30 Hope Salbroski
5:00 Matt Nelson

Dassel-Cokato Results

After the most winding bus ride in history, we made it to Cokato, MN at 7:55 A.M. on Saturday, January 20 with 26 competitors. After a few learning experiences (no critique sheets, "What do you mean you don't have any black paper?"), we enjoyed a great day of competition, the first for several. Our veterans showed us how it was done with the following results:
Michael Berger-2nd, Extemp. Speaking
Mick Doyle- 4th, Great Speeches
Sarah Rosenthal-Champion, Great Speeches
Lizzie Schwegman-4th, O.O.
Claire Wardrop-Honorable Mention, Poetry

There were no team results tallied, but I'm sure we measured up well. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL NOVICES FOR SURVIVING YOUR FIRST TOURNAMENT!!!! IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE :-)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Eden Prairie Roster

These 29 people are registered for Eden Prairie. This is a small group due to solo-ensemble that same day. GOOD LUCK SINGERS! If you are on this list and do not come, you owe your team $15. Please remember to let me know BEFORE I register if you will be unable to attend a tournament you contracted for.

Tournament information will be posted on the web by Thursday of next week. Keep checking the web often for important updates.

Jan. 27, 2007

1. Elishia Beckman
2. Michael Berger
3. Michelle Bradley
4. Dan Bungert
5. Kelly Cole
6. Amanda Esades
7. Erin Hunecke
8. Emily Julik
9. Joe Julik
10. Alya Jurewicz
11. Alex Kalina
12. Adam Kunkel
13. Ryan Longley
14. Chris McNeil
15. Matt Nelson
16. Zach Panzer
17. Rachel Peterson
18. Sarah Rosenthal
19. Hope Sabroski
20. Julie Schmidt
21. Lizzie Schwegman
22. Emily Schwegman
23. Tiegan Shreve
24. Simon Skluzacek
25. Melissa Sweere
26. Roslyn Udairam
27. Jillian Vanderveld
28. Jake Verduzco
29. Claire Wardrop

Thursday, January 18, 2007


As of 1/19/07, these people are still missing the following. You will not be registered for any tournaments until these obligations are taken care of. Eden Prairie(Jan. 27) registration is going in at 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. If you don’t have these things taken care of, you will not be going. This will continue until all obligations are fulfilled.

Contracts (Gold, turn in to Waterston in A109)
Kailey Benson
Tyler Davis
Mo Gaitan
JoVanna Jensen
Ashley Koch
Carissa VanSlooten

FEE ($90, turn in to Mrs. Christoffer)
Kailey Benson
Sebastian Bergeron
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Ashley Koch
Kati Nylund

Forms (Eligibility and emergency, turn in to Mrs. C.)
Danielle Dumonceaux
Ashley Koch
Hope Sabroski
***Even if you’ve filled these out for another activity, go in and verify that with Mrs. C.!***

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dassel-Cokato Information

We are down to 27 competitors this Saturday, but that’s FINE!!! We will still have tons of fun. Dassel is far, so we are leaving at 6 A.M. SHARP! (We WILL leave without you!!!) Be dressed for success and ready to dazzle. The bus will pick us up at the upper parking lot doors (this is different from last year). The building will be closed, however, so make sure you have everything you need.

There are no finals at this tourney, so we should be home around 3:30. Bring lunch or money for concessions. Call my cell (952) 451-7976 if you are sick or have questions Friday night/Saturday morning.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waterston's Open Practice

In preparing for our first tournament, I will be holding an open practice session on Thursday, Jan. 18th at 3:30 for anyone in any category to come practice with me and their peers. This session is for people competing at Dassel only. Those people are listed on a previous post. ANY category, even if I'm not your regular coach.

Tournament Calendar

I have had some requests for a tournament calendar (even though you were told to copy your contracts for your records before turning it in...) Below is the still tentative schedule. It is tentative because neither of the St. Cloud tournaments are set in stone (meaning they don't even yet know if they're hosting them). Regardless of location, there WILL be tournaments on all of these dates. Print this and put it on your fridge for quick reference :-)

Sat. Jan. 20- Dassel Cokato (registration closed)
Sat. Jan. 27- Eden Prairie (registration closes this Friday)
Sat. Feb. 3- LAKEVILLE SOUTH (home tournament...even if not competing you must help out to letter)
Sat. Feb. 10- St. Cloud? Apple Valley? TBD
Sat. Feb. 17- Forest Lake
Sat. Feb. 24- MSU-Mankato
Sat. Mar. 3- Lakeville North
Fri. Mar. 9- NFL at Eagan (limited events, by selection only)
Sat. Mar. 10- Eagan (separate tournament from Friday's; open to all)
Sat. Mar. 17- Centennial (Circle Pines)
Sat. Mar. 24- St. Cloud? TBD
Thur. Apr. 12- Sections at Northfield (by selection only; you WILL miss school if selected)
Sat. Apr. 21- State at South St. Paul (1st, 2nd, 3rd place at sections competes at State)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Dassel Roster

These 30 people are the people who ARE going to Dassel on Saturday. Tournament details will be posted on the website by Thursday of this week. If you had turned in a contract indicating your availability for Dassel, and you are NOT on this list, you failed to turn in either your eligibility form or your fee. Make sure you get these in in time for the next tournament.

January 20, 2007

Anderson, Kayla
Beckman, Elishia
Berger, Michael
Bradley, Michelle
Cole, Kelly
Doyle, Mick
Fideler, Kori
Harris, Ali
Hunecke, Erin
Julik, Joe
Kalina, Alex
Keil, Christian
Kunkel, Adam
Longley, Ryan
McNeil, Chris
Nelson, Matt
Nelson, Shawn
Panzer, Zach
Rosenthal, Sarah
Schmidt, Julie
Schwartz, Mikaela
Schwegman, Lizzie
Schwegman, Emily
Skaggs, Sam
Skluzacek, Simon
Udairam, Roslyn
Vanderveld, Jillian
Verduzco, Jake
Wardrop, Claire
Yevette Willaert

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg Jan. 16th and 18th

Practice this week will be all about delivery. Interpers-Mount scripts on black paper, ask Ms. Waterston. I expect a performance, NOT A DRY READ.

PA'ers-Mount scripts, I expect to see new drafts of the scripts by Sunday night.

I will be sending more scripts back to you with new arrangements and first drafts of intro.

Tuesday Jan. 16
2:30 Chris McNeil
3:00 Claire Wardrop
3:30 Mick Doyle
4:30 Shawn Nelson

Thursday Jan. 18
2:30 Erin Hunecke
3:00 Dan Bungurt
3:30 Shawn Nelson
4:00 Sarah Rosenthal
4:30 Hope Salbroski
5:00 Matt Nelson

Friday, January 12, 2007


If you ordered apparel (tees, sweatshirts, sweatpants) you can pick it up in Waterston's classroom any time after Friday noon. Everyone should plan on wearing their shirts, pants, etc. on Friday, Jan. 19.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dassel Registration

Currently, the following people are the only ones going to Dassel on Jan. 20. If you’d like this to change, then you need to bring me your contract, or bring your fee and forms to Mrs. Christoffer by then end of Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

Michelle Bradley
Mick Doyle
Kori Fideler
Erin Hunecke
Alex Kalina
Christian Keil
Adam Kunkel
Ryan Longley
Chris McNeil
Shawn Nelson
Zach Panzer
Sarah Rosenthal
Julie Schmidt
Sam Skaggs
Simon Skluzacek
Roslyn Udairam
Jake Verduzco
Claire Wardrop
Yevette Willaert

See the list below for details of what you are missing if you are not on this list.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Okay folks, the first tournament registration is due Friday at 4:00. Anyone who has not turned in contracts to me, or money and forms to the activity office will NOT attend the tournament, either as a spectator or a competitor. This could affect your lettering progress. I cannot stress this enough: GET THESE THINGS IN NOW!!! You are NOT an official member of the team until these things are in. Read the lists below even if you THINK you’ve paid, turned things in, etc. You may be wrong, or we may have a technical error of some sort. List updated 1/11/07.

Contracts (gold sheet, return to Waterston in A109)

Kayla Anderson
Kailey Benson
Sebastian Bergeron
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Marcela (Mo) Gaitan
Ali Harris
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Emily Julik
Ashley Koch
Rachel Peterson
Lizzie Schwegman
Melissa Sweere
Carissa Van Slooten

Payment ($90, due to activity office)
Kayla Anderson
Elishia Beckman
Kailey Benson
Michael Berger
Sebastian Bergeron
Kelly Cole
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Lauren Geier
Abbie Gudmundson
John Hilsen
JoVanna Jensen
Emily Julik
Joe Julik
Alya Jurewicz
Ashley Koch
Matt Nelson
Kati Nylund
Rachel Peterson
Starla Rajavuori
Mikaela Schwartz
Lizzie Schwegman
Emily Schwegman
Joe Shim
Melissa Sweere
Jillian Vanderveld

Eligibility and Emergency Forms (due to activity office)

Kayla Anderson
Elishia Beckman
Tyler Davis
Danielle Dumonceaux
Kori Fideler
Alya Jurewicz
Ashley Koch
Matt Nelson
Rachel Peterson
Hope Sabroski (eligibility only)
Emily Schwegman
Joe Shim (eligibility only)
Jillian Vanderveld

Monday, January 08, 2007

Coaching with Ms. Berg this week

Please bring all of your research if you are an informer or a GS'er
Please bring the script of your performance if you are an DI'er or a Poet.

I need typed written hard copies or your practice time will be spent typing them.

I have not heard from one of my Drama kids in two weeks, you know who you are.

January 9, 2007
2:00 Elishia
2:30 Shawn
3:00 Claire
4:00 Hope
5:00 Mick
6:00 Dan

January 11, 2007
2:30 Dan
3:00 Erin
3:30 Shawn
4:00 Emilia
4:30 Sarah
5:00 Matt

Waterston's Practice Schedule and DUO

I believe we now have a set schedule for all events:
Monday-Creative Ex.
Tuesday- Disco
*All practices begin at 2:30 and finish when we are done. (Usually about 4-4:30)

For ANYONE interested in doing a DUO this year, please read the following:

1. In order to do a duo, you must have a completed first event, as duo is ONLY for double-entering.
2. Come to my room this THURSDAY, Jan. 11th to meet about starting practice.
3. Even if you don't have a partner lined up, come if you are interested.
4. Bring any pieces you are considering.
5. Thursdays will be DUO days, so plan that into your schedule.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Attention: Extemp Readers, Humor and Prose

I need to permanently move our Thursday practices to Tuesdays. If you would like to/are able to practice on Tuesdays please let me know!
Yes, we will still be doing our regular Monday and Wednesday practies.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Judges Training Session

If your parents have volunteered to judge tournaments this year, please remind them of the training session on Tuesday, January 9th in the lecture hall. Training will begin at 5 PM and should take 1-2 hours.

Wednesday Practice

Come at 2:30 today instead, as my faculty meeting was cancelled.

OO and Extemp

Jan 3, 4, 5
You will file and do more practice speeches at 5PM in the IMC of South. On the 3rd, we'll be in the lab across the hallway from the IMC. I also sent you an email with more detailed instructions.

Jan 5
Simon, Lizzie, Abbie, and Sarah -- You 4 should plan to meet with me at 4PM in the IMC of South for an hour.

Dan, Emily, and Andrew -- Once debate sections are over, we can meet some more.

Poetry, Info, GS, and DI Practice Thursday!

I will be on campus from 2:30-5:00 on Thursday and I expect to see all of you throughout the afternoon. Here is the plan...

We will be meeting in the Media Center. During this time you will type your script and start rough drafts. By the end of Thursday we should have tangible performance to start polishing.

A permanent practice schedule will be arranged tomorrow afternoon. If you feel like you are freaking out because you do not have a firm idea, don't worry, I will have one for you.

If you have questions, is the place to ask them.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just Kidding!

As it turns out, I am completely off my rocker and am supposed to be in Rochester tomorrow afternoon, but I WILL be around Thursday for ANYONE who wants some speech time.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Just wanted to remind everyone that we WILL be having practice on Wednesday. This is the schedule I have so far: 2:30 Sam S.
3:00 Mikaela S
3:30 Kayla
I will stick around for a while, so if anyone wants some speech time, be there.
For the 3 who are on this list, if you can't make it for any reason PLEASE let me know or you owe me gas money :)
See you Wednesday!

Waterston's Practice Schedule

Due to a family emergency, I am unable to practice on Thursday. Instead, I'm going to be available at the following times:

Open practice for duo and creative expression

Storytelling (be prepared to tell a story)

Discussion (meet in my room, I will open up a lab for research)

Open practice for duo and creative expression